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just made some changes to my own portfolio site and thought sharing would make for a good thread here. we see a bit of each others work in the concepts forum, but id love to see the best from each member. describe what you do, where you work, that kind of thing as well if you wish. you can never network with too many people

main portfolio: http://brandmooreart.daportfolio.com/

Behance portfolio: http://www.behance.net/View_Profile

name: Brandon Moore

school: Full Sail University

current job: freelance graphic designer specializing in logos

latest project: logo for Battle of the Blackshirts by QBA

twitter: https://twitter.com/BrandMooreArt

linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=46519823&locale=en_US&trk=tab_pro

blog: http://brandmooreart.blogspot.com/




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My main portfolio: jnutini.daportfolio.com/

deviantART page: statikgs.deviantart.com/

Name: Jimmy Nutini

School: Johnson & Wales University, Providence Campus

Current job: Freelance logo designer/ Supervisor at Spike's Junkyard Dogs

Latest project: Developed signage and a logo for a local coffee shop, Feels Like Ohm.

Nice work Jimmy!

One minor thing though (that will become major). Definitely design your resume and keep it to one page, or have two different versions, one for design jobs and one for "other" jobs. It doesn't have to be a Word Doc either. Most places will usually accept a PDF which allows you to use any Adobe program you want. When it comes to "experience" jobs that don't apply to design are irrelevant so they don't need to be on there. It's like a first impression so if you hand a design firm, agency, etc a Word Doc. that will probably make their decision for them. I love looking at peoples resumes on this board to see what others have done so this is jut advice you can take or leave.

I don't wanna come off sounding like I know everything, because I don't. This is just something I have learned the hard way.

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name: Eric Epp

school: Humber College, Advertising & Graphic Design, Toronto, ON

current job: Graphic Designer

Studio Website: AE Media Inc., Niagara-on-the-lake, ON

I've worked at AE now for a little over 2 years. My brother started the firm, and I joined on a few years later. He handles the majority of Web stuff (with me chipping in concepts and art direction), and I handle the majority of print/identity. We have a wide variety of clients, from multi-national biofuel producers to start-up mexican restaurants.

twitter: https://twitter.com/eric_epp

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Nice work Jimmy!

One minor thing though (that will become major). Definitely design your resume and keep it to one page, or have two different versions, one for design jobs and one for "other" jobs. It doesn't have to be a Word Doc either. Most places will usually accept a PDF which allows you to use any Adobe program you want. When it comes to "experience" jobs that don't apply to design are irrelevant so they don't need to be on there. It's like a first impression so if you hand a design firm, agency, etc a Word Doc. that will probably make their decision for them. I love looking at peoples resumes on this board to see what others have done so this is jut advice you can take or leave.

I don't wanna come off sounding like I know everything, because I don't. This is just something I have learned the hard way.

Thanks for the advice! I actually have been meaning to redesign my resume for a while now, but I just haven't been inspired to yet. However, I do love that everything that was taught to me in my mandatory resume writing class is completely irrelevant when it comes to design jobs.


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