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2011 Winter Classic - Concepts Requested!


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Hey guys,

Chris over at Icethetics.info recently posted a blog about the upcoming Winter Classic featuring the Pens and Caps, as well as the Heritage Classic featuring the Habs and Flames. He mentioned that the Caps would be going "back to the future" with their unis, but more interestingly, he noted that the Flames would be "tied to the history of Calgary long before the Flames were here? for an old-school look. The question is: Which look? Will it be the Calgary Tigers? Calgary Cowboys? Atlanta Flames?

If you have ideas on what you think the Calgary Heritage Classic or Washington D.C. Winter Classic sweaters will look like, please post them in here!!!


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Hey guys,

Chris over at Icethetics.info recently posted a blog about the upcoming Winter Classic featuring the Pens and Caps, as well as the Heritage Classic featuring the Habs and Flames. He mentioned that the Caps would be going "back to the future" with their unis, but more interestingly, he noted that the Flames would be "tied to the history of Calgary long before the Flames were here? for an old-school look. The question is: Which look? Will it be the Calgary Tigers? Calgary Cowboys? Atlanta Flames?

If you have ideas on what you think the Calgary Heritage Classic or Washington D.C. Winter Classic sweaters will look like, please post them in here!!!

Reading the title, I thought you meant that the NHL was taking submissions!


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Hey guys,

Chris over at Icethetics.info recently posted a blog about the upcoming Winter Classic featuring the Pens and Caps, as well as the Heritage Classic featuring the Habs and Flames. He mentioned that the Caps would be going "back to the future" with their unis, but more interestingly, he noted that the Flames would be "tied to the history of Calgary long before the Flames were here? for an old-school look. The question is: Which look? Will it be the Calgary Tigers? Calgary Cowboys? Atlanta Flames?

If you have ideas on what you think the Calgary Heritage Classic or Washington D.C. Winter Classic sweaters will look like, please post them in here!!!

Reading the title, I thought you meant that the NHL was taking submissions!

If they did, they'd probably limit it to submissions from the United States only, and just end up picking mediocre ideas that seem pointless at the time and even worse over the years... kinda like what they do with expansion teams.

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2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 CHL East Division Champions!

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I put this together based on local sports commentator Mark Madden, who said that the pens were going back to the old sunday 3rds, "gold helmet and all". I figured that, because gold-at-home used to be allowed in the NHL, the caps might still be allowed to Rock the Red, which would be the best of both worlds.

Now what was that you were saying about the caps going back to the future? Does that mean an amalgamation like the Bruins did? do they have enough of a history to make that work?

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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I abosolutely love the gold pens jerseys. I might be in the minority there, but those jerseys are just great.

I like the icethetics blog alot, he does a great job over there, I found it funny he said teams go to their past for winter classic jerseys. Teams go to their past for every jersey now!

Oh well, hopefully the Pens don't use any variation of the blue. I don't like those. This is the perfect time to use throwbacks, not bringing them back as everyday jerseys.


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I abosolutely love the gold pens jerseys. I might be in the minority there, but those jerseys are just great.

I like the icethetics blog alot, he does a great job over there, I found it funny he said teams go to their past for winter classic jerseys. Teams go to their past for every jersey now!

Oh well, hopefully the Pens don't use any variation of the blue. I don't like those. This is the perfect time to use throwbacks, not bringing them back as everyday jerseys.

I agree. the golds were different and interesting and were a really nice change of pace. I'm really pushing for robo-penguin though. haha. amazing, amazing jersey

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i really want the 1992 stanley cup jerseys brought back. they never should have changed them (i still blame that change in luck for the loss to the islanders in 1993). someone on here said that Lemieux said he wasn't going to bring that gold back because people would demand a color change (and he'd be right...but i still don't understand why you wouldn't do it). That gold jersey is just so garish, and this is coming from someone who has one. but, if it's a start towards the old colors, i'm all for it.

I'm somewhat surprised the 1993 PITTSBURGH word jersey hasn't been in talks, that jersey seems so loved around the steel city, though i don't get it

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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I abosolutely love the gold pens jerseys. I might be in the minority there, but those jerseys are just great.

You know what killed those for me, though? The gold helmet, and the numbers up on the shoulders. I feel like once the numbers found their way down to the sleeves, those jerseys finally attained perfection. Now, fortunately, the Winter Classic has proved to this point that it's all about revisionist history, so if we do see the gold jersey, we'll see it with some favorable tweaks.

On 1/25/2013 at 1:53 PM, 'Atom said:

For all the bird de lis haters I think the bird de lis isnt supposed to be a pelican and a fleur de lis I think its just a fleur de lis with a pelicans head. Thats what it looks like to me. Also the flair around the tip of the beak is just flair that fleur de lis have sometimes source I am from NOLA.

PotD: 10/19/07, 08/25/08, 07/22/10, 08/13/10, 04/15/11, 05/19/11, 01/02/12, and 01/05/12.

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LOVE the submission hockey week! Looks great. I've read rumors of the Caps possibly going with their white pants as also stated by Chris of Icethetics. Do you think you could post a concept with the white pants?

Also, any idea on what the Calgary Cowboys or Calgary Tigers might look like?



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Here's the white pants version, though icethetics said they won't do it, and i highly doubt they would, but for kicks, here it is.


as for the Heritage Classic, there are only so many options from the Calgary Tigers. they had two sweaters, one with one large sleeve stripe, and the multiple stripes as seen below. I'm sure that, like Detroit, they're going to add a bunch of unnecessary bells and whistles to the uniform, including a lace-up, shoulder logos for the Flames, and colored pants (rather than leather colored). If they're clever, they'll change the sleeve-patch C to the black version of the Flaming C logo, but I doubt they'll think of that.

The Canadiens are a much bigger mystery. Considering that they just had 4 throwback uniforms, and had the first Heritage Classic, and the 2004 Vintage Series, they're beginning to run short of options. For all we know, they could bust out the 1946 white-version-of-the-red sweaters AGAIN. What they should do, is use the jerseys from when they played the Calgary Tigers in the 1924 Stanley Cup Finals, which was the red jersey they use today, but with a white C logo (which would be friggin awesome, considering that matchup ACTUALLY HAPPENED), but i doubt the league would allow color-vs-color that blatantly. They might go with a 1950s white jersey (which would be like their current whites, but with a laceup collar), but i'm taking a shot in the dark with the white jersey they used from 1935-38 (and without the top stripes until 1941). These uniforms weren't even known about by nhluniforms.com until the Canadiens put out their own jersey history and included it. Really, the Canadiens are a shot in the dark. Without further ado:


I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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i actually was RIGHT about to post this exact same idea. on a different template of course.

EDIT: I bet that pittsburgh would be jumping on the blue even more so here is another one of my ideas


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