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what was the typical format for a contest? were the redesigns of current team uniforms, or new teams? were they sport specific?

Summer begins in 10 days for me, so I will consider submitting a contest plan, to the council, and see what they say!

I am not a designer, So I would love for my contribution to this board to be in the administration of contest

Tell me what you want, and I will have a proposal ready in about a week


Just do a search for Logolympiad, it'll give you a very good idea of how a good contest is run.

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[*]Last year's Logolympiad didn't happen simply because I didn't have time to run it. I really want to bring it back this year, but I'm really busy and it's tough for me to find a good stretch of time to execute it. I'm not fully ready to turn over the entire thing, but if anyone is interested in handling the submission and voting parts, I'll gladly take on an assistant or two. I'm still going to develop the rules and criteria and will have final say in how it's run, though.

I am so stoked for this year's Logolympiad, I was thinking about trying to run it if you were unable. I volunteer to assist, once I get my own computer anyway. I should definitely have one by the time the actual Olympics roll around. It should be a little while, but I have tons of time to update and whatnot.

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I'm not a member, so I have no idea, but has participation on the "other board" taken away from concepts posted on this one?

What "other board" are you refering to?

"Brilliams!" is what he refers to, and that's where all the old die-hards went. Actually, I was invited as well, but there wasn't as much activity as you'd think.

As for contests and the lack of good art thrown out there, there are a lot of factors involved. For instance (and biggest of all), there is the constant threat of logo theft since we are getting more and more famous. Also, the insane amount of signature threads (see my sig for how I feel about it) and MS Paint-crap pushes anything else down, as was mentioned. Believe you me, I came out with some trash when I started, but unlike most of the new ones I had a genuine willingness to improve my work. People like--and I hate to bring him up again--Patsox1, who only shell out stuff as a cry for attention, will get the publicity on here. I'm sorry, but it's human nature to look for a place to criticize and abuse someone rather than praise worthy work.

Thus is the problem with these boards and the world in general: People will always put each other down before they build up good logos.

Thus endeth my 2am rant. I now sleep. (sleepz)


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I'm not a member, so I have no idea, but has participation on the "other board" taken away from concepts posted on this one?

What "other board" are you refering to?

"Brilliams!" is what he refers to, and that's where all the old die-hards went. Actually, I was invited as well, but there wasn't as much activity as you'd think.

As for contests and the lack of good art thrown out there, there are a lot of factors involved. For instance (and biggest of all), there is the constant threat of logo theft since we are getting more and more famous. Also, the insane amount of signature threads (see my sig for how I feel about it) and MS Paint-crap pushes anything else down, as was mentioned. Believe you me, I came out with some trash when I started, but unlike most of the new ones I had a genuine willingness to improve my work. People like--and I hate to bring him up again--Patsox1, who only shell out stuff as a cry for attention, will get the publicity on here. I'm sorry, but it's human nature to look for a place to criticize and abuse someone rather than praise worthy work.

Thus is the problem with these boards and the world in general: People will always put each other down before they build up good logos.

Thus endeth my 2am rant. I now sleep. (sleepz)

For me, if someone was to post something that a)Was finnished b)Had potential and c)Was creative I would give them idea's on how I think it could be better.

BUT, imo the problem with these boards is that alot of people will be like "well here is what I have sooo tell me if you like it and if you do then I will finnish it" or they will be like "well here is my 10th Yankees concept in the past two weeks" (just an example) or here is my Rockies concept...except its the unused rockies logo with the current rockies uniforms. People like me used to be inspired by all the AMAZING work done by the unbelieveable artists.

For me they seem to come around every couple of months but it's leaving all the new kids looking up people like myself, elliot, eRay or ghetofarmboy just to name a few. We are deffinatley not as good as some of the people that have been here longer(although GFB is really good).

Anyway thats my rant of the day.


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I'm not a member, so I have no idea, but has participation on the "other board" taken away from concepts posted on this one?

What "other board" are you refering to?

As for contests and the lack of good art thrown out there, there are a lot of factors involved. For instance (and biggest of all), there is the constant threat of logo theft since we are getting more and more famous. Also, the insane amount of signature threads (see my sig for how I feel about it) and MS Paint-crap pushes anything else down, as was mentioned.

This definitely isn't my idea, but I really wish that there was a separate forum for the sigs/wallpapers. I enjoy making wallpapers a lot, but I always feel like I'm doing something wrong by posting them.

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I'm not a member, so I have no idea, but has participation on the "other board" taken away from concepts posted on this one?

What "other board" are you refering to?

As for contests and the lack of good art thrown out there, there are a lot of factors involved. For instance (and biggest of all), there is the constant threat of logo theft since we are getting more and more famous. Also, the insane amount of signature threads (see my sig for how I feel about it) and MS Paint-crap pushes anything else down, as was mentioned.

