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NBA Redesign Project


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P-Sizzle? Are you serious?

I don't mean to be rude. However, not one of these concepts has been an upgrade. You took two of the NBA's better identities (Atlanta and Charlotte) and made them boring. As for the Bucks, you over-simplified (as is the case with all three).


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Here is another concept that I did. I personally find the Bobcats current color scheme to be putrid. The blue, which works for the Seahawks, does not work for the Bobcats IMO. Then that BRIGHT orange really doesn't pair up well with it. Plus, even though I know team colors don't always need to match the colors of the animal they represent I don't thing orange and sewer blue work well for the name Bobcats. The design of their uniform also sucks, quite frankly. Whether they are wearing the home whites with the stupid parallelograms going down the sides or the ugly mismatching mesh blue uniforms, they look like as big of a joke as they play. Since they are already moving towards a switch to blue, I ran with the color blue for this concept. I pondered going with a Carolina blue scheme, but I decided to leave that for UNC. Plus, I kind of fell in love with this color scheme for the Cats.

What has changed

-Color scheme: blue-orange-silver-black to NAVY AND GOLD

-Uniform Design: They already wear a modern design, so I dedided not to change that. They are a new team so it fits.

-Numbers-I went with a non-italicized version of their current numbers because the italicized version looks awful.

-Primary logo-Their alternate logos are far superior and look much more like bobcats than their current primary logo. I went with one of those with the wordmark as the primary logo. I also placed this logo on the shorts.

What has stayed the same:

-Wordmarks: These are the one part of their identity that I do not absolutely hate. This is essentially all that stayed the same.

Without further ado here is the concept. I would appreciate some constructive criticism. Thank you.

Primary logo:


Home Uniform:


Away Uniform:


Gee this looks awfully familiar


"Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough"

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Here is another concept that I did. I personally find the Bobcats current color scheme to be putrid. The blue, which works for the Seahawks, does not work for the Bobcats IMO. Then that BRIGHT orange really doesn't pair up well with it. Plus, even though I know team colors don't always need to match the colors of the animal they represent I don't thing orange and sewer blue work well for the name Bobcats. The design of their uniform also sucks, quite frankly. Whether they are wearing the home whites with the stupid parallelograms going down the sides or the ugly mismatching mesh blue uniforms, they look like as big of a joke as they play. Since they are already moving towards a switch to blue, I ran with the color blue for this concept. I pondered going with a Carolina blue scheme, but I decided to leave that for UNC. Plus, I kind of fell in love with this color scheme for the Cats.

What has changed

-Color scheme: blue-orange-silver-black to NAVY AND GOLD

-Uniform Design: They already wear a modern design, so I dedided not to change that. They are a new team so it fits.

-Numbers-I went with a non-italicized version of their current numbers because the italicized version looks awful.

-Primary logo-Their alternate logos are far superior and look much more like bobcats than their current primary logo. I went with one of those with the wordmark as the primary logo. I also placed this logo on the shorts.

What has stayed the same:

-Wordmarks: These are the one part of their identity that I do not absolutely hate. This is essentially all that stayed the same.

Without further ado here is the concept. I would appreciate some constructive criticism. Thank you.

Primary logo:


Home Uniform:


Away Uniform:


Gee this looks awfully familiar


Except mine's a lot better.

Honestly though, I've never seen that.

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Don't worry guys. If you help me out with why these are "boring" and "over-simplified" I will work on them. Also, more creativity will be on display later on in the series. :D

I don't think you really need any help with this. Just look at it. Any jersey that has minimal, straight striping is pretty simplified. The Bucks use a pretty modern template. This is very reserved. It doesn't require a lot of explanation.

You need to keep in mind what is working and what is not working in the teams design when you do a uniform for them. For your first 3 designs it looks like that you are just changing things for the sake of changing them, and it doesn't always work. Like the Bobcats color scheme, a downgrade I think. And you got rid of the Bucks unique striping for a generic Celtics look. Be more creative with the designs and most of all try to improve them compared to what the team actually wears.

