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Help! i'm addicted to cardinal concepts!


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Well, i made a Cardinals concept a few days ago, but i was never happy with it. I've been tinkering ever since... Nitro's recent posting of his truly magnificent cardinals concept got the ol' brainjuices flowing though. I made a very moderistic logo (by my standards, anyways), but wanted to keep the feel of the current logo. I think i finally have something i am satisfied with...


Arizona Cardinals - Logo and Wordmark Concepts

Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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its pretty good. i think you should tweak the eyes a bit and put some black slits in them, and itd be spectacular. it might not work, but in my mind it looks good

Proud owner of the Utah Pioneers of the Continnental Baseball League.



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The beak needs a mouth IMO, but the crazy pupil-less eyes are kinda cool.

Speaking from a purely artistic perspective, I think the curves along the back of his head leave the logo looking unfinished and unresolved. I think some hard corners on the 'indents' would help define the shape of the bird's head a little more, while keeping the more abstract feel.

I think this is a top-notch concept, and am still wondering whether it's still 3 am and I'm dreaming this all... this came from hard-core traditionalist JQK? Well done man.

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Sure. You can make a uni concept to this. I'll probrally be doing one soon.

And i made a modified version of the original concept. I made it a little fatter, in an attempt to give it more of it's current look (i really do like the current look), and also to give the cardinal the back of his head, it seems to be missing from the first one (good catch, SyPhi)


Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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It looks alittle fat to me, perhaps make one the eye bigger. Thats just me being picky, it looks good

It's true. I don't think it's the eye though.

I think the solution is moving the back of the head forward to about the halfway point of the lighter red.

It looks a lot better already. Glad I could help a bit.

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Ok, i've made yet another Version. I think i'll put it up to a vote soon! :P

I made the base color the current, darker TruCardinal color, i've shallowed the back of the head a bit (again, thanks to SyPhi for the suggestion)

I think this is the best one of the three, i hope (please) that you all like this one as much as i do...


Stay Tuned Sports Podcast

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I think this is the best one of the three, i hope (please) that you all like this one as much as i do...

As far as revisions to their current logo go, it's the best one I've ever seen.

It keeps getting better. Way to go JQK.

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JQK your darker Cardinals head is awesome. One thing though...when I see the beak, all I see is agold diamond. It doesn't bother me in the lighter versions, but is there some way to add a split in the beak, while still keeping this futuristic/angular/menacing look you got going on?

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love the new version... i particularly like the red color break, that is now sharp like the back of his head, rather than the soft curve of the first two.

I think for the beak break (if you decide to go that way) a black point that only goes 1/3 of the way to the back of the beak would work just fine.

Well done, JQK

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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JQK, this is a great logo. I think the shadow effect on the cardinal beak kinda gives it that mouth line that everyone's whining about. Great overall modernization to the current Cards logo. J/W, could I have the rights to make a secondary after I finish my site. I've got a great idea in my head. I've put myself on a concept freeze until my site remodel is done.


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