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KC Royals Logo Concept


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Put the crown on the R.

Agree...put the crown on the R and :censored: it to the side a little bit so it's not sitting completely upright.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.

Mark Twain


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Put the crown on the R.

Agree...put the crown on the R and :censored: it to the side a little bit so it's not sitting completely upright.

I'm sitting here racking my brain trying to figure out what word you could have used in that sentence that would have been censored. And then it hit me. Well, not literally. It's :censored:!

And yes, I'm aware that this is going to censor it again, but part of the fun will be figuring it out yourself.

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Make the crown a lot smaller. Make it look like the "R" is actaully wearing the crown, besides just slapping it behind. Move the front part of that crown down, just like the R is wearing it.

Right now it looks like the R is from the ghetto and tilting it's oversized hat up and to the side. Not very "Royal"


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Very Nice. Now maybe make the drown a little smaller and solid colored, so that it could be more versital.

Agree here...the crown needs to be smaller and make it appear that the R is wearing the crown as noted above. The 'rooster' effect looks better.

For some reason when I look at the bottom of the crown I see the bottom part (threads) of a light bulb. I know you were going for something else, but that is what first pops in my mind when I look at it.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.

Mark Twain


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I really like this. Simple, yet effective.

If I were you, though, I'd downsize the crown by, say, 25%. As is, it looks like one of those Buckingham Palace-size hats.

I agree as well on the reduction. The improvement on the bottom of the crown look good to me.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.

Mark Twain


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