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Vintage 2.0


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I was thinking of what would be a cool concept series, I know people like to do current leagues like the NHL, NFl, MLB, and NBA, but I decided instead of redesigning the current teams to redesign the defunct teams to give them a more modernized look. I am naming the series Vintage 2.0 and I will present the logo at a later time. I really don't know why I decided to start with the Maroons. Probably because any logo would look better than a maroon M.

Marroonsbutton.png StPatsbutton.png

I present the Montreal Maroons.






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this is pretty cool idea, and your first concept is really nice. i just don't understand the things sticking out of the "M". It looks okay but I think there could be more to it. rather than just adding feathers to it. although, i'm not sure if theres alot you can do for a team named "Maroons" haha. good job on the unis though.


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It's definitely designed well, and executed well. It's very clean. The logo is an interesting idea, instead of just and M, and works well. Great Job, can't wait to see what else you design.

Edit: The One thing bugging me is the numbers, they look a little big, and there aren't any on the sleeves/shoulders.

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It's definitely designed well, and executed well. It's very clean. The logo is an interesting idea, instead of just and M, and works well. Great Job, can't wait to see what else you design.

Edit: The One thing bugging me is the numbers, they look a little big, and there aren't any on the sleeves/shoulders.

Ah yes good call, I will update soon.


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ironic...a few years back I decided to do a set of defunct teams (though I stuck to just the NHL, with a couple other historically important teams thrown in) and started with the Maroons. I like the two-tone maroon thing you have going on, mainly because I actually wouldn't have considered going that route. I was thinking "if I was doing the Maroons again, I'd use cream" but then, you went for a more modern look than I did...so cream would actually have been a horrible choice here.

the silver alts...I aint gonna knock simply throwing a color at you from nowhere, cus I do it too (case in point: name anybody else who would pair green and gold with powder blue)...it aint exactly a chest stripe, but it borders on it. If it were anybody not located in Montreal, I'd be all for it.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I love the idea behind this series, so I really hope you put a lot of time into it and finish as many defunct teams as you can.

In general, I like your Maroons concept. I love the two shades of maroon. They look great together. The uniforms are nice; classic but with a unique striping pattern. Since you're using gray on the alternate, I'd love to see some gray on the home and away, like as a stripe to fill in the space between the other two sleeve stripes.

A few complaints: as you know, the numbers need fixing. Also, the alternate jersey has a bit too much negative space, and the only two places where you've using striping (the shoulder yoke and the side panels) don't match at all. Finally, I'm not sure about the primary logo. I can only imagine how difficult it is to come up with something for "Maroons," but the shapes on the outside of the Ms look arbitrary, and I keep seeing the edge of the Flyers' logo.


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Update #1

So I changed the sizes of the numbers and name to fit, and it looks much better. I also added numbers on the arms.


I have two striping ideas to add gray to the home and away jerseys. I was leaning more toward the top striping pattern because I wanted to keep the striping I already had but add grey. I also decided to change the middle stripe on the logo to gray. I don't know does that look better or worse.


I'm trying to come up with something for the alt jersey and I up for any ideas.


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I'm going with the top striping pattern and will update both jerseys soon. I am stuck on how to add gray to the logo and am trying a couple of ideas. I also have a preview of the next team I am doing the Toronto St. Pats.



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I know you've moved on now and I probably should have said something earlier, but I wish you would have done something more off the wall for the Maroons rather than three stripes, one of which is barely visible. I think there was a lot of wiggle room in terms of design here because really old defunct teams don't have much history to draw from. Personally, I think you should be a bit more adventurous with these. You know, make them a bit more modern

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I know you've moved on now and I probably should have said something earlier, but I wish you would have done something more off the wall for the Maroons rather than three stripes, one of which is barely visible. I think there was a lot of wiggle room in terms of design here because really old defunct teams don't have much history to draw from. Personally, I think you should be a bit more adventurous with these. You know, make them a bit more modern

I haven't completely finished the Maroons yet. I am trying to make the logos a bit more modern but also trying to keep a classic feel with them. I think I am going to stick with the logo for now but I may think about redoing it later on. Some of these teams are hard to make a logo for because who knows what it is. I have never heard anyone refer to maroon to something other than a color so it gets a little complicated. I will keep this in mind as I do other concepts though.


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I understand that. In the days of "Old Time Hockey" teams were named after colors(maroons), years (ottawa '67s), countries (candiens) and foliage (leafs). I liked the addition of gray (or silver) to the sweater. Maybe not to the logo, which would be helped on the home sweater by a white outline. My suggestion was to just not feel too obligated to follow tradition for teams that have none. I'll be following :D

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Toronto St Pats

Not a huge change to their logo but I feel the cursive script was what was missing in their logo. As for the uniforms I liked what they had but it reminded me way to much of what Montreal uses currently. I decided to go with something similar to what the leafs use. The alternate jersey is the same as what they wore in 1920 and 1922 but I used the oval logo used from 1922-25 with my script inside.





C & C please

Also see first post for updated Maroons uniforms.


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The St Pats look very nice, but I can't see anything in the logos or uniforms that suggests a "modernization." If that really was your goal, then I think you need to put a lot more work into this concept. Looks great, but also looks like something from the 40s or 50s.


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Are the pants on the St. Pats supposed to be so much darker than the green anywhere else on the uniforms?

When I used the green from the jerseys it didn't seem right.

The St Pats look very nice, but I can't see anything in the logos or uniforms that suggests a "modernization." If that really was your goal, then I think you need to put a lot more work into this concept. Looks great, but also looks like something from the 40s or 50s.

I know that is what this series is about, but some teams are hard to change because of the team name. For the St Pats I was thinking of using a logo that used something that resembled St. Patrick or something along those lines but I couldn't come up with anything. I am still trying to work something in along those lines though for a shoulder patch


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I know that is what this series is about, but some teams are hard to change because of the team name. For the St Pats I was thinking of using a logo that used something that resembled St. Patrick or something along those lines but I couldn't come up with anything. I am still trying to work something in along those lines though for a shoulder patch

I can definitely understand the problem with coming up with logos for such a generic nickname; it's the same issue you faced with "Maroons." I think a "modern" look could be achieved simply with different sleeve striping. That's the part of your St. Pats concept that seems very basic and "old-school hockey" to me.

As per logo ideas, think about some of these:

*An image of St. Pat himself

*A monogram logo: either St.P or even T.St.P

*A shamrock (three-leaf to be historically accurate)

*A Celtic cross

I think a Celtic theme could work wonders here, if it's implemented very carefully and conservatively. I wouldn't want to see thick Celtic motif striping everywhere (except maybe on an alternate).


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I'm not a huge hockey person, but I would cop one of those Maroons jerseys in a minute... great job.

The St. Pats don't look all that modernized though. Keep the alt as it is, but you need to make the white outline on the numbers MUCH thicker. As far as the regular home and away, I would try to make a crest based on a four leaf clover and maybe find a way to work the flag of st. patrick somewhere on the jerseys (maybe as shoulder patches?).

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