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Ot:  ot threads

Mac the Knife

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I'm not trying to be a curmudgeon here or anything, but I'm beginning to notice a lot of "OT" items (denoted "OT" or not) on the Sports Logo message board.

Now granted, we have the forums for the fantasy leagues and such, but isn't this forum supposed to be for sports logo and design discussion?

Greatest team in history?  Discrim battles?  Crossovers?  Granted I really enjoy the creativity that's expressed here and I'd never want to see that vanish, but I'm beginning to feel this message board is going the way of FanHome.  I come to this forum for logo-related news, maybe to look at some concepts... maybe check out Tank's trivia once in a while.  I don't come here for things that have nothing to do with logos.

Okay, enough complaining about the problem as I see it.  My father always told me never to lay out a problem without a potential suggestion for a solution.  And I have one.

Chris:  Would it be possible to create some additional forums for the folks who want to do cross-overs, have a general sports discussion, concepts, polls, and/or have sport-specific discussions?  That way we can pick and choose what we get from the site's forums.

No flames please - just putting in my 2 cents (or 4 Canadian).  :)


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One of the things I like about this forum is that things do get a bit ot every now and again! (BTW surely tanks trivia is as ot as it gets!) I like that its all friendly and no-one is too fussed! IMO no solution is necessary! Just pick your threads more closely if you don't want too much ot stuff!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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I think maybe a way fo controlling and/or limiting contests might be an idea, or maybe having a seperate forum if you insisted for them, but I still think things are okay as they are! (And I didn't mean to jump down your throat or anything!)

When important logo/uniform news is out there to get discussed it does, (forinstance the Rockets new logo had a long thread from memory as a recent example) I think at the moment all of that is a bit quiet because its a quiet time of year for new sports unis and logos in general.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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One of the things I really like about this thread is that there are a sprinkling of OT threads but not a predominance of them.  I have utmost trust in our moderators to police OT postings to ensure a proper balance.  For the most part, I think the board regulars do a fine job of policing themselves and keeping things on topic for the most part.

Nonetheless, Mad Mac, I think the diplomatic and respectful manner in which you aired your grievance and your suggestion of an alternative to accommodate those who like the occasional digression is one of the things that truly sets the regular posters on this board apart from many of the FanHome people.  Even though there are quite a few youngsters regularly participating, there is a refreshing air of maturity around here.

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We are all sports fans here, not just logo followers and designers. I for one am not a logo designer by trade at all. If I wanted to discuss other things that are non-sports related, then I would go somewhere else. When have we ever discussed the applications of Bernoulli's equation on this borad? :D

Yes I for one am guilty of putting up off-topic subjects every so often, but I think those types of discussions are healthy for message boards because it, at times, gives a sense of diversion, of that there are other things in the world.

I really do hope that this board does not become a Fanhome because there is some MATURITY here.

Merci, tout le monde!

I saw, I came, I left.

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Well, I'll be honest.  At first I was not a fan of the Ot topics (I still however do think we need to tone it down on the all the contests[keep webdav, iron crossover and discrimibattle]), but if you notice a lot of the posts are pretty much from the same people.  We have really developed a community and  I think we can handle the posts with more maturity.
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YawkHawk, I guess sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. I believe we should give him a little leeway as he says something that needs to be said.

Personally, I find that anything logo/uniform related, whether news or concepts, is great, and the big 3 contests (Webdav, Xover, Discrimibattle) cover the main elements of our common interest. However, some of the really OT stuff could definitely go. Tank's Trivia is woven in the fabric of this board, so that can stay, but some of the other things (seriously no offense to anyone, but stuff like Whozis and When do you go back to school) are a little out of the scope of the purpose of this board.

THAT BEING SAID, this board has no longer become a board for the discussion of sports logos and uniforms, but a community forum for sports logos and uniform enthusiasts. I personally like it this way, but for the casual fan, wading through some of our fluff could become tiresome, and we should try to be a little more considerate and contemplate whether the threads we are posting are really necessary.

ALSO: to anyone who plans on posting two or more threads of concepts in the same day, could you please put them all under the same thread. The subject subheading is a perfect place to write which concepts are included.

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