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I've seen it all now


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Ok, MSNBC live coverage of the olympics has just started and now I have seen everything possible with the olympics. There is an event for competitive walking . The event is called the race walk, and it;s like the marathon accept you guessed it your not allowd to run. This has to be the dumbest thing, I never knew speed walking was an olympic event.

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Ok, MSNBC live coverage of the olympics has just started and now I have seen everything possible with the olympics. There is an event for competitive walking . The event is called the race walk, and it;s like the marathon accept you guessed it your not allowd to run. This has to be the dumbest thing, I never knew speed walking was an olympic event.

No? Has been for some time... I think there was a controversey at the 1906 games in which the winner was said to have been actually running, so they held the race again, but the guy in 2nd in the original race couldn't compete because he was sick.... so he was upset.

Something like that!


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Ok, MSNBC live coverage of the olympics has just started and now I have seen everything possible with the olympics. There is an event for competitive walking . The event is called the race walk, and it;s like the marathon accept you guessed it your not allowd to run. This has to be the dumbest thing, I never knew speed walking was an olympic event.

No? Has been for some time... I think there was a controversey at the 1906 games in which the winner was said to have been actually running, so they held the race again, but the guy in 2nd in the original race couldn't compete because he was sick.... so he was upset.

Something like that!

I know it's been in previous games (they said so on the broadcast), I just haven't heard of it before tonight.

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how about highway litter pick up as an olympic sport?

flaming is always a nice sport. people takes turn flaming each other with insults.



General Magus Zeal

Leader of the Mystics of Medina.

The forums most hated member ever.

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I'd love to know how the invented this! 'Hey here is an idea guys, a race, but you can only go so fast!!'

Actually I quite like the race walking there, kind of gives a sense of the original modern games, which included events like standing long jump, boules, croquet and possibly even tiddlywinks!!!!!!!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Well, what they mean by walking is that your heel must touch the ground first, then your toes. If you've ever seen it, it's funny to watch...

...it's even better when you're smoking pot... but then again, that's always been an entertainment enhancer...

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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Well, what they mean by walking is that your heel must touch the ground first, then your toes. If you've ever seen it, it's funny to watch...

...it's even better when you're smoking pot... but then again, that's always been an entertainment enhancer...

Actually the rules state that the walker must be in contact with the ground at all times. Its quite often controversial as guys get disqualified 'on the road' while the contest is still going on, and people quite often get upset about things!!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Well, what they mean by walking is that your heel must touch the ground first, then your toes.  If you've ever seen it, it's funny to watch...

...it's even better when you're smoking pot... but then again, that's always been an entertainment enhancer...

Actually the rules state that the walker must be in contact with the ground at all times. Its quite often controversial as guys get disqualified 'on the road' while the contest is still going on, and people quite often get upset about things!!

Case in point: In Sydney, an female, Australian walker was leading near the end of the race. As she was just about to enter the stadium, a judge stops her and disqualifies her.

I should point out, you are allowed one warning. The second one will disqualify you.

I saw, I came, I left.

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how about highway litter pick up as an olympic sport?

I would think the Dutch team would be the best equipped team for this sport seeing as how their other athletic teams already wear safety orange colored uniforms.

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how about highway litter pick up as an olympic sport? 

I would think the Dutch team would be the best equipped team for this sport seeing as how their other athletic teams already wear safety orange colored uniforms.

Actually, the Americans would win. Michael Irvin, who has experience in this sorta thing I hear, would take the gold.

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Well, what they mean by walking is that your heel must touch the ground first, then your toes. If you've ever seen it, it's funny to watch...

...it's even better when you're smoking pot... but then again, that's always been an entertainment enhancer...

Yeah, maybe it could make JamesCraven funny... :rolleyes:

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Well, what they mean by walking is that your heel must touch the ground first, then your toes.  If you've ever seen it, it's funny to watch...

...it's even better when you're smoking pot... but then again, that's always been an entertainment enhancer...

Yeah, maybe it could make JamesCraven funny... :rolleyes:

This certainly doesn't :P:D


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Well, what they mean by walking is that your heel must touch the ground first, then your toes. If you've ever seen it, it's funny to watch...

...it's even better when you're smoking pot... but then again, that's always been an entertainment enhancer...

Yeah, maybe it could make JamesCraven funny... :rolleyes:

This certainly doesn't :P:D

I'm beginning to regret giving Craven that idea......

I saw, I came, I left.

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Ignoramuses, race walking is not just walking it is incredibly difficult and takes as much physical training as any running event. These are athletes not just casual walkers, next time you decide to make such ignorant comments on a subject you know nothing of, just shut it!

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Ok, MSNBC live coverage of the olympics has just started and now I have seen everything possible with the olympics. There is an event for competitive walking . The event is called the race walk, and it;s like the marathon accept you guessed it your not allowd to run. This has to be the dumbest thing, I never knew speed walking was an olympic event.

Try speed-walking sometime for one mile - keeping at least one foot in contact with the ground at all times. It's a legitimate sport.


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Ok, MSNBC live coverage of the olympics has just started and now I have seen everything possible with the olympics. There is an event for competitive walking . The event is called the race walk, and it;s like the marathon accept you guessed it your not allowd to run. This has to be the dumbest thing, I never knew speed walking was an olympic event.

Try speed-walking sometime for one mile - keeping at least one foot in contact with the ground at all times. It's a legitimate sport.

I actually tried it outside....it IS Very difficult.

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Yeah and the races are 20km and 50km

Uh, Break-Wood?

You are aware that the logo in your banner there is that of the Raleigh Ravens softball team... which since 1999 has been a copyrighted servicemark of my organization, ColtSport, Incorporated?

I'd appreciate it if you would cease using it - immediately.


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Yeah and the races are 20km and 50km

Uh, Break-Wood?

You are aware that the logo in your banner there is that of the Raleigh Ravens softball team... which since 1999 has been a copyrighted servicemark of my organization, ColtSport, Incorporated?

I'd appreciate it if you would cease using it - immediately.

In his defense, I don't think Break-Wood was aware the this football team was using a logo from some softball team he has never heard of.

About race walking, I can't imagine how their hips must feel after all these years of training that way.

I saw, I came, I left.

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