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DartLogo is paynomind


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"If anyone is looking for me, I am going under the aliases of Shane Stant and Jeff Gillooly."

"Whyyyyyyyyyhyyyyy!? Wha-ha-whyyyyyy?"

-Nancy Kerrigan, January, 1994, Detroit, Michigan.

And we know what Tanya Harding is doing these days, real-life trailer-park trash. God, has it really been that long? Ten years?

"I better go take a long walk off a short pier or something."

Some people on this bolard have told me to do just that.

My "Ron Mexico" alias is "Jon Tobago".

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Upon further inspection, it appears that our friend paynomind has been using more than just dartlogo to multi-vote...






are all posting from the exact same IP address... dartlogo, thrasherman, ddanigirl76, and habsfan79 are voting for paynomind, or hrivnak in 99% of their votes.

I hope hrivnak is just a victim of having the same internet provider here, but I don't know what to believe anymore.

please explain yourselves ASAP

I'm fairly certain that hrvinak is a real person. Both he and PNM have spoken about being logged into the boards from work. That would explain the IP address.

Both post thier own concepts, too.

facebook.png twitter.pngblogger.pngflickr-1.jpg

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This thread doesn't need my input, but then, nobody's asked before...

A lot of you are terribly shocked that this happened. Me? I didn't expect it, but I'm not surprised it happened. We are a bunch of blind and deaf people who were fooled by another blind deaf person.

For all I know, every other post on this board could be coming from the same person, or some computer post generator that assumes different personalities. I could really care less. Sure it's weird, but it's not like it never crossed anyone's mind that this could happen.

I know a few people from this board 'behind the username'. They could even be lying to me, but I've developed a level of comfortable confidence that they are not. But to put such faith in so ambiguous a name as hockeydude61, or something of the sort?

I'm sure a lot of us, myself included, need to get out more. We spend an inordinate amount of time with faceless people posting relatively inconsequential opinions regarding often-trivial subjects. We put to much effort into developing relationships with the faceless personalities, and a lot of us might be ignoring the face-to-face relationships that really matter.

So if you're like me, call up your friend(s) and get together this weekend... maybe a friend you haven't seen in a while, and invest in a real personal relationship, and put a little healthy distance between us and the CCSL community... a great place to hang out in the virtual world, but a terrible place to make your second home.

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This thread doesn't need my input, but then, nobody's asked before...

A lot of you are terribly shocked that this happened. Me? I didn't expect it, but I'm not surprised it happened. We are a bunch of blind and deaf people who were fooled by another blind deaf person.

For all I know, every other post on this board could be coming from the same person, or some computer post generator that assumes different personalities. I could really care less. Sure it's weird, but it's not like it never crossed anyone's mind that this could happen.

I know a few people from this board 'behind the username'. They could even be lying to me, but I've developed a level of comfortable confidence that they are not. But to put such faith in so ambiguous a name as hockeydude61, or something of the sort?

I'm sure a lot of us, myself included, need to get out more. We spend an inordinate amount of time with faceless people posting relatively inconsequential opinions regarding often-trivial subjects. We put to much effort into developing relationships with the faceless personalities, and a lot of us might be ignoring the face-to-face relationships that really matter.

So if you're like me, call up your friend(s) and get together this weekend... maybe a friend you haven't seen in a while, and invest in a real personal relationship, and put a little healthy distance between us and the CCSL community... a great place to hang out in the virtual world, but a terrible place to make your second home.

I was trying to come up with the words to apologize for starting all of this, but your post made me realize that I don't have to.

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Upon further inspection, it appears that our friend paynomind has been using more than just dartlogo to multi-vote...






are all posting from the exact same IP address... dartlogo, thrasherman, ddanigirl76, and habsfan79 are voting for paynomind, or hrivnak in 99% of their votes.

I hope hrivnak is just a victim of having the same internet provider here, but I don't know what to believe anymore.

please explain yourselves ASAP

I'm fairly certain that hrvinak is a real person. Both he and PNM have spoken about being logged into the boards from work. That would explain the IP address.

Both post thier own concepts, too.

If the glove don't fit, you must acquit!

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I am very much a real person. I work for the same company as Paynomind, we are friends... Our company provides the same IP address for all users. If you take a look at my votes, you will see that I often do not vote for Paynomind. I vote based on merit alone, for people I believe should win.

I don't know what's going on with the other addresses. I'll let Paynomind speak for himself on that, but you may want to wait before you make any rash judgements. The other addresses could quite possibly be other people at work that he's shown the site to and have voted for him out of friendship. It's not cut and dry that he's faking these IDs.

For the record, my name is Michael D Friedman, I live in Atlanta, GA, I'm 30 years old, single, 5'10", 200ish lbs, blonde hair, blue eyes, some people have compared me to Brad Pitt ( :D ), you can visit my personal website at http://www.atlscript.org/mike/ and see that I'm a real, live human being and do many other things besides posting on Sports Logos boards. Others of you know who Paynomind in real life, it's not up to me to reveal his personal details, but he is not me. I've always had an interest in sports uniforms and logos and found the Fanhome board last year, and showed it to him... he eventually started posting here and I followed.

So there I am. If any votes were handed my way, I never asked for them.

I do have one suggestion so that this does not happen again. I believe that public voting leads to people trying to sway a vote when they see something they don't agree with. It's human nature. If everybody voted in these contests via PM, then nobody would know the results until the end, and hence, would be less inclined to try to sway matters. Just a suggestion.

