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Need Logo Feedback


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Ok, I am looking to put in a bid for the CFA championship game the Schwers Cup and I was working on a logo and would like some feedback. This would be for Schwers Cup V and would be located in New Jersey. My team name is the Americans so I went with that theme. The top part is the Statue of Liberty Crown with 13 stars on it. Below that it says Schwers Cup V. This right now a Candidate Site logo which may turn into a host site logo which then my turn into the game logo. Again feedback is wanted, please.


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i think the schwers cup script is a little hard to read, maybe shrink it verticaally to the same proportions as the new jersey script. also, the V is kind of hard to distinguish for me for some reason, like i would have to look at it a few minutes if you didnt tell me it was schwers cup V, but thats the least of the three issue im having. lastly, instead of converging into a tiny outline on the V, i think the logo would look less top heavy and more balanced if you carried the outline down from the ends of the V, so its a very thick outline, if that makes sense.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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I think I would like to see the "Schwers Cup" lettering a little less dense or perhaps with the letters spaced out a hair. It is just a little hard for me to read. I love the idea of the statue of liberty crown but didn't realize that was what it was until you described it. Maybe if you could render that part from a different viewpoint (below and to the right maybe) and add the "window" part just below the crown it would suggest lady liberty better. But hey, look at my member stats: I have only posted thirty times so I may well not know what I am talking about yet!


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Since this is football, maybe you can modify the shape of the blue text field to football shaped (right now it appears a bit more like a golf ball with the stars) and still have the "Liberty Crown " span the top half of the ball.

Perhaps lose the stars altogether, it does seem a bit crowded with everything else. In it's place arch the words "Schwers cup." Below it put the numeral "V.' Replace the larger "V" at the bottom with "NJ" (for New Jersey). "Schwers cup" and "NJ" can be the same size font, the "V" would be larger than the other words, but not as large a font as it currently is.

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