Except mine's a lot better.

Honestly though, I've never seen that.

Really? I think Clutch's is much better. Although I don't think you stole it. But where does this cockiness come from all of a sudden? P-sizzle? All I'm sayin is that you haven't exactly made a lot of friends here in the past.

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I don't think you really need any help with this. Just look at it. Any jersey that has minimal, straight striping is pretty simplified. The Bucks use a pretty modern template. This is very reserved. It doesn't require a lot of explanation.

You need to keep in mind what is working and what is not working in the teams design when you do a uniform for them. For your first 3 designs it looks like that you are just changing things for the sake of changing them, and it doesn't always work. Like the Bobcats color scheme, a downgrade I think. And you got rid of the Bucks unique striping for a generic Celtics look. Be more creative with the designs and most of all try to improve them compared to what the team actually wears.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more. There are only two teams in the NBA that feature green as their primary color. The Bucks and Celtics. So why would you make the Bucks look almost exactly like the Celtics? These teams do not exist in a vacuum, you need to consider other teams' identities when you do a concept, so your possible series doesn't have 5 teams with the same color scheme, like the current NBA. One of the most original NBA color schemes, the Bobcats, need to stay unique. I'm not saying you can't edit the colors at all, but keep the orange primary. It's what keeps them from looking like the Warriors, Knicks, Thunder, and a slew of other teams. Navy and gold looks like the Nuggets, Grizzlies, Pacers, and probably a few other teams I am forgetting. Finally, your jerseys need a black stroke around them, so the homes don't blend in with the background. I have mentioned this on one of your baseball concepts as well, so I hope you take the advice. Its purpose is to help you improve.

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After looking at the Bucks concept again, I could see that it was a huge downgrade. That is why I have revised it.



What has changed:

-The jersey design

-No more logo on the shorts

-Green wordmark on homes

I still would like constructive criticism if you would be so kind. Thank you.

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Don't worry guys. If you help me out with why these are "boring" and "over-simplified" I will work on them. Also, more creativity will be on display later on in the series. :D

I don't think you really need any help with this. Just look at it. Any jersey that has minimal, straight striping is pretty simplified. The Bucks use a pretty modern template. This is very reserved. It doesn't require a lot of explanation.

You need to keep in mind what is working and what is not working in the teams design when you do a uniform for them. For your first 3 designs it looks like that you are just changing things for the sake of changing them, and it doesn't always work. Like the Bobcats color scheme, a downgrade I think. And you got rid of the Bucks unique striping for a generic Celtics look. Be more creative with the designs and most of all try to improve them compared to what the team actually wears.

Except mine's a lot better.

Honestly though, I've never seen that.

Really? I think Clutch's is much better. Although I don't think you stole it. But where does this cockiness come from all of a sudden? P-sizzle? All I'm sayin is that you haven't exactly made a lot of friends here in the past.

thank you. i'm not saying you stole it either. but who knows that for sure you could've but who really cares. yours is too plain. not saying mine is any better or that good in the first place i did that a long time ago.

"Every success is built on the ability to do better than good enough"

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Here are my Pacers uniforms. I think their present uniforms are a little to plain, so I took the concept of the pinstripes they used to don and reintroduced them but only on the sides of the jersey. The Orlando Magic have done something like this and I liked how it looked for them. This is why I figured I would give it a shot for the Pacers, a team that has a history (albeit a short one) of wearing pinstripes.



What has changed:

-Jersey design (Pinstripes on sides of jersey, neck)

What has stayed the same:




I would appreciate C&C. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Well I didn't get many comments about my Pacers concept. I guess that means you like it.


Here is my Bulls concept. I feel like the Bulls' uniforms are outdated and I want to give them a clean break from the Jordan era. That is why I went with an update-type concept. I kept the same colors, the same wordmarks (essentially), and the same number font but still gave them a fresh look.



What has changed:

-Side striping design instead of what they have now.

