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I just came back from Italy and in one store I saw new Juventus Nike jersey. Since last year Juve had those ugly Lotto jerseys those are improvement, although i don't like Nike. So after I saw that I went to by La Gazzette dello Sport and inside I saw a Totti picture in a new jersey which is the same as old one but with new technical sponsor - Diadora. I better hop on the italian soccer sites to see any other new jewrseys for next season.

BTW, Juve's road jersey is pink, and it does look great. When Juve in early 1900 change from Ambrosiana into Juventus their color was pink, and in few years they went to buy new jerseys but in the stopre they didn't have pink so they bought black and white stripes, and since they've been wearing that. I'm glad they came back to traditional pink again.

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pink? sorry but thats so bad it might as well be brown. even if it is traditional for that particular club. I havent seen it but Im sure its bad.

and sorry, but I must....(should bother too many people because I imagine the italians are well represented on this board)


click to hear "Inno de Mameli" (Mameli's Hymm)

Fratelli d'Italia, L'Italia s'è desta,

Dell'elmo di Scipio, S'è cinta la testa.

Dov'è la Vittoria? Le porga la chioma,

Ché schiava di Roma, Iddio la creò.

Ché schiava di Roma, Iddio la creò.

Fratelli d'Italia, L'Italia s'è desta,

Dell'elmo di Scipio, S'è cinta la testa.

Dov'è la Vittoria? Le porga la chioma,

Ché schiava di Roma, Iddio la creò.

Stringiamci a coorte, Siam pronti alla morte

Siam pronti alla morte, L'Italia chiamò.

Stringiamci a coorte, Siam pronti alla morte

Siam pronti alla morte, L'Italia chiamò.

and yes....you DID steal mexico's flag! :D

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Did you happen to see if AC Milan was altering their uniforms?  My friend works with them as a trainer, but has heard nothing yet.

2004 San Jose Sharks 7th Man Fan of the Year

San Jose Gold Miners - 4x Lombardi Cup Champions

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Yeah! I think I posted it somewhere! I noticed some sort of green and red target beside the AC Milan logo and the sponsor's logo has been modified somewhat. The text at the botton changed from OPEL to something I can't quite remember.

I saw, I came, I left.

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well, there goes my latest brainfart.  confession time, i was recently thinking of doing a pink jersey...for who, i have no idea.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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New home strip:


New away strip:


BTW, anyone going to see Man Utd v. Juventus in NY?  I'm flying out from PHX to stay w/ my buddy and see the match.  Got NYM v. STL tickets @ Shea on Sunday, too.


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That away strip looks like something from my MOM's wardrobe!

Don't hate! I've got a very nice tablecloth in the same pattern.

Anyway, it's Europe. The same folks who brought us colored mid-calf socks w/ lo-top Nikes.

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The Italian anthem is one of my faves!!!!

I do like the new Juve home shirt! Not sure about the away kit though!!

I think the target thing must have something to do with Italy given the colours but I don't know the significance of it!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I happen to like it when an old club sticks with their original nickname, logo, colors, etc. It shows independence of thought, and a refusal to kow-tow to trends, etc.

There's nothing ferocious about a Cub or a pair of Red Socks, but they've stuck with them, and that says alot.

That said, I'm glad that Juventus is sticking with their potentially embarassing pink jerseys. They're secure in their manhood!

For reference, just listen to "A Boy Named Sue."

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Someone was wandering about that green white red target thing. That represent that the club won the italian cup. The shield that Juve has represent the club has won the title (scudeto), and the stars above Juve logo (2) represent that Juve won more than 20 championships. Only Milan nad Inter have stars too (1) so that means they won more then 10 championships. noone else comes close.

As for Pink jersey, maybe it's not Macho, but it looks good,a nd I would love to have one. Any jersey is better then what Juve had last year.

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Thanks for the explanation. Now I don't have to go out and look for Lucky Strikes!


Please note, I don't smoke and do not recommend smoking to anyone who reads this. If you do happen to smoke, I'm sure you can accept the consequences.

I saw, I came, I left.

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