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Florida State concept.


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I dont know about the the big spear on the side of the pants but the rest isnt bad though.

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No because when the Irish came to Ireland and first came in contact with the leprechaun people, they didn't take their land away and force them to move west. Instead, the two groups learned to assimilate peacefully. However, certain tribes of the leprechaun refused to taint the pure blood and moved north into the forests of Ireland, only to be seen rarely, usually at the same time of a rainbows appearance and occasionally at the factories of Lucky Charms.

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Well, the FSU logo and the FS logo are definitely not meant to be part of a single identity. Add in the wordmark and number fonts which have a completely different feel than the two logos, and this set is just WAY too inconsistent. Overall, the concept isn't terrible, but you should pay closer attention to those details.


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not having the spear on the helmet invalidates the rest of the concept.

This, really. I mean, I have nothing but contempt for the Florida State football program, but that helmet is an absolute classic that any redesign should build around. I'm not saying it can't ever be touched, but to go from one of the best helmets in football to just plain gold with "FSU" on the sides is a serious mistake.

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As a resident 'noles fan, I feel inclined to comment on this...

... and sorry spammy, this one doesn't really work. You got rid of the best (IMO) helmet of football to a monogram. You also put the spear on the pants, which just looks goofy to tell the truth... you may want to try, as I've seen others do in Seminoles and Redskins concepts, to make a pant stripe that resembles a spear but is still a stripe, rather than a literal spear. I also can't say I'm a fan of the numbers. The socks really don't work.

I'm not trying to be overly critical Spammy, in fact I'm more critical here than I would be just because it's FSU, but I don't really feel like this is an upgrade.

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I agree that the 'FS' logo and the 'FSU' logo really shouldn't be on the same set.

They represent two different identities. One is more retro and the other is more modern.

I think you have to go with one of the two, or create an update incorporating a compromise of each...

Not bad uniforms though.

I think if the spear was simplified it would look great on the pants.



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well, I can tell ya one thing, I agree that the spear looks awkward on the pants. Honestly, the whole set looks uninspired, though you can improve this greatly depending on what steps you take from here. The number font needs to be changed, this one doesn't seem right. Far as the FS/FSU logos, pick one or the other. The spear on the pants, as it is, looks too awkward, but something like modifying the FSU so there's just the spear portion, then using that as the pants stripe, that would work far better, and you could even use it as a shoulder or sleeve stripe.


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