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NY Wolves Concept


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That's the Stony Brook Seawolves logo man. Plus the uniforms are paint by number, not thought out, and boring. This took you what? Ten minutes tops?

Sorry, I'm tired but can't go to sleep, so I'm coming off here as a little mean, but please don't waist my time with this stuff. This isn't directed at you personally, but I'm tired of seeing all the "concepts" people are putting on here these days. Whatever...

Go back, make a more original logo and uniforms. Pretty much anyone on the boards can do what you just did. Show me something original. I don't care if it looks crappy. At least then I can give you some real C&C.

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OK, I'll just take out the Stony Brook Seawolves logo 'til I can come up with a 'wolf' logo of my own or someone can make up a better 'wolf' logo. I bet it's going to be tough finding a logo of a wolf though.


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Alright, sorry about the double post, but anyways, I removed the Stony Brook Seawolves logo and kept the silver helmet logoless (a la Cleveland Browns, Penn State, or Notre Dame). By the way, I used MS Paint for this concept in case you didn't know.






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It might not look like much, but I actually intended to make this concept look more "old-school" like Penn State or Notre Dame or Michigan or what the New York Jets are now wearing.


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Alright, sorry about the double post, but anyways, I removed the Stony Brook Seawolves logo and kept the silver helmet logoless (a la Cleveland Browns, Penn State, or Notre Dame). By the way, I used MS Paint for this concept in case you didn't know.


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You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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Alright, sorry about the double post, but anyways, I removed the Stony Brook Seawolves logo and kept the silver helmet logoless (a la Cleveland Browns, Penn State, or Notre Dame). By the way, I used MS Paint for this concept in case you didn't know.


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(image removed)


Yup, I sure did.

Ahhhh, you know what, just close the topic and graveyard it... this is useless anyway.


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Alright, sorry about the double post, but anyways, I removed the Stony Brook Seawolves logo and kept the silver helmet logoless (a la Cleveland Browns, Penn State, or Notre Dame). By the way, I used MS Paint for this concept in case you didn't know.


(image removed)


(image removed)


Yup, I sure did.


You know, I rarely visit ccslsc anymore. I really should fix that.

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It might not look like much, but I actually intended to make this concept look more "old-school" like Penn State or Notre Dame or Michigan or what the New York Jets are now wearing.

Penn State, Notre Dame, and Michigan all have pretty plain jerseys (certainly not different colored shoulders). Also, it's good to not use the Stony Brook wolf, but w/o a logo anywhere in sight, your team doesnt really have an identity. Maybe you could make up a stylized and colored "NY" or "W" ?



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I really like these better. My only gripes are to make the orange darker, like the helmet, and get rid of the white shadow/stripe on top of the sock. Otherwise great job making these old school like you wantes, and better. Maybe this will silence your "paint by number" critics!

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JH42XCC (are you a cross country runner?)

Your first concept is simple, just the way I like my football team to look - even as a middle school program, I like the simplicity with just a dash of "cool" to spice up the uniform. Too many teams mess up the look by adding all the piping (ie - Miami Hurricanes and the teams that followed) That's not to say there are some teams who have done a nice job. Oregon has over done their unis - too busy for my taste. It's not a slam on my friends who support the Ducks. I don't like their uniforms.

I think what bothers folks on the CC Boards is members just seems to be a "paint by the numbers - slap something together" and then saying, "Hey look what I did - I'm a graphic artist".

But as many of us remember, we started out that way. I know I did, drawing helmets, then doing uniforms. This was all done on paper and not with a computer, heck, I still have stuff I designed in notebook. I even designed a baseball uniform for my high school and we didn't even have the sport at that time, 1979.

I can't speak for anyone else, but as you will notice, there are members who have been on the Boards for awhile and we see a lot, I mean a lot of folks who do a "ten minute" slap a concept together and call it "creating". I bothers us when someone else's work is being stolen or used w/o giving credit to those folks.

I like YOUR theme of going with simiplicity, the Joe Paterno way. I subscribe to his philosophy of not putting names on the jerseys and having the Uniforms simple (Penn State has come a long way since the 70s & 80s). The team always looks like they have their practice uniforms on.

I see what "look" you were going for and probably the PAINT PROGRAM is all you have to do your concept with made it look "FLAT" and "BORING" to others.

Try not to take Comments too hard, that just life around here. Unfortunately it makes some folks quit posting their concepts.

I'll give you credit, you came right back and posted another one. That's the way you do it!!!

I love Stony Brooks logo, the idea for the wolf logo is good - a bit of advice, when you use someone else's work, start by saying, "here is my concept, I used Stony Brooks logo and design my uniform around Penn State's them, then "blah blah blah."

I think your 1st helmet is the better one, though I do like your Wolf logo with the second one. I think your first design has better color, however I love your red jersey/gray pants concept in the 2nd concept.

Keep posting and don't be discouraged - I have literally hundreds of concepts I have never posted, I felt like it wasn't my best work. But with each new idea, I got better at the next one. But I agree with some of them, stay away from the 10 minute concept.

IMO, you'll be fine! Good Luck & Happy Holidays!


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