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NHL Hitz Expansion Project - (27/60) PARIS NATIONALES (5/03/2017)


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6 minutes ago, Uglybus said:

Mariana Trench. Played in an underwater dome at the ocean floor. 

That's the weird that I like!


I like the seals! Interesting

Welcome to Kansas, where you can see your future, literally.



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Awesome job on the Seals, I really like the sublimated whisker stripes and the arrows formed on the arm and hem stripes.  The angled chest stripe on the third jersey looks great as well.


If you want a weird location, how about a team in outer space, like on the Moon or Mars.


stevengrantdesign.blogspot.com - Twitter: @StevenGrant94 - Instagram: @stevengrant94


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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, everybody. The die has been cast, and all the teams in the next phase of the Hitz Project have been decided. No more suggestions will be accepted, or taken seriously. Violators will be beaten, quickly and violently, with rubber chickens. Not every team name made the cut - you'll have to keep your eyes peeled to see if your team made it.


Now, since it's Monday, and everybody hates Mondays, here's a double-dose of Hitz.


First, the Banff Golden Suns. This team was created as a farm team of both the Maui Kahunas and the Victoria Seagulls, but tore up the affiliation agreement and went solo. The unis take inspiration from both.


Here they are.





And the team's lineup. The team's main sore spot is in net. Danny Barber is okay, but not always reliable - like his backups. The defense is solid, led by Isaac Stambouli, and the top six forwards lead the charge, especially Hitz League All-Star Francois Lavertiere.


When you play in Banff, you have the luxury of playing - and living in - one of the most beautiful places in the world. The Golden Suns' home rink is one of the most breathtaking in the league, on Moraine Lake in Banff National Park.



The team plays in a boarded off area in the southern part of the lake, where a snowy berm and temporary stands on the lake give the fans a great view of the action. Some players have complained that Moraine Lake's clear-freezing ice makes it hard to track the puck, but the Golden Suns have grown used to it, giving them a home-ice advantage.


Since the lake doesn't fully freeze until around early December, the Golden Suns play most of their first games either on the road, or at a smaller rink in nearby Lake Louise.


And while you're in Banff, don't forget to do three things: rent a snowboard or some skis, grab some sweets at Mountain Chocolates (OH DEAR GOD THEY'RE GOOD), and buy a few team t-shirts.



We're going to the land of Dorothy and dust bowls for the next team. Which you can find right below this.

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...And here's the next team, the Wichita Bombers - as suggested by @RedfieldNick.


The team has an Air Force theme, which fits the name, and Wichita's own Air Force tradition.


Here are the unis.





And the lineup. The team doesn't really have any big stars, but is very consistent throughout the lineup. Russ Anselmetti keeps the net clear - while he's healthy. His replacements, Canadians Gregg Cunningham and Ron Lofland, aren't nearly as good. First line centre Hank Michelakis isn't very fast, but he gets tons of chances from zippy wingers Dustin Cleveland and Zack Ignacz. Forward Jerome Kranewitter, a former powerlifter, is one of the heaviest players in the league at 280 pounds, and punches like few others.




The Bombers play at a rink on the tarmac of McConnell Air Force base in Wichita.


The team plays on the main area of the base, located in the north-eastern part of the runway complex. Games are one of the very few times civilians are allowed unconditional access to the facility - unless they wander into restricted areas, of course. Multiple smaller rinks are set up south of the main rink each year for local minor hockey teams and practices.


And of course, this wouldn't be a Hitz Project unveiling without a set of team t-shirts.



The next team will be another user-requested team, named after a curious little animal on the West Coast. It's gonna be an ooey-gooey good time.

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7 hours ago, Eric Westhaver said:

...And here's the next team, the Wichita Bombers - as suggested by @RedfieldNick.


The team has an Air Force theme, which fits the name, and Wichita's own Air Force tradition.


Here are the unis.





And the lineup. The team doesn't really have any big stars, but is very consistent throughout the lineup. Russ Anselmetti keeps the net clear - while he's healthy. His replacements, Canadians Gregg Cunningham and Ron Lofland, aren't nearly as good. First line centre Hank Michelakis isn't very fast, but he gets tons of chances from zippy wingers Dustin Cleveland and Zack Ignacz. Forward Jerome Kranewitter, a former powerlifter, is one of the heaviest players in the league at 280 pounds, and punches like few others.




The Bombers play at a rink on the tarmac of McConnell Air Force base in Wichita.


The team plays on the main area of the base, located in the north-eastern part of the runway complex. Games are one of the very few times civilians are allowed unconditional access to the facility - unless they wander into restricted areas, of course. Multiple smaller rinks are set up south of the main rink each year for local minor hockey teams and practices.


And of course, this wouldn't be a Hitz Project unveiling without a set of team t-shirts.



The next team will be another user-requested team, named after a curious little animal on the West Coast. It's gonna be an ooey-gooey good time.

This is awesome! I would love to see this in action!! Great work!

Welcome to Kansas, where you can see your future, literally.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Oh, it's been too long. Let's fix that.


Our next team, as requested by @nwtrailtrekker, is one of our cluster of Pacific Northwest teams, the Seattle Geoducks.


The Geoduck is this weird, burrowing clam with one giant, long appendage hanging off of it. To be honest, they look a little phallic. Pretty funny.


I used that long... thing to form an 'S' in the logo.


Here are the unis.






A very earth-toney, basic look with washed-out green and shades of gold and brown. 


Here's the team roster. The team is very... average. The goaltending isn't that great. The captain is Sherman Kaplan, a fast player who can beat the crap out of opponents. He plays with the offensively-gifted forward Franklin Ramsay, and fast skaters Otis Isbell and Jakob Albrektsson.


Here's what the home rink looks like for the Geoducks.


Yep, that's right. The Geoducks play on the top deck of a ferry, running a route through Puget Sound. The boards go all the way up to the side of the deck, and players have occasionally been checked over the boards into the Sound below. The barge is stopped at the next whistle for a designated employee on a jetski to come pluck them out.


Stands are set up at the bow and stern of the ferry, and fans can either watch the game on the deck or at a designated viewing area with large TV screens on the shore.


And some of those fans enjoy wearing team merchandise.



"Geoduck yourself!"


Our next team is down in the swampy bayou. The next team is so tough, not even death can stop them. See you then.


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I never thought I'd ever see a concept on here based on the geoduck, but here we are!  A well done identity for sure!  The earthy look works very well with Seattle, though I wonder if a little blue would've made it look a little better.  Regardless, great work on this!


Drink water and try to have fun!

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I'm not a huge hockey fan, and the uniforms in the sport have always been less visually appealing to me than those of football, baseball, and basketball. However, that having been said, this thread/project has been AWESOME! It looks like you've had a lot of fun with this, and it also looks to me like the designers of the original game had a lot of fun with it, too. I've thoroughly enjoyed this project and am looking forward to seeing the rest of it (the next 17 teams)!

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On 10/7/2016 at 10:19 PM, Jimmy Lethal said:

God, I love this thread. Happy to see Kev and I's Milwaukee unis inspired Winnipeg. Keep it up!

Speaking of that thread, u guys need to bring it back! I loved all of it.

Welcome to Kansas, where you can see your future, literally.



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