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Okay, I'm really stuck with this one. It is for a team called the snappers, probably a hockey team. As you can see, this really has no direction so I figured you guys could help me give it some. I also need some color ideas along with design ideas, currently I tried the maryland terps colors but it's not reall working out. If you got any ideas, let's hear em...




New and Improved Adrenaline Online:


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use your black outline to shade the areas on the feet and the underside of the shell (eliminating the 2nd shade of brown, and simplifying a little - also, fill the yellow to the right of it's mouth with the black underside of the shell - work on getting the perspective of the mouth & eyes right...the eyes look like they are on a completely different plane than the mouth and nostril holes - also, the back leg seems a bit odd

i'd also add some claws to the snappers feet...snapping turtles have pretty nasty claws

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okay, thanks alot leggman, your ideas helped A TON! two version here, one with claws and one without, personally I like the one with claws but I wanted to see what you guys thought. I'm going to start a wordmark today and pick out a city. I've decided this will be a hockey team. If you guys have any more ideas, keep em coming, they are definetly helping!


New and Improved Adrenaline Online:


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okay, one more update for the day, I decided the team will be located in Hudson Valley New York after a little resaerch taught me that the snapping turtle is the official state reptile of the state of New York. Your comments have done wonders for this comments, what do you guys think so far?


New and Improved Adrenaline Online:


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while i like the addition of a pattern on the shell, this doesn't do it for me - the head is still oddly mis-shapen/out of kilter and the back leg looks almost disconnected...it's a good start, though, and i do like the choice of font for the wordmark

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