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Creating a University from Scratch II


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I got some pretty good feedback on my last project, and I have seen a few interesting spin-offs of the original series, so I figured I'd have another go at a new school.

I am in no way a logo designer, so this is always my biggest hangup. I feel much more natural working with uniforms, so I like the challenge of coming up with something new-- even if it takes me days to get something right.

This time around, I decided to keep it in the Southwest. I knew the regional name I wanted to use, and I had a general color scheme in mind. The region (as with the last one-- have to get creative with the naming as to not reuse a school name-- plus regional names are more catchy, IMO) is the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The colors would be a two-tone orange combo and black. Upon thinking about those colors, it clicked-- why not the Red Foxes? Something unique to college for the most part, and definitely one of my favorite animals.

Thus, the logos were born:


It wound up a hybrid of several source images that I pulled from all over the internet-- intially I wanted to use the Coyotes' alternate logo as my reference, but I scrapped that at the thought of appearing too similar to that.

The college is situated near Lake Tahoe in Nevada. Yes, I realize that there's a Sierra Nevada College in the region, but this school is intended to be an FBS-sized school, not a small college-- not to mention the names are different.

Let's get some good C&C on this-- I really want this to turn out well, even if it is just for fun!

UPDATE: Changed the orientation of the fox to make it a little more natural, and I feel like this will look a lot better on a helmet especially. Added a touch of yellow to the highlights, and updated the academic logo with a more-fitting serif font.

UPDATE 2: The 'S' Tail logo is back, added some more bold outlines, moved some highlights, and tweaked the colors a bit more.

UPDATE 3: Bumped the yellow-orange from the color set in favor of the more southwestern-inspired burnt orange. Changed keyline around the fox to burnt orange, and toned the blacks down a bit. Minor changes to the S-tail logo.

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I think youre off to a really good start here. I love the color scheme. I love the logos, especially the academic. Its clean, simple and classy looking. the ONLY thing i dont like about it is the font... i think an academic logo benefits from a more academic looking, seriffed font.

The primary could use some work, primarily in the area of the fox's form.. i like the motion thats conveyed but some of the proportions just seem a bit off at first glance - especially where the tail meets the body.

I also think that you could spice up the S in the secondary logo a bit - give it some personality and flair to make it distinguishable.

Overall, i think youve definately starte dthis concept on the right foot, and with some minor adjustments you have a pretty solid brand. Great work, keep it coming

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love it! i'd lighten/yellow the highlights on the fur to make it stand out a bit more

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Definitely a great start. I realy like what you've done. The academic logo is very believeable as something that would be in use right now. I do agree that maybe a serif-font would work better for that logo.

As far as the primary, I agree with lightening the highlights a little more to make them stand out better. Also, the back looks a little too arched to me.


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I think I'm going to straighten out the front legs, as if the fox is landing on his front feet, ready to make the next stride-- if that makes sense? I'll lighten up the highlights as well.

I'll look at some more serifed fonts as well. Thanks for the C&C thus far, gents!

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The academic logo looks much better with the serifed type. The athletic logos were much stronger and had more character the first go around. I think moving the fox's legs together is mainly what is doing this. A little variance in line weights would also do wonders for this.

I liked your idea of the S with a tail in your first attempt and I think you should continue to explore something along those lines. It's very rare when a university doesn't have some monogram, or single letter-based logo.


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Alright, the 'S' monogram will come back. Glad to see some feedback on this.

As far as highlights go, I guess this would be one area where I need some assistance-- should they be lighter, more prominent, what? Thanks for the C&C thus far!

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