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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. That's what I'd been waiting for! I knew Vegas had that kind of offensive press in them...and they finally went there and are straight wearing the.Panthers out. Sure, there's 20 game minutes left, but this is the very definition of "beating the brakes off" somebody here. EDIT: make that 6-1 now with that last goal! Wonder whether Maurice will send Bob back out there for the final period or not now...
  2. I'd say blue dome/black shirt/blue pants/black socks, with white shirts swapping out with black shirts on the road, and blue alt shirt to be worn with black pants. Yes, of course they'd inevitably wear black over black if black pants were an option, but I think I'd still like that basic setup the best.
  3. I can't prove this, seeing as how I'm neither a Vancouver item nor a canuck, but from what I recall reading through the Creamery way back when, the angst of those who didn't/don't care for the orca logo is sourced in why the orca is even in their logo in the first place. Kinda the same thing with the Jets' primary logo, only without anywhere near the derision. Having said that, my personal little tidbit of an issue with the Canucks' logo/identity (not that it matters to me one way or the other since as previously mentioned I'm neither a/ a Vancouverite nor b/ a canuck) is the same one that I have with the Dallas Stars: the uniform design and the logo design don't fit together. Like, at all. Two completely different stylistic directions that don't sync. But that's just my two rusted Lincolns on the matter...
  4. For what I have to say about it, their entire identity, save for the typeface of their *primary* uniforms, is about as forgettable as it gets. That said, those 2023 city sets are probably a decent base to build from—or would be if either the Nuggets organization or the NBA/Nike cared anything about building/preserving brand equity. Anyway, I've never really paid much mind to the City sets to know what was going on with them, so I went back and looked again at their "story" and, well... First of all, teams/organizations throw the word "iconic" around WAY too much. I've been to Denver's Union Station several times and I don't think even Denverites think of that signage as "iconic". That said, regarding the actual inspiration, let's let the pictorial comparison do the talking here: I'd say that's a pretty great match...specifically in how the gradient effect of the side panels mimics both the color and the lighting effects on the brick facades of Union Station as pictured above. Now, I want someone to explain that random black swatch off-centered to the right on that waistband...and that little random "NUGGETS" wordmark on the side panels is completely unnecessary (and yet a recent hallmark of Nike "modern" design language—reference the same type of thing on the new Cardinals uniforms). That to the side, it seems as if this set's design inspiration was based around and extrapolated from the railroad station itself/railroads in general...which I can actually get with considering the history of gold mining (or any kind of mining for that matter) involving rail cars. I like the overall idea, and if they were to base a new *primary* set on this idea, with the current *primary* font and a navy/dark blue base with the same burgundy trim—which by the way would sync nicely with the Avalanche, by the way—I think the Nuggets might be close to establishing a present-day (ahem *cough*) "iconic" and at any rate distinguishing look of their own.
  5. Different strokes for different folks, then. (Because it's easy to see where this line of discourse could go.) I know I've already discussed all my VGK gold sweater critique a page or two back in this thread somewhere, but the gold sweaters would be much more tolerable if it didn't contain so much white. Somewhere within the several pages preceding this one I posted someone's mockup that basically swapped the current gold-sweater sleeves with the ones from the gray sweaters, with gray in place of the gold and a red stripe around the hem. I actually think that would make all that gold more tolerable. (Again, if you haven't seen it in person, its far more shimmery than what pictures show...a bit too much for my taste. But the local fans—and I'm sure a good amount of outsiders—absolutely love it simply because it's so shimmery.)
  6. Thanksgiving Day Classics is what you're thinking of—well that and certain anniversary events. (I also wish the NFL would bring that back, too.) That said, I remember clear as day the first creamsicle throwback game down in Tampa back in 2009...it was versus Green Bay, in direct sunlight, a few weekends ahead of Thanksgiving. And it was a thing of beauty: (Tampa somehow won that game, by the way...and pretty handily. And yes i still have my "authentic" creamsicle throwback jersey from back then, as well...never getting rid of that. )
  7. Okay, so Vegas pulled that one out—but good doggone, man! How do you not advance the puck into the offensive zone one time in five whole minutes?? Not once?? That's gonna be the thing that kills them if they blow this lead—not asserting themselves on OFFENSE as a result of spending way too much time guarding the defensive zone. And I mean it is maddeningly frustrating to watch. Florida skate in and whoever skates in keeps the puck on the stick and has a mind to put it on net. Vegas? Nah...they just wanna dump it down ice, or across ice, with no one around to corral it...and then skate right back to their defensive zone. I think they sometimes forget they're the bigger and deeper team and just let those cats nip and nip and nip. Anyway, it's over now, I can relax a lil' bit ...back to Vegas for Game 5. They better find what they found for games 1 and 2 and assert it early and all game, or they'll find themselves on the wrong side of a game six quick.