Anyway, I hope this proves that I have nothing to do with any "scandal"... Regardless, I think nobody should be banned. Let's learn our lesson and move along as adults. That's all I'm going to say on this matter.

Thanks for listening.

- Mike.



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however, I do think that he should be disqualified from participating either as a competitior or voter in this well thought out contest that WIB went through the trouble of organizing. I feel thats a reasonable punishment. he was fixing the voting. in any other competition no matter how high or low profile it is, cheaters are disqualified, simple as that

Absolutely. Shark!


I think after being here for a while, people know im pretty fair.

But i did smell something fishy about payno winning the first one.

Im sorry, i know this will piss sensitives out there, but that wasnt the best entry in my opinion, and im not a pro, but i know whats good.

DOnt get me all wrong, It was good, but i was suprised at the amount of golds it got, but i figured saying anything in that direction would get the usual knee-jerk reactions that anything controversial, wheteher true or not,

See also Inspector Logo on page 1. (which i could into in brian-in-bostonesque detail, but ill spare you for the moment.) {muchos encantas brian}

Am i wrong for thinking that? No,

Would i been called an ass if i said it before this, yes.

MoJoTo should be applauded by his move, so he did it theatrically and ironically by creating a new name, i get it, touche'. Great move. Thank you.


Honestly, I put my heart into my Great Lakes BBQ logo, and i was crushed to see how poorly i did. People spoke, so be it. Im not saying i deserved anythign i never got, but im pretty sure none of his surnames gave me votes to my knowledge, so id liek to see what people thought besides Payno and his 5+ aliases.

The people spoke, it wasnt a top 5 entry, but maybe it was without his fake votes, id love to know, because those other votes he cast for silver and bronze worked against me.

Sorry if this is coming off as self-serving, but im being brutally honest, maybe im channeling Payno or somethin.:P


Payno- Wow man, dont know what to say. What would PAYNOMIND say in a situation like this?

Something harsh and brutal...

But mom didnt raise a hogpiler.

I hope you find whatever it is your looking for sir.

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wow... who really cares if you win a challenge on this board? you don't actually win anything. you normally just get a little gif to slap in your sig, that normally isn't that aesthetically pleasing itself :)

the only challenge i've ever lost that i even thought twice about was the "next six" hockey challenge, and that's because i spent so much time on my entry, and truely thought i'd earned the win... but at the end of the day, i finished #2, to a set of very well made concepts, and my life was no different.

i'm just confused as to why someone would even consider doing this, if he infact did... it's just... sad.

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i hate cheaters I think they are the lowest form of people out there besides criminals, and as someone who has yet to recieve a vote in the logo olympiad I am very dissapointed that someone has done this. There is always one who thinks the rules don't apply, think they won't get caught, there is always one jackass who ruins it for people like me. As a result I will probably nerver vote for payno ever again in anything even if it is the best thing ever. It Pisses me off



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personally, i don't know what to say....if he cheated, it's wrong.....i'll reserve judgement until i hear from him myself.....as some of you know, payno and myself have formed a pretty good friendship through these boards and i want to let him explain before i judge at all.

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This is the problem with an "honor system"... some people take advantage of it. It happens. Like Mike said, let's be adults about it and move on.

Besides, there are more important things in the world to worry about than a silly little squabble on a message board.


OWNER -- Pittsburgh Spiders (UL) * Dynamo Missouri (PLA) * Montreal Maroons (SHL)

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i tell you what.....as much as i enjoy winning and whatnot....i would like for WiB to go back and recount the event i won a gold in, if it turns out i got multiple votes from some of the aliases used, please change the winner accordingly.....i have a personal relationship with paynomind and i don't want any skewed votes affecting any type of victory i may or may not have gotten......thanks.

edit: i just went through the voting thread on event #2 of the logolympiad and i received a first place vote from both DartLogo and thrasherman......i don't know what to say, i feel like it's a tainted victory and would like clarification from WiB as to what he wants to do.

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this is nuts...why does somebody really hav to cheat...it doesn't meant northing...the winner is notgoing to get all kinds of money or a brand new lexus...iv competed in 3 events and haven't got one vote...its all good i dont mind i dont need to make a new username and vote for myself...or make 4 for that matter...its also very childish for a grown man to do that...for the logoolimpaid i think he should just be eliminated and everybody moves up a space...

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This is very disappointing on so many levels. I'm disappointed that this matter was brought to light publicly rather than by PM or by the "report post" function we have on the board. I'm disappointed in the knee-jerk reaction that many folks exhibited against MoJoTo once the "case" was broken. I'm disappointed that the results of Chris's investigation suggest that MoJoTo only hit the tip of the iceberg. Most of all, I'm disappointed that I'm so disappointed in all of this. This community presents, among other things, a great diversion from my day which is full of mundane and tedious paperwork (not every lawyer gets to be Perry Mason - granted I used to be but it can burn you out quick, hence my move to a more corporate existence), but if this is going to be the way things go around here, I think it's time to pull back a lot of my involvement in the community. I'm still going to stick around for the fantasy sports (although there are a few individuals involved in that aspect of the community that might cause more aggravation than its worth) but my guess is that you'll be seeing a bit less of me around the other boards.

In a way, I'm glad this happened as it's put some things in perspective for me. Nonetheless, I'm a bit sad that this has happened and hopefully everyone will learn something from it and derive some kind of benefit.

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<_< this makes me want to take a leave of absense from here...this is just getting rediculous. Makes me want to go back to the "early days" of the board when i actually enjoyed coming here, not having to deal with all this nonsense and bullplop (i know the edit is coming sorry) but it is just getting rediculous. <_<
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