This definitely isn't my idea, but I really wish that there was a separate forum for the sigs/wallpapers. I enjoy making wallpapers a lot, but I always feel like I'm doing something wrong by posting them.

Same with my covers thread. I really love doing them for people but I have always felt guilty for taking away space from actual concepts.

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I'm not a member, so I have no idea, but has participation on the "other board" taken away from concepts posted on this one?

What "other board" are you refering to?

As for contests and the lack of good art thrown out there, there are a lot of factors involved. For instance (and biggest of all), there is the constant threat of logo theft since we are getting more and more famous. Also, the insane amount of signature threads (see my sig for how I feel about it) and MS Paint-crap pushes anything else down, as was mentioned.

This definitely isn't my idea, but I really wish that there was a separate forum for the sigs/wallpapers. I enjoy making wallpapers a lot, but I always feel like I'm doing something wrong by posting them.

Same with my covers thread. I really love doing them for people but I have always felt guilty for taking away space from actual concepts.

You could always try posting them in "general design". I know thats not what it's for, but it is a lot less traveled than "concepts", and maybe Chris and everybody else would let them stay there? I would say ask somebody first though, I don't want to make everyones life harder. Another forum area would be great though, and I know people would check it regularly.

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I'm not a member, so I have no idea, but has participation on the "other board" taken away from concepts posted on this one?

What "other board" are you refering to?

As for contests and the lack of good art thrown out there, there are a lot of factors involved. For instance (and biggest of all), there is the constant threat of logo theft since we are getting more and more famous. Also, the insane amount of signature threads (see my sig for how I feel about it) and MS Paint-crap pushes anything else down, as was mentioned.

This definitely isn't my idea, but I really wish that there was a separate forum for the sigs/wallpapers. I enjoy making wallpapers a lot, but I always feel like I'm doing something wrong by posting them.

I agree with this as I could care less about the latest wallpaper or sig thread. They're just shoving good concepts and people looking to improve their concepts to the graveyard and that's unfortunate.



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ah, contests...it's been a while since i even thought about restarting the one i used to run simply because i don't like dealing with committes and such (nothin against ya WiB, just the way i am).

for the fella who asked how these were run, i occasionally ran Shark's Iron Crossover in his place, and his operated like so:

1-Shark chooses a pro team and the sport you are to cross them over to, along with a deadline, generally a week.

2-you post your entry.

3-voting is done via a poll. usually, it was also open for a week.

My own was similar, though I did a few things differently:

1-unlike Shark, I usually had an entry (for the hell of mention, I never won)

2-i generally had a theme that changed from contest to contest (e.g. create a college program), and one time I decided to pit two past DB winners head to head.

3-i usually used a different voting system: you voted your top three in order, so i awarded 3 points to your first choice, 2 to second and 1 to third, then after the deadline i'd tally em up and declare a winner.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I'm not a member, so I have no idea, but has participation on the "other board" taken away from concepts posted on this one?

What "other board" are you refering to?

As for contests and the lack of good art thrown out there, there are a lot of factors involved. For instance (and biggest of all), there is the constant threat of logo theft since we are getting more and more famous. Also, the insane amount of signature threads (see my sig for how I feel about it) and MS Paint-crap pushes anything else down, as was mentioned.

This definitely isn't my idea, but I really wish that there was a separate forum for the sigs/wallpapers. I enjoy making wallpapers a lot, but I always feel like I'm doing something wrong by posting them.

I agree with this as I could care less about the latest wallpaper or sig thread. They're just shoving good concepts and people looking to improve their concepts to the graveyard and that's unfortunate.

I 3rd this "movement" to make a separate fourm section for sigs/avatars/wallpapers. Great idea, it should really help the board aswell.


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Having a separate forum for the sigs and wallpapers is a great idea that I certainly support. To me, one thing that gets on my nerves (and I don't mean to offend anyone who does this, maybe they are new and want to express themselves) is when someone posts a uniform and hardly anything is changed on it. They will flip a few colors here and there and add a secondary logo where the primary used to be. Now, while it may be a CONCEPT...some of them are so borderline that is makes me wonder why someone would waste the time to put effort into it.

Another thing that people have gotten away from is when making a thread title, please include WHAT it is. "Arizona Diamondbacks Concept." Okay, is it a logo...a jersey...an alternate jersey...a hat...a field design...what? For one, I just don't like looking at uniform concepts often unless I feel like the design is going to be a drastic and UNIQUE concept worth looking at.

I could go through the past 4 days of this forum and posts threads to show what I am talking about, but that would be rude. Point being, it happens too often.

I also realize that this board has grown vastly since I have been a member and for a long while I just lurked or posted small C&C here and there. Now with so many people (and who knows what kind of talent) posting...I wonder if the board has lost some quality with just any John Q posting their "concepts." That isn't said to distract anyone from coming here or posting concepts...as I obviously still frequent the site, but it has strayed from the path a bit in the past couple years.

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