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NFL Fields - 2024 Week 6


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6 hours ago, brathwaiteboy25 said:

Astrodome 1995-1997-Season fGnwVEH.jpg


5 hours ago, brathwaiteboy25 said:

Joe Robbie Stadium 1995 Season En7xOHW.jpg


These look pretty good, but I think you're off on the size and positioning of a number of these logos.

This was a playoff field for Houston in 1993


The font for the text in the endzones is the same as they're wordmark at the time, and I imagine this did not change between '93 and '95. I think you have a similar problem with the font for the endzone text for the Atlanta and New Orleans fields as well; they're close, but they the same as what was used on the field. The helmet logo at midfield was not as large as you have it. Same thing goes for the midfield logos you have on all the fields you've posted. The right logo, but far too large and not centered properly. The Miami field has some extra white around the NFL logo, and it looks like you have the placement of the logos in the endzone a bit different from each other, and slightly off. Looks like the AFC logo and circles in the endzones are slightly stretched also.


These have been good fields, that cover the basics of what was on the field, and it gives a good sense as to what the fields looked like, but they just need some tweeks here and there to make them accurate.

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Yea, the helmet logo for the Oilers was very small compared to most other fields of the time. It fit just inside of the midfield hashmarks. While most other stadiums had a helmet logo that was well outside the hashmarks.


Edited by SFCOM1

"Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc!:  "After this, therefore, because of this."


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The yardline shields on those Raiders fields...I've long wondered if the NFL made em stop doing that or if Al simply got bored with it.  Probably the former, I guess.

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A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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