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To all B-More fans, the future is uncertain. The draft is coming up. In my opinion, we should get a linebacker, so we can revert back to the 3-4 defence, our defense is amazing, with Audalius Thomas kicking butt this year, our secondary is good, but with the loss of primetime we're in a bit of trouble.

I do think Kyle Boller could be the future QB for Baltimore, we have a top 5 TE in Heap,

Mason and Clayton can form a good recieving duo. Jamal Lewis? I mean when I saw some of the games, he just had no where to run, the O-line crumbled many times, I still think he has it, if we were to franchise him, he should do better, as most people do when they are franchised.

We definetly got the pieces, especially on defense, all we really need is our team to come together. When you look at the what Chicago did this year, their defense carried them, and Kyle Orton pretty much did nothing and they went 10-4 to start. Kyle Boller, is a better QB than Orton, we have a better TE than them, a better Runningback. our offense really relies on out O-line, so its up to them to see whether we do good or not. Our defense is soo much better than the Bears, we just need to come together.

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To all B-More fans, the future is uncertain. The draft is coming up. In my opinion, we should get a linebacker, so we can revert back to the 3-4 defence, our defense is amazing, with Audalius Thomas kicking butt this year, our secondary is good, but with the loss of primetime we're in a bit of trouble.

I do think Kyle Boller could be the future QB for Baltimore, we have a top 5 TE in Heap,

Mason and Clayton can form a good recieving duo. Jamal Lewis? I mean when I saw some of the games, he just had no where to run, the O-line crumbled many times, I still think he has it, if we were to franchise him, he should do better, as most people do when they are franchised.

We definetly got the pieces, especially on defense, all we really need is our team to come together. When you look at the what Chicago did this year, their defense carried them, and Kyle Orton pretty much did nothing and they went 10-4 to start. Kyle Boller, is a better QB than Orton, we have a better TE than them, a better Runningback. our offense really relies on out O-line, so its up to them to see whether we do good or not. Our defense is soo much better than the Bears, we just need to come together.

Losing a 38 year old CB who is well past his prime hurts your team? Your "amazing" defense just lost a game to the Cleveland Browns who average 14 points a game, are led by a rookie QB, and have the worst red zone percentage in the NFL.

Kyle Boller has had about three good games in his entire career. Actually Kyle Boller is just Kyle Orton with experience. I wouldn't be planning that next trip to the Super Bowl just yet. Jamal Lewis couldn't get it done against one of the worst run defenses in the NFL. He was inconsistent all season. Your coach is an overated blow hard. You have no wide receivers and Ray Lewis is another year older. Todd Heap is a good player.

You have a good defense but it's nothing like it used to be. Sorry dude but The Bears Defense is much better.

Finally, you play in the same division as The Steelers and Bengals. Good luck with that.

Your team needs to do a little more than just pull together. At least you still have Ozzie Newsome calling the shots. That's a plus. I think it's going to get worse for The Ravens before it gets better.

You have a few pieces but you have a lot more holes.




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Nobody can call Derrick Mason a bad reciever. He had back to back 90+ catches with Tennessee before coming to Baltimore, and this year, even with an inconsistant QB who is rarely on his game, Mason caught 80+ balls. The bottom line is that he prodcues and Baltimore got every penny out of him this year.

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The ravens are missing a couple pieces; a CB, some O-line, a young RB to eventually take over, a second WR...

Overall, they are a middling franchise, with a slightly better D than O. Chicago had the best D in the league, so please dont flatter the Ravens with comparisons.

Can Boller be the man in Baltimore? Maybe so. I think he's learning in the trial-by-fire sort of way. I think he can win them 10 games a year. But he's gotta have help on that side of the ball, and Jamal looks like he's given up.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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Until I piss on the grave of Art Modell or he no longer has anything to do with it, the Baltimore Ravens organization can go 0-16 every year and that would suit me just fine.

Yah baby!!! I feel the same way only I want to take a big fat :censored: on his grave.

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Until I piss on the grave of Art Modell or he no longer has anything to do with it, the Baltimore Ravens organization can go 0-16 every year and that would suit me just fine.

Yah baby!!! I feel the same way only I want to take a big fat :censored: on his grave.

Why do you guys have such a hate for Art Modell. I realize he moved the Browns out of Cleveland, but at least he gave you a warning. He said he wanted a new stadium and the city decided they wanted a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame instead. Bob Irsay moved the Colts over night without warning. We were than 12 seasons without a team. At least you guys only had to wait 3 seasons.

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Until I piss on the grave of Art Modell or he no longer has anything to do with it, the Baltimore Ravens organization can go 0-16 every year and that would suit me just fine.

Yah baby!!! I feel the same way only I want to take a big fat :censored: on his grave.

Why do you guys have such a hate for Art Modell. I realize he moved the Browns out of Cleveland, but at least he gave you a warning. He said he wanted a new stadium and the city decided they wanted a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame instead. Bob Irsay moved the Colts over night without warning. We were than 12 seasons without a team. At least you guys only had to wait 3 seasons.

