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Whalers Concept


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If the Whalers were still around today, or Carolina would move back there, I don't think their last set of jerseys would be quite alright for the modern NHL. They need to be like they always were the lone green team in the east. Blue jerseys, while they looked great, arent good for Hartford because geographically "next-door" New York has two blue teams. I emphasized the green, with gray/silver being the next most prominent. then navy. Comments/critique would be appeciated. And if you are just going to say a comment about the Hartford Whalers and how you want them to move back- please also mention something about my concept too.


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The white one is good, the green one, meh. Nothing "pops" out like it did on the old Whalers green jersey. I think for the logo to work on the green jersey the colors of it need to be switched. Like a white tail, a blue W, and a thin green outline (if any) on the silver background, or switch silver with white. The older Whalers green jersey's logo stood out a lot because it was solid white on green with a thin blue outline.

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Very nice. I always loved this team's colors and unis. I like your updates, but I agree with jpslapshot.. i'd liek to see his ide aof re-coloring the logo. Or, maybe just a much thicker white outline for it. Either way, it needs to pop more.

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Maybe try switching the grey to white on the green jersey. That may make it as slick as the white one looks.



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Nice, but I'd make the color of the home sweaters/jersies forest green with the logo a navy tail on a white backround with a silver "W". I'd personally wander what our buddy brassbonanza79 thinks of it.

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Those are nice. Not a lot of risks taken here, but they easily could be used by a real team.



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