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Free hockey jerseys


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The San Diego Gulls of the ECHL have come up with a new jersey for their inaugural year in the league. All season ticket holders will receive one of them. You can see it underneath the ticket purchase info. I think the Gulls now have at least 5 different jerseys that they will wear this season...


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seriously, I don't mind that as a special occasion or even an alternate jersey.  It's a far cry from their standard unis (see bottom of Gulls page), but that's alright.  The sunset scheme works well as stripes.  The hem design goes up too far, but that could be the representation.

 I'm not so sure this jersey is going to be worn on the ice.  First, it's only offered to season ticket holders.  Second, the way the site talks about it commemorating the 1st ECHL season makes it seem like more of a fan jersey of sorts.

 That logo leaves something to be desired.  The gull has fingers.  You may say those are just feathers and such, but they sure look like fingers.  Second, his facial expression is wierd.  It's not quite anger, but more a look of disgust.  Third, with the way the gulls head and neck are cocked back, it looks like his in mid "oh no you didn't" motion with the head pivot and all.  I'm sure I just lost all of you.  I've seen this logo, but this is the first time I really looked at it.  Could be a lot worse, considering it's a minor league team.

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Third, with the way the gulls head and neck are cocked back, it looks like his in mid "oh no you didn't" motion with the head pivot and all.

LOL!!! I got what you said, and it's both hilarious and accurate! LOL!!!  :laugh:  :laugh:


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i always thought that gull looked more like an eagle than a gull...i sort of like the jersey, tho.


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