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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. I think it would look better with a navy jersey and grey pants, but that's just me.
  2. Adding to this: 'Look what they did' is a horrible reason/excuse.
  3. Repeat after me. Teams don't care about what the opponent is wearing when they select their uniform. Notable exception-those teams who think the Dallas blue jerseys are jinxed (narrator voice - the Dallas blue jerseys are not, in fact, jinxed).
  4. Sorry - that wasn't a shot. I was calling you a visionary.
  5. Have you seen the stuff that mascots do? Worse yet, how about what happens at low level sporting events? Surely you heard about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUNAUqY7GGs
  6. Clearly you don't know the story about the Mariner Moose. This link stops short of showing the injury. https://makeagif.com/i/JADJsr
  7. If I were emperor, you'd be able to post these in a locked thread for posterity's sake. I enjoy the look for capturing a glance at the week. I hate the constant predictions (it has only served to increase the numbers of ignored posters that I have). I completely recognize that I am one who has 'groused' about the numbers used. When I first did it, I hoped that I clearly stated it was 'all in good fun'. The more recent issue should have been let to die sooner than it was.
  8. Fans: Angel Hernandez sucks. MLB: Angel Hernandez sucks. https://sports.yahoo.com/mlb-argues-that-blown-calls-cost-angel-hernandez-world-series-work-in-pointed-rebuke-of-his-work-as-an-umpire-052637888.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall
  9. per Twitter: Aug 29, 2001 Serena Williams wins at US Open, Albert Pujols hits a HR and Vlad Guerrero Sr, Craig Biggio & Dante Bichette all record a hit. Aug 29, 2022 Serena Williams wins at US Open, Albert Pujols hits a HR and Vlad Guerrero Jr, Cavan Biggio & Bo Bichette all record a hit.
  10. The rest of the Big Ten views Scott Frost the way the NFC Central fans used to view Wayne Fontes
  11. They would have had more white in the uniform, but Bret Bielema ate it.
  12. I didn't understand your original point, so I asked about it. Then I disagreed with your opinion, cuz that is what we do here. We discuss things. See @oldschoolvikings post also.
  13. Picked this up today at Goodwill. Couldn't believe it when I saw it mixed in among some ice cream sundae souvenir helmets. There's a crack in the bottom that I didn't notice, but don't care. The coin plug is missing, but I figure I can find one. Probably putting this on Ebay soon.
  14. Sure. But your last sentence isn't what you said, unless you think the Niners all black, Packers all green, or Falcons current uniform are tradional. Feel free to get mad when someone asks for clarification. I don't care.
  15. Thanks. Now I can disagree on the substance. Both the Jets and Falcons have elements that look out of place. The Jets have those spiky things that would work better with their 1978 logo, not one that is without angles. They also have the (IMO) random inclusion of black elements so that they can introduce their black uniform. The Falcons have a chrome facemask where the only other chrome is a small amount in the logo. They use an overly large nickname on the jersey. As to the wrong color balance for SF? That's simply the wrong color. I don't believe their black uniforms would have been so hated if they were red or white (more representative of their team colors).
  16. We can only hope for a Winnipeg / San Jose Western Final.
  17. I don't care if this really happened or not. This is awesome!
  18. I'm not sure how those are related in your mind. Care to explain? 1 - People generally seemed opposed to a team like Green Bay, Las Vegas or Chicago from participating in color rush as their uniforms are (again, generally) considered timeless or not to be tinkered with. 2 - The Niners used a color that, while on their helmet, isn't really a team color. 3 - I have no idea where you're going with the Falcons uniform.
  19. It's all about PJ Fleck, not the school. Once he rows his boat out of there, all of the oar imagery will be gone. Hopefully uniforms that are oddly colored will be as well
  20. I take it that is a good quote, but not what he ACTUALLY believes
  21. I don't have pictures, but I took a tour of the Bucks' locker room once. The part that was interesting is how they pointed out that the lockers and entire facility, really, was designed for above average human beings. Once they said that, you realized that lockers were a bit bigger. Counters and such were a bit taller.
  22. You say 'I don't understand why leagues keep failing', and in the next sentence you say 'Don't they know they need to have money saved up'. Then you ask why people aren't learning their lesson? What part of that lesson haven't you learned? You state that you don't understand why leagues keep failing, yet you seem to know that they don't have the money. Then, you say that 'Don't they know they need to have money saved up' followed by 'but it just won't stick' in the same sentence. Which one is it (answer - it doesn't work). I love low level football. I've worked in the AIFA, CIFL, MSFL. I was a season ticket holder for 5 years (2-hour drive one way to games) for af2. Fans in general want to watch THEIR Team. Typically, that is their high school or college (not to mention the NFL), whether the one they attended or the one that they have a connection to for whatever reason. Those of us who love this type of football AREN'T indicative of the larger fanbase. Spring football won't work because it doesn't have this connection. I'm not doing this to pick on you. I'm doing this because I truly don't understand your statement (as evidenced by my questioning of it now and my laughing at it when it was posted. I get it - you love this stuff and have worked it as well. That doesn't change the whole need for money.
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