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Virenque wins 10th stage


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French T.V. crew tried to break into Lance Armstrongs hotel room before thursday's stage, to try and find evidence that he's doping, although through every test ever done, the man has come out clean.

THOSE particular french people (99.9% of the population) suck...

So, the great majority of French people suck, because someone breaks into someone's apartment?

So, because of the Watergate break in, 99% of Americans suck? :rolleyes:

Not entirely sure but JQK might have been kidding!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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wait till the mountains and the individual time trials and Armstrong will come to the top again! Either that or Jan Ullrich will!!

French riders fairly often win on Bastille Day, but his could well be the first time in a whikle they have had a stage winner and yellow jersey on bastille day.

Saintsfan's T de F update- after 3 days inb the 'real' mountains Lance Armstrong now has a 4 minute lead! Hate to say I told you so byut well, I did!!!! :D:P


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Yeah, he's won three striaght stages, including the individual time trial yesterday. Insanity. He's sixth in sprinter points, never mind second in mountain points. And, of course, holding onto the maillot jeune.

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On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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There was no doubt. Lance is the greatest ever on a bike, at the most difficult athletic event.

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Yeah, he's won three striaght stages, including the individual time trial yesterday. Insanity. He's sixth in sprinter points, never mind second in mountain points. And, of course, holding onto the maillot jeune.

The 'sprinters' points jersey isn't specifically for sprinters. Originally it was inventeed to reward the most consistent performers on ythe tour, rather than just the guys who would race away with one or two stage wins and get enough support to win the tiour, or do well in the general classification- however it tends to reward sprinters more nowadays as the peleton tends to stay together more than it did! However the sprinters struggle to get over the mountains and often don't finish the tour!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Does anybody know what happened to Marco Pantani?? I used to like him, and then from my perspective, he just disappeared. :(

Sad to report that Pantani, the last man tio win the T de F before Lance Armstrong, died in february of this year. here is a link for ya



2011/12 WFL Champions

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Does anybody know what happened to Marco Pantani?? I used to like him, and then from my perspective, he just disappeared. :(

Sad to report that Pantani, the last man tio win the T de F before Lance Armstrong, died in february of this year. here is a link for ya


GASP!!!! :shocked: :shocked: That is insane I do not recall hearing anything about that!! That is too bad, he was a great cyclist! :cry:

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