-Drop shadows instead of outlines

-V-Neck instead of crew neck

-White wordmark instead of black wordmark (gives them a brighter, cleaner look IMO)

What has stayed the same:


-Wordmarks (essentially)


C&C would be great if you would be so kind!

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Just of quick notice, the last three you have done all have the same basic general layout of thinner stripes surrounding a thicker stripe on the side. Maybe take a step back and come up with something other than slight variations of that (a la your Bobcats concept). I'm not sold on the slight modification of the Bulls wordmark and that you have it on both the home and away. Maybe try to incorporate the horns somehow and move the jerseys away from the "Jordan" era and into the "Rose" era.


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I'll probably come back to the Bulls pretty soon, but for now here is my Dallas Mavericks concept. I incorporated green, royal blue, and silver because I find the Mavs current uniforms to be kind of drab. The colors were inspired by the All Star Game logo, which I think is great. Plus, I made stars a key part of the jerseys and utilized them in a similar manner to the way the Celtics I also created a new primary logo, because I find the current one to be to busy. It combines the alternate wordmark and the current horse head logo. Finally, this is the first uniform set that I have introduced with my new presentation template.

What's changed:

-Color scheme

-Jersey design

-Primary logo

What's the same:

-The horse head logo


-Number font

Please help me out by giving me some constructive criticism. Thank you in advance; I really appreciate it.


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This one is much better than your last few attempts. I would consider adding some light blue into the logo however, maybe in the mane. Also, Your side panels are pointed in the center like a V. They aren't pointed on the side view of the shorts, though. Might want to fix that. I really, like the color scheme, btw.

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I'm actually a really big fan of this. The design is modern but not over the top. The colors work great together, and the uniform seems flawless. I like the idea of the star on the collar and pants. I'd like to see a green alternate, as I think that would look pretty sharp. Also, I like the new presenattion template. Very stylish.


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Chicago is a major downgrade in my book. Drop-shadows without outline makes them look very Nike/college/blah to me. Plus, the diamond-shape they have now is pretty unique not only to the NBA, but major sports in general. Don't take that away.

Dallas... Hmmm, I really really want to like this, but I can't. The colors are too close to the T-Wolves. It looks like you threw in green for green's sake.

I'd re-look at both of these, man. Indiana was alright, though.


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The Bulls I really don't like. The side panels just don't say Bulls to me. They rely on simplicity, I think this is a little busy on the piping on the side panels, it might look better if it was just one stripe instead of two (the two small white stripes on the red jerseys, for example). But really I prefer the diamonds of color to the panels.

The Mavericks is one of your better concepts but it still has a lot of room to improve. Some things are sloppy and look wrong, for example, on the jersey tops, the white and gray striping would make a downward arrow like the raptors, which doesn't match the pants. Also, the pants 2 angled stripes are at a pretty minor angle, while the jerseys corresponding stripes are more slanted and overall much more of a sharp angle. The last mistake I see is on the back of the white jersey, you have messed up what should be white diagonal stripes, they are dark gray.

Also, really I think there are too many stars. I don't know, I think 5 is too much, maybe replace the lowest pants stars with the primary logo. The green outlining the wordmark is barely visible and I think just blurs the image, maybe just leave it off altogether. Overall the green could work, but I think when combined with light blue, navy and silver, it's just too much, I get a T-wolves vibe, and it would be better if you simplified the color scheme. Finally I feel like Mavericks is a little too long of a wordmark combined with the side panels, it might work with no side panels, but just Dallas might look better on the home jersey.

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This one is much better than your last few attempts. I would consider adding some light blue into the logo however, maybe in the mane. Also, Your side panels are pointed in the center like a V. They aren't pointed on the side view of the shorts, though. Might want to fix that. I really, like the color scheme, btw.

I tried to add blue into the primary logo, but I just couldn't figure out a way to do it that looked good. Also with this update I changed the side panels and I think they are pointing the right way now (they are supposed to look the same as the shorts). I'm having a lot of trouble wit that though. And thanks about the color scheme too. I chose it because I fell in love with the colors in the All-Star Game logo and because I much prefer the Mavericks' old color scheme.

