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MLS Toronto Poll Set to Launch...

Brian in Boston

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It is expected that Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment will launch a "Name the Team" poll at their proposed Major League Soccer franchise's website sometime within the next 24 hours.

Reportedly, the team name choices that will be offered are:

Toronto FC

Inter Toronto FC

Toronto Northmen FC

Toronto Nationals

Toronto Reds

Additionally, there will be an option marked "Other", presumably with an interface allowing voters to suggest a name of their own.

The website is said to be: www.torontoprosoccer.com

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After Real Salt Lake and Houston Dynamo, I'm glad the MLS is giving the fans a choice.

I'm still hoping to see MLS Soccer in Seattle, San Diego and Milwaukee. Seattle and Milwaukee aren't out of the realm of reality. San Diego is so far in debt they don't have the money to build a soccer-only stadium.

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After Real Salt Lake and Houston Dynamo, I'm glad the MLS is giving the fans a choice.

Bear in mind that both Sports Capital Partners and AEG conducted "Name the Team" polls for their respective franchises in Salt Lake City and Houston. While Houston 1836 topped it's poll and was briefly used by the franchise now named Houston Dynamo, the top vote-getter in the poll to name Utah's MLS entry was Highlanders. The lesson? Simply because the owner of a pro sports franchise conducts a "Name the Team" poll, there is absolutely no guarantee that said poll's results are going to have any real impact on what the team is eventually named.

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Additionally, there will be an option marked "Other", presumably with an interface allowing voters to suggest a name of their own.

I'll bet that most of the "other" votes would go for the Blizzard. It's certainly better than the other choices. Heck, the Lynx is a better name than those.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Wasn't Inter Toronto FC registered as a trade mark by MLS and MLSE or did something changed?

yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean much. while it can be useful to mine the registration databases to get clues, sometimes companies do it just to make sure they don't end up like Ford did with the GT40 name - GM ended up with that trademark! sometimes its defense as much as offense, if you get me there ;)

I like Inter Toronto, Toronto Reds or Toronto FC. they all sound classy and simple.

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I figure Croatia Toronto would work...it'd at least be better than Toronto Metros-Croatia. or they could use Toronto Metros, now that the Metrostars are under new management and name.


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