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NFL uniforms


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The new trendy looks are no better than a "10 years and tear down condo" whereas the traditional looks are similar to "appriciate for centuries" classic buildings. The younger, hipsters on the board may not fully realize or appreciate this but that's ok. In time they too will come to realize that good design is restrained and purposeful.

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alot of it has to do with teams wanting to market to the "younger, hipper generation". They assume that by creating a jersey thats "hipper, cooler" they can market that and the target audience will buy it. Right now retro is a fad in many cases and teams want to market the retro fad to the target audience. In other cases, some teams think the super outrageous is what the audience wants.

as long as there is a market for the new age or retro design out there, they will keep marketing them. the way i feel about it is this, if it is outrageous enough and the fans hate it, they can send the jersey back to the organization and tell them to do it over. i say if you don't like a particular uniform, then mount a grass roots campaign and force the team to make the changes. if you hit the team in the pocket book long enough, they'll listen, they can't ignore the fans forever.

we can debate retro or modern forever, but as long as there is a market with no substantial complaints, there isn't much we can do but voice our opinion to the teams.



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Yawn. Same old argument. Different day.

Here's an idea. If you like modern looks then root for those teams and buy only their stuff. If you prefer traditional looks then root for those teams and buy only their stuff. It's a big world kids and there is room for all of us.

So The Browns. Giants, Jets, Colts et al go with traditional looks. Why does that seem to irk so many of you "modernites?" So the Falcons, Cards, Broncos, et al go with "modern" looks. Why is that such an issue with traditionalists? I love this board but the modern vs. traditional argument is soooo tired. Why does either side feel that is has to be one way or the other. Honest to God is it going to change anyone's life one iota if the Browns have gray facemasks or if the Cardinals go to a modern look?

We'll never agree so let's move past it and look at it from a different angle. Do the Browns new uniforms achieve the look they were going for? Did the Cardinals achieve the look they were going for? The question isn't modern vs. traditional as much as it's does the uniform work? Some teams went modern and did a really nice job like the Patriots. Others didn't work so well like the Bills or Bengals. The question in the end has to be does the design work regardless of the era it's intended to represent.

Thanks for allowing me this Jerry Maguire moment. :D




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It's kind of basic human nature to resist change. Plus, if you grew up watching your favorite team play in a certain uniform, any change is probably not going to be well received unless it looks REALLY cool.

I fear change... like when David Lee Roth left Van Halen :P

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It's kind of basic human nature to resist change. Plus, if you grew up watching your favorite team play in a certain uniform, any change is probably not going to be well received unless it looks REALLY cool.

Speak for yourself. I grew up watching the Packers, but ever since I found out about the proposed 1994 uniform change, I've been bummed that Wolf didn't pull the trigger. :cry:

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It's kind of basic human nature to resist change. Plus, if you grew up watching your favorite team play in a certain uniform, any change is probably not going to be well received unless it looks REALLY cool.

Speak for yourself. I grew up watching the Packers, but ever since I found out about the proposed 1994 uniform change, I've been bummed that Wolf didn't pull the trigger. :cry:

correct me if im wrong, but i believe the packers were ready to change to i think dark green and gold but there was a major backlash with the fans and they forced the packers management to stick with the current uniforms.



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It's kind of basic human nature to resist change. Plus, if you grew up watching your favorite team play in a certain uniform, any change is probably not going to be well received unless it looks REALLY cool.

Speak for yourself. I grew up watching the Packers, but ever since I found out about the proposed 1994 uniform change, I've been bummed that Wolf didn't pull the trigger. :cry:

correct me if im wrong, but i believe the packers were ready to change to i think dark green and gold but there was a major backlash with the fans and they forced the packers management to stick with the current uniforms.

Yeah, it was a darker green and vegas gold (think Penguins gold). The proposed unis looked pretty nice, and were a nice update for a traditional team like the Pakers. It's a shame they never went through with it. Come on, the fans aren't going to suddenly abandon the team because they updated their unis. Green Bay lives for Pakers football, they would still buy tickets and watch, updated unis or not.

By the way, it may be hard for today's kiddies to remember, but even the bloody Bengals once had clean, sharp uniforms!

Please, those unis are Browns rip-offs in every way possible. The unis they had just before the lastest change were perfect.

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The uniforms of 1966 look a hell of alot better than most of the current uniforms today.

The Falcons, Bills, Bengals, Seahawks, Rams, Steelers, Broncos, 49ers, ect. ect. need to realize that the looks the had back in the day, were MUCH better than the :censored: they wear now.....

Whoa, whoa, whoa, the new 49ers look like ****? No way, Jose! They look INFINITLY better than what they used to have. Some teams may look bad now, but the 49ers don't need to revert to the old ways.

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