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Everything posted by Sec19Row53

  1. I don't know that this is the reason, but teams frequently use old equipment, pants especially, for practice gear. They'd certainly look better on field with striped pants, but nobody asked me.
  2. Max file size is listed as .2 MB. I thought they had to be hosted as opposed to uploaded, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
  3. Where are the photos stored that you are using for your profile? What size and quality are they?
  4. Each league ought to be maximizing their ability to succeed, not be concerned about a possible merger with another league.
  5. And throwing their hands in the air saying What?
  6. Tampa Bay gonna lose another goal. While the first was PROBABLY right without video evidence, the second is pretty clear.
  7. I think it's less how important the black is, and more how used to it we are. If we flip it around and the Avs changed to black following 20 years of blue, I think the general consensus here would be of OMG BFBS.
  8. I'd be curious to know how many season ticket holders they have now, and what percentage they think they can retain. Or are they just starting from scratch?
  9. I've come to dislike the Tampa Bay helmet. The vents on many models compete with the logo, muddying what it is. I think it would work better if the logo were a solid color (i.e., all filled in, one color, no glimpse of the helmet through the logo).
  10. Agreed. I foolishly think of Sportscenter as a news show about sports. On that basis, I expect it to cover things that ESPN doesn't cover (like the NHL in the past, Arena Football when it was still worth saving, the USFL now). I'm wrong of course, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't bug me.
  11. A look into Packer season tickets and their lack of turnover. That's a neat golden ticket they send out when your name finally comes up on the list. https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/story/news/2022/05/20/twice-many-get-packers-season-tickets-but-over-140-000-waiting/9510134002/
  12. No surprise that this is where they land. After all, ESPN hasn't covered the USFL at all. Here's why.
  13. Thanks. It's where I assumed you would go, and I don't disagree with the assessment (you make your points really well, by the way). I just have a hard time accepting dark jerseys as the norm.
  14. Hmm - why do you think so? I'm genuinely curious..
  15. Agreed - but I think there's a big difference between sand, powder blue, and then 'non-light' away jerseys such as blue, red, navy, black... I like the aesthetic of grey on the road. Non-grey that isn't powder blue or sand strikes me as lower level where teams only have one jersey. Yes, I'm old. I might need to use that line often. I also recognize that other people will disagree with my opinion. You aren't wrong to disagree, but I'm not wrong to not like it:-)
  16. I don't understand why anyone cares on this, other than that it involves Bill Belichek.
  17. @canzman thanks for your hard work. I don't say that enough during the season because the thread gets overrun with predictions, so I don't always visit.
  18. Yes, they are. Green Bay also used that font at times in the 60s.
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