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Does the ABA have competition from the EIFL?


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:shocked: Wow! What the :censored: is that? They used Air Millhouse for their "wordmark." Hideous. Clip art plus a terrible free font, a great combo! :upside:
On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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RedEye eventually got payment from one of the teams owners.

As far as the Mid American Buzzards, it would have been a hell of a lot better had I not turned it down. Thanks to RedEye's warning, I knew I would get shafted so I didn't do it.

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I believe I've already posted the package for the hitmen...(which I STILL havent been paid for from mr. terry).

Of the 6 "teams", Mitch did the rats and brawlers, I did the Hitmen and Blackbirds, and the buzzards is a complete joke. I honestly dont understand ANY of the "marketing strategy" of this league beyond the fact that terry just leaches off clarett or sues over the stinkin nickname "rats" just to get publicity.

Having said that, the Blackbirds is far from any rip, although the idiot putting together the website (same nut responsible for the buzzards "logo") for some reason put a stupid font w/ the logo I designed...below is the complete package. Keep in mind the owner wanted a look similar to the Falcons without stepping on any toes...that made it difficult, but certainly just a challenge, as you can notice the anatomy and characteristics of a redwing blackbird defining the icon. (wing, beak, etc).

The owner of this team has character, and I'm just going to try to convince him to put his squad in a more stable league. The eifl is a joke. I'm seriously going to break jim terry in half for trying to stiff me on payment. Just look for it in the next eifl "headline". haha



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You got stiffed by him too, Skye? Man I am glad I didn't take the Buzzards job. I would have ended up in the same situation.

Heres hoping that both you and Mitch get your money.

I also know another team that is changing their logo, but I'm not telling.

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I believe I've already posted the package for the hitmen...(which I STILL havent been paid for from mr. terry).

Of the 6 "teams", Mitch did the rats and brawlers, I did the Hitmen and Blackbirds, and the buzzards is a complete joke. I honestly dont understand ANY of the "marketing strategy" of this league beyond the fact that terry just leaches off clarett or sues over the stinkin nickname "rats" just to get publicity.

Having said that, the Blackbirds is far from any rip, although the idiot putting together the website (same nut responsible for the buzzards "logo") for some reason put a stupid font w/ the logo I designed...below is the complete package. Keep in mind the owner wanted a look similar to the Falcons without stepping on any toes...that made it difficult, but certainly just a challenge, as you can notice the anatomy and characteristics of a redwing blackbird defining the icon. (wing, beak, etc).

That could explain why they looked familiar--although I'm sure I saw the raven one in other colours/

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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