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Nhl football x-over thread


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by now most of you know the drill......I make the concepts, you guys comment, I dont change a thing! :;):

I begin with of course, MY TEAM! I tried my damndest to make sure it doesnt look too much like the Sharks football x-over that puckguy made in the past. I based it loosely on the XFL SF demons uniforms. I decided on silver pants and teal helmets. A local high school in my area wears silver helmets, teal jerseys, and black pants and guess what, it looks HORRIBLE! Therefore I chose the color placement so it wouldnt look horrible!


this project is on hold until further notice

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I really like these. I love the sleeve design. I'd have the stripes on the sides end at the armpit; I think the black on the sleeves and the stripes is enough without running onto the chest. And I'd change the road pants to something other than silver, just because I think silver pants look bad with white jerseys. But all in all, great work.
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It's pretty good. I have a couple problems with some color usage and in particular think I black helmet may be better but oh well.

I'd have the stripes on the sides end at the armpit; I think the black on the sleeves and the stripes is enough without running onto the chest. And I'd change the road pants to something other than silver, just because I think silver pants look bad with white jerseys.

well if you guys dont like how I do it, you can always do it yourselves  ???

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I just added the Detroit Red Wings.

obviously, simple is best for this team. I did toy with the idea of making "winged" helmets similar to the Philadelphia Eagles, but I couldnt get it to look right so I just stuck to the basic logo placement on the helmet. I must say though that the red wings logo translates well to a football helmet logo.

I will not be cranking these concepts as often and abundant as I did the previous threads, mainly because for me football concepts tend to take longer then baseball and hockey concepts, and also I might be running out of storage space on tripod!  :o

so while I may be somewhat slow at it, I do intend to complete this project (with the exception of 3 teams of course!)

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so while I may be somewhat slow at it, I do intend to complete this project (with the exception of 3 teams of course!)

I'm assuming two of the teams are the Kings and the Ducks but I'm drawing a blank on the third team.  

I have a suggestion/request - in place of one of the omitted teams would you consider doing the original Oakland Seals?  Not the aqua and yellow scheme, but the original blue and green.  I would love to see how that would translate.

And it goes without saying (but I will say it any way) that the first two concepts you've rolled out are certainly well done as usual.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with my Blues.

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I'm assuming two of the teams are the Kings and the Ducks but I'm drawing a blank on the third team.

I have a suggestion/request - in place of one of the omitted teams would you consider doing the original Oakland Seals? Not the aqua and yellow scheme, but the original blue and green. I would love to see how that would translate.

the third team is the stars

and no, I dont do vintages

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just added the Boston Bruins

of course, we all know that black and gold are great football colors. this concept however turned out looking a lot like the iowa hawkeyes. I kept with traditional striping, and this is the first concept with two sets of pants.

black jersey = white pants

white jersey = black pants

and NO AOC BLACK IS INTENDED!  :P although an all white look would look pretty good.

the spoked B logo on a black helmet makes for IMO a meanacing look.

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the spoked B logo on a black helmet makes for IMO a meanacing look.

Right on.  The Bruins have a design setup that is very convertible from sport to sport and you've done a great job with it.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the Habs as they too have a design that I think will translate well.

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nice work once again shark. to keep with the odditie of the yellow socks on black jerseys that boston wears in hockey, perhaps you could replace the white pants with yellow, to kind of fully translate that look. awesome job tho i cant wait to see the rest. and just a general wondering: what is your reason for refusing to do certain teams?



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