I'm actually a really big fan of this. The design is modern but not over the top. The colors work great together, and the uniform seems flawless. I like the idea of the star on the collar and pants. I'd like to see a green alternate, as I think that would look pretty sharp. Also, I like the new presenattion template. Very stylish.

Thank you for your compliments, TalktoChuck. I'm going to add alternates for every team at the end.

Chicago is a major downgrade in my book. Drop-shadows without outline makes them look very Nike/college/blah to me. Plus, the diamond-shape they have now is pretty unique not only to the NBA, but major sports in general. Don't take that away.

Dallas... Hmmm, I really really want to like this, but I can't. The colors are too close to the T-Wolves. It looks like you threw in green for green's sake.

I'd re-look at both of these, man. Indiana was alright, though.

After reading yours and Elliot's comments about the Bulls design, I agree. Before posting these I actually gave it a second thought because I also like the diamond pattern. I just changed it for the sake of changing it to be honest, but now I'm going to go back and see if I can think of a way to redesign their uniforms while retaining the diamond pattern in some fashion.

I just don't agree with your suggestion that I "threw in green for green's sake" because it is one of their former colors, they have a green alternate, and they have incorporated green into their upcoming All-Star game logo. Part of the reason I added it was to give them a better excuse to wear a green alternate, kind of like how the San Diego Chargers added Powder Blue to their navy blue jerseys and Primary Logo. The issue about them looking like the T-Wolves won't be a problem because when I get around to the T-Wolves they will have different colors.

The Bulls I really don't like. The side panels just don't say Bulls to me. They rely on simplicity, I think this is a little busy on the piping on the side panels, it might look better if it was just one stripe instead of two (the two small white stripes on the red jerseys, for example). But really I prefer the diamonds of color to the panels.

The Mavericks is one of your better concepts but it still has a lot of room to improve. Some things are sloppy and look wrong, for example, on the jersey tops, the white and gray striping would make a downward arrow like the raptors, which doesn't match the pants. Also, the pants 2 angled stripes are at a pretty minor angle, while the jerseys corresponding stripes are more slanted and overall much more of a sharp angle. The last mistake I see is on the back of the white jersey, you have messed up what should be white diagonal stripes, they are dark gray.

Also, really I think there are too many stars. I don't know, I think 5 is too much, maybe replace the lowest pants stars with the primary logo. The green outlining the wordmark is barely visible and I think just blurs the image, maybe just leave it off altogether. Overall the green could work, but I think when combined with light blue, navy and silver, it's just too much, I get a T-wolves vibe, and it would be better if you simplified the color scheme. Finally I feel like Mavericks is a little too long of a wordmark combined with the side panels, it might work with no side panels, but just Dallas might look better on the home jersey.

After letting the Bulls concept sit here for a while, I don't like it either. It doesn't have enough character IMO, which the design with the diamonds does have. I'm going to go back to the proverbial drawing board for this one.

I'm pretty sure I fixed the problems with the Mavs jersey that you mentioned. The "arrow" was supposed to be more of a parallelogram and I think I fixed that on the update but I'm not sure. I had trouble trying to figure out how that shape should be displayed on the different sides of the jersey. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree about the stars, because the Celtics do the exact same thing with the clovers on their alternate jersey. I think it is a nice branding technique and the plethora of Stars works considering they are located in Texas. I see the problem you are talking about the green outline, but I think that's more of an issue having to do with the size of the image than anything else. Plus, the T-Wolves thing will be a non-issue because the T-Wolves will have a new color pallette in their concept. About the Mavericks thing, I honestly didn't even realize they wore "Dallas" on the front of their home jerseys. I thought Chris was just missing the logo from his site. Oops. I don't think it looks awful, though. On the other hand, I might still change it if I get more C&C recommending I do so.

And here is the Mavs update. I fixed the mistake I made with the gray piping on the back and I think I fixed the problem with the angle of the striping on the side panels. Feel free to continue to give me constructive criticism. In fact, I'd appreciate it very much.


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