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Need Some Serious Feedback On This...


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I posted this in the Event 4 thread but I should have known I wouldnt get many responses to it,so I'm making a thread for it.I had originally did the Arkansas Travelers as my submission to event 4 since they are my home minor league team.At the same time I was working on mine VicFurth was working on his not knowing we were doing the same team.The same team is not forbidden but I think he did a great job and even though I like my Travs concept I dont want ours to cancel each other out.SO....I did a Greenville Braves concept as a back-up plan.

Now I just need to know which one to be my final choice in the event.I dont really want the 'what to change' or the 'I would have done this' comments,NOT because I dont care what you think....I do appreciate the advice to make it better...but I

dont want to be second-guessing myself when I make my final entry.Make sense?

Anyway,first-off is my state-flag inspired Arkansas Travelers and then my Greenville Braves.Enjoy!






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NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Okay,now that's 5-4 in favor of the Braves.I thought at first the Travs would run away with it.Well,I still have another day or so do sort this out so just keep coming with the input and I'll go with what you guys say.It's just that I put so much work into the Travs:making the guy not only holding a stick but wearing a hockey uni,and then completely changing the other logo to a puck.Oh well,I do really like my ode to the '74 Braves on the GB jersey,and I like the colors better on it even if I am proud of my 'Natural State' flag design.I am almost split 50/50

on this.:(


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The only thing I don't like on the Greenville set is the white pants. I'd go with the Travs... Sounds like it was much more a labor of love for you.


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