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Packers GB monogram


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You've really dug yourself into a corner on this one. While artistically, you've created a design with lots of movement, lots of interest to the eye, and combined two shapes that function well together, it's far too busy to work as a sportslogo. When I first looked at it, I could make out the B, but the G was harder to discern. If you really have to stop and look that hard to see a simple and critical element of the logo like that, it's far too complex to be successful. I wish I had some advice to give you on it, but all I can think of is to not intertwine the letters at all

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Nice idea, but like others have said, it's real hard to recognise both letters at first glance. I suppose you could change one of the letters to gold to make them more distinguishable, but it wouldn't match up too well with the iconic G logo, which looks like it was your intention.

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I think it might look better if you made it more diagonal, kinda like the Rays "TB" logo, or the Dodgers "LA" logo. I guess what I'm trying to say is to put the top loop of the "B" through the horizontal line of the "G", so it hangs off of it.


Thanks Dolphins91 for the jersey avatars.

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