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Vote For Manny


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I didn't see this anywhere so I decided to show everyone. Some guy started a website where people could easily go and vote for Manny to get into the All-Star game this year since there are no rules that will keep him out. His suspension will be over right before the game.

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Telling MLB we still don't care about steroid use? All our anger over fallen records and all that, but we want to honor Manny for using PEDs?

I still like Manny and can forgive the guy, but if he gets voted in, I'll be embarrassed by baseballs other fans. This isn't about doing something zany like voting Rory Fitzpatrick in, this is about sending a message that we support and then some proven, recent users of PEDs.

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Well then why do you support and over look all the players from the 60's and 70's who used uppers? I'm talking about the greats. Get over the PED's and what Manny's done, because if you do, then go back and look at the greats and critsize the Willie Mays for using uppers which are PED's.



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Well then why do you support and over look all the players from the 60's and 70's who used uppers? I'm talking about the greats. Get over the PED's and what Manny's done, because if you do, then go back and look at the greats and critsize the Willie Mays for using uppers which are PED's.


It's just different breeds of the same animal, dog.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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It's pretty much been proven that the only people that care about steroids in baseball are the following:

-The VAST majority of the sports media

-The fans of teams whose players get suspended, only because their player is missing time and not because he 'cheated'

-A small minority of fans (a.k.a. the internet)

That's it. Nobody else cares, at least I don't at this point. If the people wanna see Manny in the all-star game, then give them what they want until you put a rule in to stop it. (Which is the point of the website. :P)



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Well then why do you support and over look all the players from the 60's and 70's who used uppers? I'm talking about the greats. Get over the PED's and what Manny's done, because if you do, then go back and look at the greats and critsize the Willie Mays for using uppers which are PED's.

I didn't even say I don't support Manny Ramirez.

I'm one of the first people to point out that guys have been cheating and looking for advantages since baseball started. Can range from spitballs to greenies to steroids and everything in between.

I get it, and I still like those guys.

But that doesn't mean I'm okay with the acts that they did. I hate Barry Bonds b/c he's a dickweed. If he cheated, seemed sorry and/or changed, I could get over that. But he's not. Plus, I think I hate him either way. Again, he's a dickweed.

Manny can be in the All Star Game next year. I suspect he will be.

But to elect him essentially just because he got caught using steroids (if he was injured for all but 15 games before the break he would still get votes but not this many) is a slap in the face to everything that is right. It's a reward for using.

And it's simply not true that fans don't care about use. Fans are becoming numb to it, and fans are certainly tired of the media exposure about it, but fans would greatly prefer knowing the game is clean vs. the current environment. Part of the problem is that it got so bad some have given up.

And actually, TFoA, I'd suggest that the percentage of fans on the internet represents are far more lax attitude on steroids than the fans not on the internet. But it's not provable, of course.

Anyways, my point is not that everyone who's cheated is evil or that cheating is a recent issue. The point is that right is right and wrong is wrong, and wrongs in the past do not justify wrongs now.

We know a guy just recently cheated, he's being punished, and what are fans potentially about to do about it? Reward him by giving him far more votes than he would have gotten had his reason for missing games been something other than a suspension, and far, far more than he deserves (because he simply can't deserve an ASG bid with the amount of games he will have played).

Forgive him. Support him. I'm ALL for that. I'll forgive anybody who shows they're worthy of it. But don't overlook his cheating so soon, and certainly don't reward him for it.

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Telling MLB we still don't care about steroid use? All our anger over fallen records and all that, but we want to honor Manny for using PEDs?

I still like Manny and can forgive the guy, but if he gets voted in, I'll be embarrassed by baseballs other fans. This isn't about doing something zany like voting Rory Fitzpatrick in, this is about sending a message that we support and then some proven, recent users of PEDs.

Agreed. Putting him in the All-Star Game would be shameful.

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what are fans potentially about to do about it? Reward him by giving him far more votes than he would have gotten had his reason for missing games been something other than a suspension, and far, far more than he deserves (because he simply can't deserve an ASG bid with the amount of games he will have played).

I could almost guarantee that he doesn't think of it as a "reward". I'd suspect that he wants no part of the ASG, and would rather have those days off (as would a lot of all-stars.)

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From what I can remember, Manny usually takes those days off anyway. The author of the website is pretty confident that even if elected, he won't set foot on the field in St. Louis. The way I look at it though, if Bud $elig wants the All-Star Game to 'count', then the teams need the best players they can get, regardless of time played. This is certainly another subject for another thread, but I liked the ASG better when it didn't determine home field advantage.

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I'm against steroids and think voting Manny Ramirez into the All-Star Game would make a mockery of the institution, so naturally I'm gonna do it, though sullying baseball's All-Star Game in its current form is like getting your dog to take a crap on a house that burned down: the worst damage has already been done, and anything further is gratuitous and mean.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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It's an exhibition game...let the fans vote for whoever they want. Alex Rodriguez is on the ballot, and he recently admitted to taking steroids. Rick Ankiel admitted to taking HGH, yet he's still on the ballot, and likely getting a lot of hometown votes. Drug use, whether it be past or present, isn't making a difference in folks casting ballots.

Besides, didn't Manny get suspended for taking chick medicine?

You should support Manny getting elected to the All-Star team, Justin. He'd give the NL the best chance to win the opportunity for the Cardinals to host Game 7 of the World Series....

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I'm not saying players that have ever used shouldn't be elected, I'm just saying the guy that's missing almost the entire first half of the season because he took steroids should not be honored with an All Star selection.

I'm not an advocate of a rule against it, I just think fans voting for him are ignorant and disgracing the game.

The "chick medicine" is a medicine commonly use by steroid users coming off a cycle. Conseco was found guilting of using/distributing the stuff not long ago.

And I get that argument, but the All Star teams should be made up of players who have had a good first half of the season with some allowance for letting careers be under consideration. Guys being suspended for 50 games in the first half of the season don't deserve that honor, I don't care if it makes the team better or not.

I'm one of the few people that likes the ASG deciding home field advantage, that doesn't make me want Manny on the team anymore.

See, it's not that I'm trying to punish Manny extra for using steroids. He's doing his time, and that's fine. But the fact that people are going out of his way to give him extra votes because he's been suspended is disgraceful. At the most basic, he doesn't deserve it because he'll have played in all of about 15 games.

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A-Rod will likely get voted in even though he was caught on Roids, so I dont really see a problem with Manny getting voted in, especially if he just tested positive on time and A-Rod is suspected to have done them over the course of 3 years or less.

Although I do think that this proves fan favorites make it over players who really deserve it.

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