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The logos are actually quite nice. My only nitpicks would be to maybe add a couple more spokes in the wheels and to use a different D in the alternate. With the D you have, the rounded corners aren't rounded enough to differentiate them from the sharp corners and really make it read like a D instead of a random black square.

The uniforms, though, are where this kind of falls apart. If you wanna go ultra-modern with the Wings, I've got no problem with that; others might, but I don't. But there are still a few conventions that should probably be followed. And don't just fill in bits of the template like you have with the pants and socks. The pants really don't look good with random patches of colour that emphasize the crotch area like that.

Also, with the white uniforms, I would keep the pants dark and stay away from grey. You need some kind of contrast in there, and dark pants would help break things up. As for the grey, you've only used it as a minor trim colour in the logos, so there's no need to go so heavy with it on the pants and socks in that set.

On both sets, the alternate logo on the sleeves is in the spot where sleeve numbers need to go. Shrink it down, move it closer to the collar to make it a shoulder patch, and add in the sleeve numbers.

The striping on both jerseys seems inconsistent as well. On the hems, you've got a swooping curved stripe that feels a lot like the Ducks' current jersey, yet on the sleeves, the stripes are straight across. The two need to at least be somewhat similar in shape to form a coherent package.

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Logo looks really good, even though the pro team would never use it because of its untraditionalness. Jerseys are also good, but I agree with officeglenn that the striping looks too much like the Ducks, and I don't love that swoop. Other than that, great job.

"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand."


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I'm not feeling this. I think it might look a lot better if you went more traditional. but definitely make the pants either all black or all red. I don't know any hockey players that would willingly wear pants like that outside of maybe roller hockey. I see a lot of potential though.



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There need to be more spokes, the wheel looks more like a mandala than a tire.

What if you put a hub cap on the wheel, and put the D where the manufacturer's logo would be?


On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12,Β POTD 2/26/17


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I would eliminate the gray. It kind of makes the concept look amateur and I don't think it fits in with the Red Wings identity. I like the gray striping you had though, but just make that white. White will look better with the Red Wings.

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Both the black and gray look forced to me, like they've been arbitrarily added just for the sake of being "different". The logos could use quite a bit of work, too. I think removing the feathers from the wing modernized it a bit, but the gray (again) is out of place, and the 'D' just seems like it was dropped there because it was the only place it fit on the primary. The secondary looks like what it is, a 'D' with the logo pasted behind it.

I think it would be best to iron out the finer details, and work on the composition of the logos a little more? then move on to the uniforms. Right now, the package feels disjointed and unplanned.

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the logo has definitely improved with the spokes, and the gray does look forced. The logos and numbers on the jerseys are all waaaaay too big.

Also, don't edit your first post, add a post with a new design so that we can see your progression, what has worked, what hasn't worked, how far this design has come.

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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Primary: Lose the "D" and the grey, keep it red and white. The spokes still don't look right, maybe try some more designs?

Alternate: I really don't like anything about it. It really don't make any sense. Just looks like you layered a "D" over your primary logo and cut off the rest.

Not a big fan of the uniform designs either. Logo is way too big on the jerseys. I'd stay with something a little more traditional.


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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Interesting striping on the hems. I dig it.

But the logo is a bit too big on the front. I also miss having the pants and socks in there as well, to get a sense of the entire package. And as others have said, you need to integrate the D and the wing together better in the alternate logo.

Also ? and this is a general pet peeve on the concepts forum, not just you ? please don't take down the original concept and replace it with an update. First, I think it's beneficial for all, especially the OP of a concept, to see how the whole thing has progressed and evolved from the first posting. Plus, it pretty much renders any comments from the time the first draft was posted to the time the update was posted useless, because there is no context for them anymore.

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This is good, I like the return to the old colors, but I like the D logo you made so much I think it would be good on the actual jerseys instead of the duck mask one. Also, don't love the jersey striping on the bottom, didn't love it then and don't love it now either. I would try something more conventional. Nice concept.

"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand."


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That's a lot of purple. Hopefully offset with green pants or something (but not silver, anything but light-colored pants).

Change the silver outline on the purple jersey's numbers to green, and it looks pretty good. The silver makes it all washed out and harder to read.

Seriously though, that's a lot of eggplant purple. Maybe change some of those areas to green or white

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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I'm not sure about the alternate logo... i feel the duck foot should be yellow... but that might turn out too bright

I tried that, but it was too bright. I'll update and post new team tomorrow.


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I think the ducks would look better with the other logo on front but add the other one as a shoulder logo and make the sleeve numbers the same as the others but I love those stripes

The Tampa gold looks too brown and those jerseys look like tatc jerseys

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