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Dude goes to a MLB game and gets 28 balls


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I would like to get just one, Ive never gotten any foul balls

Well, I think this guy has given you a pretty good blueprint. Just come to Nationals Park. :P

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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I have a Barry Bonds foul ball that he hit behind the plate a few years ago in Atlanta. It's probably not worth much. Also, Endy Chavez threw me a ball in BP when he was with the Expos.


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Ive only got 1 ball form an MLB game. Ive been to a ton of games, but have only sat in "ball-getting" territory a few times. One of those tiems was behind the Pirates dugout, in which a man sitting in the row behind me handed me the ball he caught (I was, like, 8 or 9 at the time. He wouldnt think about giving it to me now, obviously).

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - est. 2006 

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I've seen this guy before, seems like a real loser. He actually brings hats for both teams so he can switch during batting practice because its easier to get players to toss him balls. Plus the fact that he keeps all kind of stats (including putting himself on the all time hit list). Going to batting practice is fun, but this guy really needs to get a life.

For my experience, I caught a ball a few years ago during batting practice and kept it. It was one of the first times I'd ever been (my dad could never get me there early when I was younger). Since then I've gone and tried to catch one, but whenever I do I just give it to some kid. They'll apperciate it much more than I will. Plus I still have the first one I caught anyway.

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Am I imagining that obligation? And if not, is it selfish for me to want to keep the ball I still haven't caught?

It all depends who hit the ball with me. If it's a player or a really important game, that's mine. (never caught a ball myself) Otherwise, I have no problem giving a ball to a kid (I used to catch stuff at the Oshawa Generals games all the time) provided they aren't being little :censored:s all game long

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I managed to grab a foul roller during BP when I went on a road trip to see the A's in Seattle last year. Next 2 games I managed to get it signed by 5 or 6 guys and now it's in a small plastic case.

This guy is kind of obsessed though.

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First (and best) was during Jays/Mets BP on Canada Day 1998, Rey Ordonez hit a practice home run right into my glove, it was a National League ball too, a rare find at SkyDome.

Well, now I just flat out don't believe you...unless he hit it while swinging away standing in the outfield... :P

The only ball i have is a 100th Anniversary AL ball which I found in the seats at Safeco the day after the '01 ASG. We happened to be in the area, found an open gate, told the guy we were out of town and wanted just to see the park. He let us into the OF seats, Bret Boone was hitting balls to his kids in the OF, a couple landed into the seats. I snagged one...


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The closest that I have come to that is catching some balls that went over the fence at a homerun contest for an old semi-pro baseball league. I must have come away with about 8 balls, but I gave about 2 or 3 away to some young kids, and gave the contest winning ball to the person who hit it. I still have one or two of those balls left.

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