It wasn't that he moved the team. It wasn't that he didn't give warning. Here's just a short list of the reasons any Browns fan born prior to 1983 or so hates his :censored:in' guts:


He royally :censored:ed the city of Cleveland with respect to Cleveland Municipal Stadium.

He arranged what was, at the time, an absolute sweetheart lease deal in Cleveland, taking all revenue from the facility (not just the Browns, but the Indians, concerts, the works) in exchange for being responsible for maintaining the place and paying nominal (and I do mean nominal) rent.

He then let the place turn into a total :censored:hole over the next two decades, literally painting over structural defects in the building in the hopes that it'd pass annual inspections required by the city for occupancy. The money from the Indians lease, the concerts, parking, concessions, and the like? He pocketed every dime, pouring only what he absolutely had to into fixing the stadium he had. Had he put just a portion of what he "Noriega'd" into a fund toward building a new stadium, they'd have had one by the mid-1980's.


He systematically ran the Browns franchise into such a financial sinkhole that by 1994 his only options were to sell the team or move it. He borrowed tens of millions of dollars from Cleveland-area banks, avoiding default in several cases only by getting a loan from another bank that was "demonstrating its civic pride" by bailing out the Browns. He repeatedly exceeded the NFL's debt-to-assets ratio requirements, racking up millions in fines which most folks never heard about.

Oh, and BTW, he continued doing this in Baltimore, finally reaching a point where no one would loan him money. That's when he sold - the entire first installment that Biscotti (sp?) paid him? It went directly to the banks he owed. He didn't see any of it.


He repeatedly pissed off Cleveland's city council, crying the blues about Cleveland Municipal and how they'd hosed him, when in fact he was pocketing millions, buying local real estate with the proceeds. Allegedly the real estate buys were potential sites for a new stadium, but buying office non-adjacent office buildings in the middle of downtown left some, shall we say, skeptical.

This is, of course, just a partial list. I could go on with a list that'd make you hit the Scroll Down button about 30-40 times, but these are the big ones I can think of just off the top of my head.


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He arranged what was, at the time, an absolute sweetheart lease deal in Cleveland, taking all revenue from the facility (not just the Browns, but the Indians, concerts, the works) in exchange for being responsible for maintaining the place and paying nominal (and I do mean nominal) rent.

His rent for Cleveland Municipal Stadium was a whopping $1.00 a year. :shocked:

It's easy to see how he became one broke ass mofo. I wish nut cancer on him and his coke head son David.

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OK, those are good reasons. I never really understood Cleveland's hate for him so much. I thought it was just for moving the Browns. But those are legit reasons.

Yeah. Despite winning XXXV in 2000, the city of Baltimore would've been better off sticking with the CFL, Jim Speros and the Baltimore Stallions.


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Anyways sticking onto to the original topic.

Baltimore in the future.

The defense is still top notch, whoever said they need CB's is out to lunch.

Rolle/McAllister, form arguably the best tandum in the league.

I Understand Chicago has a good trio in Tillman/Vasher/Azumah

But B-more does have the best safety in the league hands down Ed Reed.

Baltimore has some of the best front 7 players in the league too, Terrell Suggs, Ray Lewis, A.Thomas, Weaver..on and on. And Jamal didnt give up, if anyone watched the games, many of the times he had nowhere to run, thanks to no holes being open.

And if memory serves me correct, Chicago lost to Cleveland 20-10 in week 3 i believe.

Next year if Baltimore can get a good linebacker we will be in goodshape, and hopefully next year Alan Ricard can stay healthy and we can get our running game started.

Also we do have recievers, please watch the games before commenting, Derrick Mason, and Mark Clayton did very good this year, and out Todd Heap is a top 5 TE.

So please, lets here your honest unbiased opinions.

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Anyways sticking onto to the original topic.

Baltimore in the future.

The defense is still top notch, whoever said they need CB's is out to lunch.

Rolle/McAllister, form arguably the best tandum in the league.

I Understand Chicago has a good trio in Tillman/Vasher/Azumah

But B-more does have the best safety in the league hands down Ed Reed.

Baltimore has some of the best front 7 players in the league too, Terrell Suggs, Ray Lewis, A.Thomas, Weaver..on and on.  And Jamal didnt give up, if anyone watched the games, many of the times he had nowhere to run, thanks to no holes being open.

And if memory serves me correct, Chicago lost to Cleveland 20-10 in week 3 i believe.

Next year if Baltimore can get a good linebacker we will be in goodshape, and hopefully next year Alan Ricard can stay healthy and we can get our running game started.

Also we do have recievers, please watch the games before commenting, Derrick Mason, and Mark Clayton did very good this year, and out Todd Heap is a top 5 TE.

So please, lets here your honest unbiased opinions.

Hmmmmmm.......I didn't see you mention the QB position at all......isn't that the most important position on a team?

Oh yeh......and why did they miss the playoffs this year?

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