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Ken Caminiti Dead :(


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The story of steroids in baseball just took a sad turn I just heard on the radio that Ken Caminiti died of a heart attack :cry: . This is a shock, but with the news of his steroid use is gotta send a warning shot across the bow




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I'm sure all the cocaine he did has a little something to do with this. Sad none the less.


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press. It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of

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Holy crap...he was just saying how after this last brush with drugs he was gonna turn his life around...jeez.

Sucks that he'll be remembered more for the last few years of his life than his heyday...but hopefully people can learn from his mistakes.

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Unfortunately he'll be remembered more for admitting he used steroids over being a great player, as he was. He made mistakes, but I don't believe he ever blamed anyone else for his mistakes or pointed anyone out for using steroids, just said the league didn't do enough to stop it. It's a shame, I heard he was trying to turn it around as well.


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I wonder what the autopsy will reveal. I'm with Caolina Joe, I think it was the crack cocaine he was abusing that did him in. I'll remember him as a helluva 3rd baseman with a gun for a throwing arm.


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What I'm wondering is...What was he doing in a Hotel in The Bronx? A man who i'm sure still was financially sound was found in a Bronx Hotel?? I mean what would he be doing there? I'm originally from The Bronx, and when rich people make there way into areas they shouldnt be in..it makes me wonder why they were there in the first place..I just hope that for Kens sake, he died peacefully and he rests in peace. :cry:






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While this is certainly sad news, I hope it's going to do more to hinder steroid use and possible drug use in sports, and this is why: all the written and verbal warnings about why you shouldn't use steroids or drugs have fallen on many a deaf ear. But when you can put a face (and a recent one...8 years ago the league MVP) on an example of what can eventually happen, I think people will take notice of this.

Caminiti was only 41. He's still young. And barely removed from his playing career, so he is still mentioned every now and then, especially when talking about some of his former teammates, Jeff Bagwell and Craig Biggio. To all those who think they're invincible from the long term effects of steroids, just read today's obituary. I'm sure the cocaine use didn't help the situation either, and the combination of the two had weakened his body so much that he died at a young age.

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Shocking and sad.

Unfortunatly this probably won't be a wakeup call to players. I'm sure the roids as well as the coke contributed to his death. There have been sudden deaths before related to drugs and sports and they weren't wakeup calls, why would this be different.

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