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Shirt design for School club CnC please


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I like the stars. But if you're keeping them, make the O normal. Also, "astronomy" and "club" are different sizes, but really close in size. I think it'd be better with either the same size or a more noticeable difference in size. Right now it looks off because of the closeness.

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And he's right on about the hurricane icon.

Yeah, I was trying to figure out what hurricanes had to do with astronomy. Figured I was just too dumb to get it, lol.

I do like the stars, they help to fill in some of the negative space, although in an astronomy club maybe negative space is a good thing. ;)

Also, I'd consider centering the FIU logo, perhaps raising it slightly so it doesn't distract from the galaxy.

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Try making the 'o' in 'astronomy' into one of the stars in Orion's Belt? If you did that and flipped the 'FIU' onto the other side, I think it'd balance out really well.

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