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chestnutz redesigns the NFL


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I really like this concept Chestnut. And as far as Jaguar print concepts go, this is by far the best I have ever seen. But I'm with most of the other commenters, I don;t think the jaguar print can ever work. It comes off looking tacky.


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Yes! These are the type of concepts that just make my board viewing experience just that much more pleasurable :D . This is an excellent Jaguars concept. I think this is the best Jaguars concept I have seen, and that is saying something as bohob has done at least one very nice Jags concept. Really, the thing is about the print maybe being overdone, I don't care at all, because it's a concept. I'm glad you went out on a limb, because the final result is very, very good.

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Thanks for the praise elliot, it's always good when you compliment me :D

Three minor, but improving updates (or so I hope)

-Made the jag print about 1.5 sizes bigger, so it doesn't look like a bunch of small little designs

-Lost the jag print on the pants, opted for a more conventional, modern-Bronco style curve

-Got rid of the all black alt, kept white pants for the black jersey





erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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I may be in the minority but I like the original better, I liked the wackiness and the fact that the pants matched the shoulders. Still overall good ideas and execution here.

And it's good to see you back on this series again, I have been enjoying it throughout. Plus, now that I'm done with my NFL redo, there are more comments to go around for you and bohob, and less clutter at the top of the forum with football redesigns. I hope you and bohob both finish because they have been awesome threads so far.

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I gotta say, overall, I'm not really liking any of these concepts. Just not striking me as improvements to the current sets. That being said, I do have some likes:

1. Atlanta "arch" workmark

2. Dallas overall idea, even if the color seems dark

3. Jags - I thought the first set might pull it off, but then I had to say no. I think the best way to incorporate the "spotz" print would be on a non-essential element, like perhaps the socks. It's so minimalized at that point, that it really won't look bad, I don't think. The other possibility would be to use the spots print as a number ourline on the front/back numbers. So what you have is a teal or black number, a spots outline, and then a white outline (or white then spots). And On the dark uni, you have a white number, black outline, spots outline and another thin white outline. The trick is getting the spot outline just big enough to be seen without being distracting.

Edge's overall rating: eh, C--

spacer.png  5-time Defending NL East Champions spacer.png 

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That's not biased at all... <_< if you are going to insult someone after getting into an argument you might as well do it discreetly. Suprisingly all 12 concepts were not quoted in this response. And sorry, you have no reasons to speak in the third person.

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I gotta say, overall, I'm not really liking any of these concepts. Just not striking me as improvements to the current sets. That being said, I do have some likes:

1. Atlanta "arch" workmark

2. Dallas overall idea, even if the color seems dark

3. Jags - I thought the first set might pull it off, but then I had to say no. I think the best way to incorporate the "spotz" print would be on a non-essential element, like perhaps the socks. It's so minimalized at that point, that it really won't look bad, I don't think. The other possibility would be to use the spots print as a number ourline on the front/back numbers. So what you have is a teal or black number, a spots outline, and then a white outline (or white then spots). And On the dark uni, you have a white number, black outline, spots outline and another thin white outline. The trick is getting the spot outline just big enough to be seen without being distracting.

Edge's overall rating: eh, C--

Can't say I didn't see that one comin'.

chestnutz' overall rating of how much he cares: eh


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Let it roll off the back, Erik. Like water off a duck.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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I'm not afraid of criticism. I get it whether I'm here or not..... :)

Besides, opinions are like noses....everybody goes sniffing around because everybody's got one (excepting those with medical reasons they don't).

And if you are gonna post and ask for C&C, then you better have a bit more than a jellyfish spine.

Take opinions for what they are worth: an opinion. There is no reason to get so out of whack about 1 reply. I 've criticised other concepts before also. I've praised other concepts. It's just what strikes me when I see them. Far as I know, same with everyone else who posts. But look at it this way, you must value my opinion highly enough (don't know why - we've never met) to get upset about the post.

So, no harm no foul here. Just an opinion. Take it for what it's worth in a public setting. It doesn't mean you did a bad job. It just means I personally didn't care for the ideas.

Anyone who takes enough time to post is far above me on the pecking order of graphic design. It takes a lot of time to do it right. And I give you much credit for that. I've seen far to many MS-paint worthy ideas (including my own at one point). Yours obviously goes miles past that.

So until next post......take it in stride.

spacer.png  5-time Defending NL East Champions spacer.png 

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This looks much better with the larger spots, but I'm gonna have to agree with elliott and say that I rather like the first one with the jaguar print on the pants. It is a very unique idea that no other team in the NFL could use, and I think you should stick with. I don't have any complaints about the Cowboys, that set is perfect. You're doing a great job on these, keep up the good work.


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The newer Jags concept certainly looks better, but whenever Jaguar print is applied to Jacksonville's uniforms it always looks tacky to me. It's probably just personal preference. I would like to see it used in a more subtle way. Maybe if you reversed what you have and went with spots on the pants, but not on the jersey. Putting that aside though, these look really good.

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Nowhere did I ever imply your comments "hurt" me or anything of the sort. I can take all sorts of criticism, its what makes me better. I respect your opinion, and of course youre entitled to yours, but my opinion is that I take yours with a grain of salt, no offense. Many people have liked my concepts in the past, and many have disliked some. But to say that every single one of my concepts is bad, it won't bother me or keep me from sleeping at night, but its just a bit odd considering many others have liked at least one of them.