  8. AND...in what has been a maddeningly frustrating habit of theirs all postseason—and it was on full display again last game and it's beginning to creep up again in this game—they spent entirely too much time camped out in their own defensive zone. I don't know what their major issue is with this, but at times (like, most of it), they seem more content to defend Adin Hill and the net than aggressively mount offensive rushes...and then when they do go on offense, they can't seem to keep possession of the puck. The killing thing is they're far more than capable of asserting their dominance in the offensive zone, on the forecheck, like they did in games 1 and 2, but for some reason they seem to want to default to defense...and when they do that, that's when they get into trouble. It should be common sense, but...anyway, if they lose this Finals, that'll be the main reason why.
  9. You know, so...as much as I like the idea of the red helmets for Buffalo, recently I've come around on and actually prefer—vastly—the neo-'70s (aka current) sets. Now, I do wonder what the Champion block numbers would look like on those, but...at any rate, if the Bills would just 86 the navy—every trace of it, and even the midnight dreams of it—so the red can stand out more, that would turn that uniform into an A+ set.
  10. Agreed on the MLS support; that's ABQ's (and, for that matter, New Mexico's) best bet at a top-level pro sports franchise. That said, with the expansion fees creeping ever close to that "B" mark (that'd be the "billion" mark), it's gonna take, as stated, a WHOLE LOT of money from some group of somebodies somewhere who want to see MLS—or a theoretical NBA team—in NM, and I don't know who, if anyone, in NM got loot like that. That said, ABQ may be isolated geographically, but it ain't like it's the only town around; Santa Fe is barely an hour north and I believe people from Las Cruces could be persuaded to roadtrip three hours north for the right reasons. (I base that off having spent a fair amount of time in all three locales and elsewhere in NM.) We can scratch this one right now. DSM, even as a metro, doesn't have anywhere near the population base—or dedicated wealth. And before someone brings up market size in comparison to OKC, recall that the only reason OKC has that team is because the owner who moved the team there was from OKC. College sports, though, are a big thing there. (And by the way, Ames isn't that far from DSM; it's barely 40 miles. Iowa City on the other hand is a good 120 or so—and yet even with that 80% of DSM still sports the black rather than the cardinal with their gold.) Speaking of moving teams, I'm going to again advocate my case for Omaha...though, in reality, much like the OKC situation it'll take an owner[ship group] with some kind of ties to the Omaha area to move one there (or fight like a mug for a future expansion franchise, which I just can't see happening unless the money is more than right). It's about 370 miles from the next nearest current NBA team (the T-wolves—and we'll see how long they stick around, hence the "current"), which means that like the KC Chiefs they can enjoy a large swath of territorial support, and the town is practically frothing at the mouth for their own pro sports team, whatever it may be. (Wait—is this the season thread or the pointless realignment outpost? )
  11. Well shoot...you know what? That's the ultimate flip...dude hustled himself into a monetized living meme...for that, I'll give him his .
  12. The killing thing is I don't know whether he's full-on playing up the character at this point or straight-up being himself...
  13. Edited for accuracy. Plus, much of the fanbase absolutely HATED it. This I know from personal experience.
  14. It'll break mine and Joe Namath's, too...
  15. The definition of "phoned it in". (This is also what happens when you obligate yourself to creating new stuff every single year...at some point something is gonna get, well, phoned in.) (And also: what sleuth snuck in and snapped/leaked these, hrmmm??)
  16. Watch that be a whole lot of nothing....
  17. Has Pbil Knight expressed or hinted at any interest in owning a hockey club, or is that just speculation? (I genuinely don't know, that's why I ask.)
  18. I hear Memphis may be in need of a veteran point guard...
  19. Well, "CF" Miami is only about a half-degree removed from either, so... ...And actually, had they come right out the gate with CF Miami, I MIGHT have been cool with that. Sure it'd have been every bit as derivative, but it would at least have been halfway unique. Instead, they went the (also predictable) try-too-hard route and tacked "Inter" onto the front for a name that doesn't even roll off the tongue well at all. Ah, whatevs...as if they care what some trucker-type in the northern plains has to say about their silly little name. They do at least have one of the better badges in MLS, though. And side note, but check it: anyone else notice the two Florida teams, if/when they play each other, will be pink vs purple? That's just hilarious to me on several different levels...
  20. Just stopping by to reiterate just how dumb/derivative the name "Inter Miami" is... ...That's all.
  21. Uhhh...and why exactly are we discussing giving Atlanta a team for the third time now???
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