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New NHL nets tested


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There's nothing better than a 1-0 game where there's a lot of offensive chances, but alot of great saves and great defensive plays to prevent the goals.

The current rules allow for that kind of game, though they went a little too far (if that kind of game was the goal--it wasn't).

A larger net pretty well kills the possibility of that kind of game.

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You traditionalist. I love firewagon hockey, and I love highscoring games like 7-6. They literally keep you on your feet because when someone comes over the blue line you never know. Look at Atlanta Thrashers games, all highscoring and fun!

If I wanted to see 1-0 games I'd watch soccer.

7-6 games are fun like once a month. Seeing that every night would make me hate it, it would be like indoor lacrosse where goals are cheap and meaningless. I'll take a 3-2 game over an 8-5 game any day.

agreed. I don't want to ever see those nets again.It looks wierd not seeing the goalies head above the bar

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The widening of the net doesn't bother me that much, the crowd loves a great glove save and this could showcase that more. Athletic goalies would be at an advantage.

The height increase is a mistake though. As a goalie myself, there is basicially no way to modify your style to effectively cover a taller net. With a wider net you can take different angles and such. That 6'' would make a big difference.

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You traditionalist. I love firewagon hockey, and I love highscoring games like 7-6. They literally keep you on your feet because when someone comes over the blue line you never know. Look at Atlanta Thrashers games, all highscoring and fun!

If I wanted to see 1-0 games I'd watch soccer.

I'm a diehard Thrashers fan, and I much prefer 3-2 games than 7-6 games. That Detroit game nearly gave me a stroke, giving up a 4-goal lead within 10 minutes.

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I could see widening the nets, goalies catch a lot of shots that would ordinarilly go wide anyway, but making them higher seems like a mistake.

I'm sure this was just an experiment. I wouldn't worry about it too much unitl you see it used in AHL regular season games first.

Did they make any rule changes to the NHL this year that we know about? I can't believe they made all the changes that they did last year without adding no-touch icing.



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