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Kane County Cougars 15th Anniversary Logo


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Hmmm, it's been 15 years since those flatlanders took the Wausau Timbers from central Wisconsin. Let's all celebrate! :P

Seriously, the logo ain't that bad. It ain't that good, either.


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Cool. I'm going to link this right to their site and be annoying.


Why dont they EVER use this thing other than on the web?

It rules the other logo.

15th? Meh. Its ok.

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Cool.  I'm going to link this right to their site and be annoying.


Why dont they EVER use this thing other than on the web?

It rules the other logo.

15th? Meh.  Its ok.

I believe that's on an alternate cap.


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About 9 years ago I talked to the then Cougars GM about changing the logo. He said that there was a presentation at the founding of the club where they showed a bunch of designs. The guy said he didn't like any of them. He said he scribbled out an angular cat on a baseball and said "do something like that." Forced to follow crappy advice from a guy who didn't know what he was talking about, the logo was born.

I remember asking if they were to change what kind of look they would consider. He said "turn of the century". If you've ever looked at unis from that time, they were almost blank. He didn't know what he was asking for.

The thing is that this GM hasn't been there for a while now. They insist on using the same junky logo. I don't understand it. They are very successful and could afford a new one. I'd love to do it!

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Yeah, in this day and age, 15 years with a consistent identity for a minor league team (despite 3 different affiliations) is pretty impressive. The Cougars sell out just about every game, why change?

I agree that the logo is a bit bland, but at least they're not the Kane County DiamondCougarzzz.

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