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Tennessee NFL Rebrand


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I see it as protruding out as well. I like this version better with dropping the background stuff. But I still think the crossbars need work at the center line, sorry to keep harping on this but it just isn't right. Both blues should protrude out if that makes sense. Maybe on the perspective thing you strike a balance and have from a more head on perspective?

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the second one is so close. but the perspective is off. does it look bad with the original perspective on the drop? any chance you can make the drop more pronounced and not a circle with a point?

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Hmmm...a lot of different suggestions here, so thanks! I think I'll try to find a happy medium between the first and second versions. I'm still undecided on whether I should include some type of drop or shape behind it.


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Just another thought CAB, I think part of the perspective problem on V3 is that you have dropped the legs on the dark blue. I notice on the other version that you could see essentially 4 legs, 2 dark blue and 2 light blue. Now you only see 2 light blue and that's it. I think if you corrected that it would help a lot on perspective. Also, when I go back and look at all versions now, I like, out of the 3 the upward perspective better.

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Okay I took a small break from this, but I'm back. Like I said I tried to find a happy medium between the first and second perspectives. Here I've given two options. One with the "oil drop" shape and stars, and one with just a standalone oil derrick accompanied by the wordmark. I'm kinda stuck on which to go with here, so I hope you guys can help me out.


And Impaler; I understand what you're saying but I just don't know how to fix it exactly. I know you're trying to explain it but I just can't seem to figure out what to do. Could you perhaps give a visual representation? And don't feel like you're harping on me, I wanna get this right. :D

EDIT: I have an alternate logo finished, but I want to get the primary mostly done before moving on.


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Okay I took a small break from this, but I'm back. Like I said I tried to find a happy medium between the first and second perspectives. Here I've given two options. One with the "oil drop" shape and stars, and one with just a standalone oil derrick accompanied by the wordmark. I'm kinda stuck on which to go with here, so I hope you guys can help me out.


And Impaler; I understand what you're saying but I just don't know how to fix it exactly. I know you're trying to explain it but I just can't seem to figure out what to do. Could you perhaps give a visual representation? And don't feel like you're harping on me, I wanna get this right. :D

EDIT: I have an alternate logo finished, but I want to get the primary mostly done before moving on.

I just dont dig the font choice, I would stick to a very accletic font, that is almost retro in a sense, since your essentially modernizing the logo, other then that, it looks pretty amazing, a little stressing on the eyes, I didnt quite see the 3D oiler until staring for awhile. Great work though.

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Unfortunately CAB, I am just not an artist so me drawing anything likely won't help. Hopefully you can picture what I have to say. I think one thing that might help is to outline each crossbar in the opposite blue making it appear that it is set away from the derrick. I am not sure if that will work but it's worth a shot. The other option would be to just make the crossbar on the outside of the derrick flush with the vertical bars so there is no confusion with difference at the center. A lot of oil derricks that I am seeing online actually are like that


Hope that helps, sorry I can't illustrate for ya.

Also had a thought on incorporating oil into the logo by actually having it come out the top of the derrick.

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Okay. I feel like I finally got this right. I enlarged the O and the S to bookend the wordmark and added 'TENNESSEE' in there. I fixed what the Impaler was talking about with the horizontal bars I think. Honestly I feel like the circle takes away from the oil derrick too much, and this is a much stronger identity if it stands on it's own. Maybe an alternate logo will include the circle. But anyway I think this may be one of the final major changes to the primary logo. Take a look-




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on the dark blue side of the derrick it appears as though your light blue highlights are going in the wrong direction. its not even looking like a highlight right now, just a blue shape out of place. it may help it if you pick a side of the thicker, i dont know "horizontal cross boards"?. . . and do your highlight on just one side rather than giving shape to top and bottom of it.

try "arching" your word mark the other direction, like a rainbow. it may help the whole thing have a better form. im not crazy about that font either but have no better solution off the top of my head other than trying a bold slab-serif. i feel something like that would fit nicely with the architecture of the oil derrick.

those are the fixable things, but honestly i dont like the perspective of this. i like your thinking in trying something different, but i think something like this just works better as a "hero shot" where you're looking up at it, or even like the old mark where its flat.




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Two small tweeks on the crossbars and I think this is there. Bet you didn't see that one coming!!

  • make the highlights on the crossbar meet at the vertical center line so that it appears they stick out all the way around
  • take the light blue highlight on the dark blue side all the way to the far left edge of the logo (like you did on the other side).

I honestly think those two tweaks will finish this thing off. Uniforms to follow? Hope so, really like your work on this.

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I do believe I have finally tweaked the oil derrick enough to my liking. I whipped up a logo sheet as best I could, like something that could be found in a media guide. This logo sheet also includes the alternate logo which I just realized I haven't even shown yet. It's an oil drop including the 3 stars from the Tennesse flag, containted inside an "O" with bolts around it (similar to the Edmonton Oilers alt logo). I have all the logos and a flat wordmark included on 4 different backgrounds and also in monochrome. So that's it, tell me what you think! I'll get the uniforms done as soon as I can.



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I've been watching this one for quite a while, and honestly, ditch the derrick. It's not coming out the way you want it to, and it clashes with the bubbly-looking wordmark so much. The real star here is the secondary oil drop logo; go with that.

Your best bet with the wordmark is to forget the arching and outlining and just go with a flat color, straight-text look, like the Seahawks, but with the same font you're using. The cleaner and more simpler you get, the less there is to tweak. That's your best bet.

Hope this helps.

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