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United Soccer League Team Logo Concepts


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I've been in a slump lately, and work has been a little slow, so I thought I'd do some logo designs for fun and to get some feedback.

This really isn't a "project" but it may turn into one if I'm not careful. I don't necessarily plan on doing all of the USL First and Second Division teams, but I may if I'm so inclined.

I was looking around on their website a few days ago (http://www.uslsoccer.com/index.html) and I wanted to make each teams' logo into a badge of some sort. Some already are, some are not. Some have creative and distinct designs, while some are awfully horrid, so I thought I'd take my turn at redisgning a few, or all of them over the next week or two.

First up is the Charleston Battery. This was an easy re-design, with some minor tweaks that I thought made it look stronger. I liked the intial design, but thought it could be beefed up, and I tried to get the "war-torn" effect of the area.

If anyone wants to see the designs any bigger, say the word, and I'll give you a closer look.


Next up will be the California Victory...stay tuned.

[edited to make image bigger]

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Nicely executed. This is a textbook example of how to modernize without losing tradition.

Well rendered, looks very solid. In other words, it's too good for a soccer team. :)

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Looks really good...definately a solid upgrade without losing the original concept. Love the crossed cannons.

(MLF) Chicago Cannons,  (IHA) Phoenix Firebirds - 2021 Xtreme Cup Champions

(WAFL) Phoenix Federals - WAFL World Bowl XII Champions (Defunct)

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I'm speechless!!!



Because I believe an "Upgrade" is ten times harder than a new log, so much constraints to work within...

Aned it looks like you've mastered it here...

Anyone browsed trough the USL-2? They could use an image consultant... There's a few pretty bad logos in there...

Looking at all those teams reminds me of one thing that really bothers me with a lot of soccer teams: some of them use colour of shirts, or shades of colours that are not even in their logo/crest...

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Here is the California Victory. I thought the initial shape was interesting, with the triangle shield forming a "V". I didn't like the complexity of the figure inside it so I toned it down to just the upper shoulders and head. I feel like it's off balance just a bit, but that's more to the helmet and pose.

I didn't like the words floating in space, so I added the banner wrapping around the shield, and inserted the sword as a background image to finish it off. I included transparent vertical stripes behind the figure as to what they (would) wear on the home jerseys. Currently their jerseys are more of a royal blue, and have 3-4 stripes, but if I redesigned them, I would make them match the logo and look more like what I put in here.

It may have too many elements, but I'm trying to have fun with these, so I'm not going to worry about it. :P


Next up, the Rochester Raging Rhinos...

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Another success with the Victory - you've done another great job keeping the essential elements of the previous design, but making it look visually striking and effective. I don't think there are too many elements there - it just works. I'm looking forward to seeing the rhinos

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i wish i could get into a slump like you're in :)

that's fantastic...i think i like the first better, but the second makes the triangle look more like a v

that is soooooo much better than what they use...i think you should approach the league about a league wide re-design/update of their logos

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DUDE, Seriously, You've got to submit these to the USL....These are fantastic upgrades. Keeping the theme and making them better is very tough indeed and you, my friend, have accomplished this.

Can you do me a favor. Just to see what you would do. Could you you upgrade the PITTSBURGH RIVERHOUNDS. I know they are in limbo for this year, but I would love to see what you would do with them.


Keep up the good work, can't wait to see the rest of the league.

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What I like about these is that you didn't go the easy route and just do a complete overhaul but instead kept the general idea and the good elements of each shield while adding a touch of your own. A+

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This one was more difficult. Initially, I wanted to use the circle shield, as in the original design, but decided against it and went with this one. I wanted the Rhino to look less cartoony, and tried to sharpen it up a bit. The colors are difficult to work with, being black, dark green, and yellow, so that was probably the most challenging aspect of this one.

I added something I rarely use, a gradient in the logo. I thought the straight black looked like too much, so I did this to soften it up. Again, being that this is just done for pleasure, I don't think it's a big deal to use the graident here. As with my others, I added the vertical stripes behind, since that is the home jersey worn by the Rhinos. I won't be doing this for all of them, it has just fit so far with the three I started off doing.


Next up, the ever difficult Western Mass. Pioneers...

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this is your first slight miss, in my opinion...it's still an upgrade, but it's not a WOW like the other 2

something about the rhino is a bit off...i think it's primarily the ears (they need to be much larger and more pronounced) and the bulk of the neck behind the ears...i know rhino's have that hump thing behind their head, but it seems if you gave the head more "up-turn" it would look more like a rhino...now, it's got a little bit of a dinosaur feel, to me - also, the second horn looks a bit too sharp...maybe make it more bulky and dull

here's a pretty good shot to see what i'm talking about with the ears...


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Thanks for the comments, I may go back and fix these things after I get a couple more concepts done since that may take overhauling a good portion of it, but I'll still try and do that.

I had the ears turned back as if the rhino was charging or angry, and I guess I made it look too sharp, seeing you reference picture tells me it needs to be like you said, dull and rounded. I'll see what I can do.

This was my least favorite to do for some reason, and my next two that I've already started on (Western Mass and Miami FC) have been my favorites to this point.

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Regardless of the slight adjustments that may make the Rhino a little more realistic (I find it a little to `top heavy` -forehead looks massive) This is na OUTSTANDING concept.

I like how you combine a shieldécrest behind a stylized logo - the best of both world for soccer...

p.s.: I think the Miami logo doesn`t need a redesgin...

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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