And so I'm done with this (arguing with you)

To everyone else: thank you for the critiques. I've got an idea in my head for another team, so expect another concept in the coming days.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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I'm not afraid of criticism. I get it whether I'm here or not..... :)

Besides, opinions are like noses....everybody goes sniffing around because everybody's got one (excepting those with medical reasons they don't).

And if you are gonna post and ask for C&C, then you better have a bit more than a jellyfish spine.

Take opinions for what they are worth: an opinion. There is no reason to get so out of whack about 1 reply. I 've criticised other concepts before also. I've praised other concepts. It's just what strikes me when I see them. Far as I know, same with everyone else who posts. But look at it this way, you must value my opinion highly enough (don't know why - we've never met) to get upset about the post.

So, no harm no foul here. Just an opinion. Take it for what it's worth in a public setting. It doesn't mean you did a bad job. It just means I personally didn't care for the ideas.

Anyone who takes enough time to post is far above me on the pecking order of graphic design. It takes a lot of time to do it right. And I give you much credit for that. I've seen far to many MS-paint worthy ideas (including my own at one point). Yours obviously goes miles past that.

So until next post......take it in stride.

There is a difference in taking constructive criticism in stride, which obviously chesnutz can or this thread wouldn't be 8 pages long; and taking "payback" criticism in stride, which is less your opinion and more your attempt at unfairly insulting his concepts because he called you annoying in another thread.

Sorry for continuing the argument, let's get back on topic.

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  • 2 weeks later...
And for the revival, team numero 10, the Tennessee Titans.




I appreciate the effort on the Titans but I dislike the color scheme a lot. IMO the Titans do need a new look but it shouldn't be a drastic change. The current two tone blue is one of the best in the NFL. The less red the better. The shield logo you created is ok but it needs something else. How about adding two swords crossing through the shield?

The Titans look just needs to be simplified. It's a blue-collar defensive team that should have one of the more simple looks of any team in the league IMO. The current jersey and this design don't match their image.

The home should be a navy jersey, with columbia blue numerals that are the same font as the word mark. There should be three narrow columbia stripes on the sleeves.

The away will of course be white and should keep the same color scheme to the numbers(navy with columbia outline), no yokes, and three navy stripes on the sleeves outlined with columbia.

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  • 1 month later...

So after a pretty big break from football concepts, I've decided to make my comeback, with a re-do of an earlier redesign, the New Orleans Saints.

I originally redesigned the Saints last year in my Xtreme Makeover Series (concepts can be seen on first post of this thread). With my improved talents, I decided to re-do it because it was one of my favorite concepts I've done. So here it is...


I edited the current primary a little, taking away one of the outlines, making it just 2. I also added a gold half-shadow, giving it a little modern touch.

The secondary is a hybrid of the two I made last time. In this, I've combined the football with crossing horns, to symbolize the jazz history of NOLA, and a crown, to symbolize the whole jester/royalty kinda history the city has. I hope it turned out better than before.

People seemed to love the wordmark last time, and I kept the same font. I arched it, and added the half-shadow to this as well. A little simpler, with the road NOLA instead of spelling out New Orleans.


The white helmets got a positive reaction last time, so I brought them back. This time, however, I made the home jersey gold, and really throughout the set I used gold more than the last time. For the numbers, I used the same curly font that's in the wordmarks.

So let me know what you guys think, first football one in a while!




erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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This look on the whole is wonderful. I've always been fond of UCF's latest uniforms and these favor that look: making gold the primary color over black.

What I don't like: the secondary logo doesn't seem exactly NFL to me, I guess? The numbers on the jersey maybe a little too thin to read properly from far away.

What I like: Everything else. I especially like the bold decision to put white numbers on the gold jersey with no black outline. That looks great. (I've always liked white on gold or white on powder blue). The white helmets look great. I like the reduction in number of strokes on the FDL. And I think that gold facemask was a very interesting (good) choice.

One suggestion: I don't know if you strayed away from them because it's harder to get them to translate on modern uniforms, but it would be nice to see the original-pattern sleeve striping: i.e. on the gold jersey it'd be white-black-white-black-white.

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So after a pretty big break from football concepts, I've decided to make my comeback, with a re-do of an earlier redesign, the New Orleans Saints.

I originally redesigned the Saints last year in my Xtreme Makeover Series (concepts can be seen on first post of this thread). With my improved talents, I decided to re-do it because it was one of my favorite concepts I've done. So here it is...


I edited the current primary a little, taking away one of the outlines, making it just 2. I also added a gold half-shadow, giving it a little modern touch.

The secondary is a hybrid of the two I made last time. In this, I've combined the football with crossing horns, to symbolize the jazz history of NOLA, and a crown, to symbolize the whole jester/royalty kinda history the city has. I hope it turned out better than before.

People seemed to love the wordmark last time, and I kept the same font. I arched it, and added the half-shadow to this as well. A little simpler, with the road NOLA instead of spelling out New Orleans.


The white helmets got a positive reaction last time, so I brought them back. This time, however, I made the home jersey gold, and really throughout the set I used gold more than the last time. For the numbers, I used the same curly font that's in the wordmarks.

So let me know what you guys think, first football one in a while!



This is undoubtedly one of the best concepts I've ever seen. Spectacular job!

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