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Montreal Canadiens (Uniforms)


Which set works best?  

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No one likes seeing certain teams uniforms being touched (the Canadiens being a big one), but I'm touching them anyway. I'm not so much trying to make something "better" but something that is congruent (something Montreal lacks) and looks nice. So which of the two do you like?



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Well Capn, i'm pretty sure every Canadiens concept hasn't gone over well with most people. This isn't the situation. I love stripes on home no. 1 and away no. 2. Its funny that they are in two different sets but I love them as a pair. The home I think will alway be recognized for those stripes and the away I haven't always got, but the stripes you have resemble and old "white" based jersey. Not a huge fan of the shoulder yoke but maybe something in the area would be nice. Something I know people will not like is the line going through the the back of the Canadiens logo, as long as you fill the inside of the 'C' and 'H' (which you did) I think it will look fine. I just find the blue filter adds a nicer look to the logo rather than seeing the red and white inside. The 'M' on the shoulders is pretty cool, maybe if only one 'M' was on a shoulder, it would look better. The stripe on the home I feel may need the stripe with the logo, I really love the fact it has a blue filter but I also feel the stripe with the logo is something I really recognize for being the Habs so i'm kind of iffy on that. I don't know if you were looking for alt. suggestions but just do something that hasn't been done, best result could come from that and that I don't find common with a habs concept.


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I actually think, if you take the red from set two, and the white from set one (given some alterations for consistency's sake), you have a winner.

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I updated the poll to reflect two more options.

Well Capn, i'm pretty sure every Canadiens concept hasn't gone over well with most people. This isn't the situation. I love stripes on home no. 1 and away no. 2. Its funny that they are in two different sets but I love them as a pair. The home I think will alway be recognized for those stripes and the away I haven't always got, but the stripes you have resemble and old "white" based jersey. Not a huge fan of the shoulder yoke but maybe something in the area would be nice. Something I know people will not like is the line going through the the back of the Canadiens logo, as long as you fill the inside of the 'C' and 'H' (which you did) I think it will look fine. I just find the blue filter adds a nicer look to the logo rather than seeing the red and white inside. The 'M' on the shoulders is pretty cool, maybe if only one 'M' was on a shoulder, it would look better. The stripe on the home I feel may need the stripe with the logo, I really love the fact it has a blue filter but I also feel the stripe with the logo is something I really recognize for being the Habs so i'm kind of iffy on that. I don't know if you were looking for alt. suggestions but just do something that hasn't been done, best result could come from that and that I don't find common with a habs concept.

You know, I did toy around with the chest stripe idea, but ultimately I decided not to use it because I wanted to stray away from what already exists. It'd be easy to take the real jersey and just change a couple stripes and make it look really good (it's been done really well on these boards), I wanted to go a different direction. Right now I have no plans for an alt, but eventually there will be one. Every time I do these stupid things I end up with 90+ jerseys, 3 for each team with some junk left over.

I actually think, if you take the red from set two, and the white from set one (given some alterations for consistency's sake), you have a winner.

I'm starting to see what you're talking about. Thanks for the comment.

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I updated the poll to reflect two more options.
Well Capn, i'm pretty sure every Canadiens concept hasn't gone over well with most people. This isn't the situation. I love stripes on home no. 1 and away no. 2. Its funny that they are in two different sets but I love them as a pair. The home I think will alway be recognized for those stripes and the away I haven't always got, but the stripes you have resemble and old "white" based jersey. Not a huge fan of the shoulder yoke but maybe something in the area would be nice. Something I know people will not like is the line going through the the back of the Canadiens logo, as long as you fill the inside of the 'C' and 'H' (which you did) I think it will look fine. I just find the blue filter adds a nicer look to the logo rather than seeing the red and white inside. The 'M' on the shoulders is pretty cool, maybe if only one 'M' was on a shoulder, it would look better. The stripe on the home I feel may need the stripe with the logo, I really love the fact it has a blue filter but I also feel the stripe with the logo is something I really recognize for being the Habs so i'm kind of iffy on that. I don't know if you were looking for alt. suggestions but just do something that hasn't been done, best result could come from that and that I don't find common with a habs concept.

You know, I did toy around with the chest stripe idea, but ultimately I decided not to use it because I wanted to stray away from what already exists. It'd be easy to take the real jersey and just change a couple stripes and make it look really good (it's been done really well on these boards), I wanted to go a different direction. Right now I have no plans for an alt, but eventually there will be one. Every time I do these stupid things I end up with 90+ jerseys, 3 for each team with some junk left over.

