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Browns concept


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This was supposed to be for the sketchathon, but I was a little bit too late. I thought they were due tonight. Anyways, I kept the same helmet, for tradition's sake. I also kept the main idea of the pants, except added my primary logo, and switched the white pants to brown-orange-brown. I brought back the orange pants, because no one else in the nfl has any. For the primary logo, I brought back brownie, but I only did the head, and tried to make him look intimidating. C+C please.




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I like how the Browns essentially use a very plain uniform as their logo. Just as an aside, to declare my biases on this one. (And I think at least one MLB team should do the same thing and go logoless, making their entire uniform their identity, like the White Sox 2006 alt or how the old Washington Nats used to have undecorated pinstriped uniforms with just a W on the sleeve.)

Anyway, the elf is about as good a logo as an angry fairy can be for a football team. Which is not very. But if you want football players to wear an elf on their pants, yours is the one.

On the wordmark, it almost makes me dizzy how the word "Cleveland" is standing straight up and down while the word "Browns" is tilted back with 3-D perspective. It's like an optical illusion, and the fact that it's orange on brown, a color combo that already makes the letters appear to dance, doesn't help. You need planar consistency among your letters.

The CB logo just makes me ask, "Why?" Why a C and a B together instead of one or the other? Embarrassed to be from Cleveland? But I do like how the orange CB initials differentiate this team from the cross-state Cincinnati Bengals. Er, wait a second ...

On the uniforms, which I like, the only thing I'd like to see, aside from the removal of that silly CB logo in favor of patchless sleeves, is a three-stripe pattern on the sleeves to match the pants stripes. That's orange-white-orange on the home, orange-brown-orange on the road, and brown-white-brown on the alt, with the stripes being exactly the same widths as on the pants. Consistent striping is what makes or breaks this kind of old-fashioned football uniform. Right now, the stripes are more break than make.

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Very nice. You really nailed that Cleveland Browns commitment to drabness.

Engine, Engine, Number Nine, on the New York transit line,

If my train goes off the track, pick it up! Pick it up! Pick it up!

Back on the scene, crispy and clean,

You can try, but then why, 'cause you can't intervene.

We be the outcast, down for the settle. Won't play the rock, won't play the pebble.

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only thing i would do is add more stripes to the sleeves.

on brown: white-orange-white

on white: brown-orange brown

on orange: brown-white-brown

thats my only complaint.

Great job



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I never did like the Elf...I just doesn't go with football.

I like your wordmark and the pants maybe loose the stripes on the jersey and socks. The orange socks remind me of the Bangles so I wouldn't use them either.

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I agree with BallWonk on many areas, including that you made the elf look as angry as you could, but he still looks like he wouldn't harm a fly. Next, I think that the perspective of the wordmark should be even. I like the jerseys, but they may be a tad bit too busy for a team like the Browns, who have had a history of drabness. That said, I would remove the logo from the sleeve.

This has potential, but the Browns are a hard team to work with in that they have had a bad history on the uniform front, and have possibly the wimpiest, yet coolest, alternate logo in the elf. B

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Wow, this is nice and, well, Brown-ish. I love the wordmark, although it is an arguably over-used font. Also, although I like it, I'd stay away from the "CB" mark. Darn Bungals...

The Brownie Elf logo is cool, too. It's intimidating yet cartoonish at the same time. Plus, it reminds me of the new AZ Cards' mark.

The uniforms are pretty solid. I'd add more stripes to the sleeves, as mentioned above. And an outline around the numerals may not hurt.

Again, great job. Just one question: I know you did this in Inkscape, so I was wondering how you got the wordmark to tilt like that. Did you do it by hand or is there an 'envelope' style command that I've missed?

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