I actually think, if you take the red from set two, and the white from set one (given some alterations for consistency's sake), you have a winner.

I'm starting to see what you're talking about. Thanks for the comment.

The coolest and most unique item about the Canadiens jerseys are the mid torso horizontal bands, and you got rid of them. I vote you add them to both.


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No one likes seeing certain teams uniforms being touched (the Canadiens being a big one), but I'm touching them anyway. I'm not so much trying to make something "better" but something that is congruent (something Montreal lacks) and looks nice. So which of the two do you like?


the white jersey in this set looks too much like the islanders cup era home jersey with a red yolk.



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No one likes seeing certain teams uniforms being touched (the Canadiens being a big one), but I'm touching them anyway. I'm not so much trying to make something "better" but something that is congruent (something Montreal lacks) and looks nice. So which of the two do you like?


the white jersey in this set looks too much like the islanders cup era home jersey with a red yolk.

Yeah, I totally see that now. I was actually more worried people would say it looks too much like the original Caps' sweaters.

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I took careful looks at both sets, and IMO I liked set 2 better, so that's what got my vote. Set 1's good, though seeing as the Habs are a red team with some blue, blue dominates the white's hem striping a little too much IMO. Set 2 simply seems like a far better balance to me.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Capn, I like the 2nd set of sweaters. The"C" on the red shirt stands out more without the striping behind it. I actually like the 2nd white better than the current Habs' white, even if it does kind of resemble the Islanders' sweater.

The Islanders (or Capitals) similarity is really beginning to bother me. When I wanted to go a new direction with the concepts I didn't want to knock off another teams (old or current). Thanks for the comments.

I took careful looks at both sets, and IMO I liked set 2 better, so that's what got my vote. Set 1's good, though seeing as the Habs are a red team with some blue, blue dominates the white's hem striping a little too much IMO. Set 2 simply seems like a far better balance to me.

I'm beginning to think neither of these sets (in any combination are a win). The Canadiens are probably THE most difficult team to redesign simply because of the history people hold to their jerseys. I may go back to the drawing board with this one. Thanks for the thoughts.

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I'm beginning to think neither of these sets (in any combination are a win). The Canadiens are probably THE most difficult team to redesign simply because of the history people hold to their jerseys. I may go back to the drawing board with this one. Thanks for the thoughts.

try being a lifelong Bears fan, cap. I've never really been able to bring myself to release a Bears concept that doesn't resemble either A: what they've worn in some form since the 30s or B: the 20's throwbacks. it's been sort of a mental block, and this is coming from a guy who's put a player name right down the middle of the back.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I'm beginning to think neither of these sets (in any combination are a win). The Canadiens are probably THE most difficult team to redesign simply because of the history people hold to their jerseys. I may go back to the drawing board with this one. Thanks for the thoughts.

try being a lifelong Bears fan, cap. I've never really been able to bring myself to release a Bears concept that doesn't resemble either A: what they've worn in some form since the 30s or B: the 20's throwbacks. it's been sort of a mental block, and this is coming from a guy who's put a player name right down the middle of the back.

What are you doing in Wisconsin as a Bears fan? Shouldn't you be Packers, or at least (if you're western WI) Vikings? :P

Anywho, here's a third version. The red is similar to set 2, the white is similar to set 1 but the blue and red stripes are swapped. Thoughts everyone?


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ah, so you went the "best of both worlds" route. me likey. the new white's definitely the most Hab-like of the three white jerseys you got here.

What are you doing in Wisconsin as a Bears fan? Shouldn't you be Packers, or at least (if you're western WI) Vikings? :P

I'm basically right up on Lake Michigan, smack between Milwaukee and Chicago. Hence, in addition to the de rigeur Milwaukee stations, we get some Chicago stations (pcgd can vouch for me on that. the news we watch in my house is usually on the Chicago ABC station, rarely its Milwaukee counterpart. And my grandpa usually watched the Bears, even through the Wanny and Jauron years. Watched the Bears with him, began watching the Pack on my own. So essentially, the Bears, Cubs, Bulls, Hawks and Sox are about as local for me as the Pack, Admirals, Brewers and Bucks. it's actually ridiculously easy to become a total Chicago sports fan either here or just down the road in Kenosha (I'd argue it's easier in Kenosha, as they're officially the northernmost part of Chicagoland and thus get more Chicago stations) :D Oddly, just an hour west or a half hour north, not so much (if you've lived in Wisconsin your whole life, but never lived in either Racine or Kenosha, and you have a favorite Chicago team, I'd be shocked if it was anybody but the Cubs).


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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