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I'd shrink your numbers down quite a bit. And either use the GT logo or TECH. T just looks like a poorly colored Tennessee uniform part. For teh stripes, download IrFanview. ITs free. The make the sleeves transparent, and place the stripes on a layer under them. It will get rid of the bleedover.





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*personal rant alert*

Does a guitarist play badly in mid-concert, the exclaim "bear with me, just bought this yesterday?" No. The take the time to learn and grow, get lessons from others, and get better before trotting out a new song or covering an old song.

I will not excuse poor quality simply because you're just learning photoshop. I applaud you for picking it up and learning, I really do. I cannot excuse it though.

As for the idea you presented, I don't like the plain gold. It looks thrown on and rushed. It needs the navy accents to make it pop against the white.


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*personal rant alert*

Does a guitarist play badly in mid-concert, the exclaim "bear with me, just bought this yesterday?" No. The take the time to learn and grow, get lessons from others, and get better before trotting out a new song or covering an old song.

I will not excuse poor quality simply because you're just learning photoshop. I applaud you for picking it up and learning, I really do. I cannot excuse it though.

As for the idea you presented, I don't like the plain gold. It looks thrown on and rushed. It needs the navy accents to make it pop against the white.

im sure plenty of guitarists played some crappy shows with crappy bands before they were up to your standards, jerk. techs colors are white and old gold, this jersey was based off the student letterman jacket. just designing it for a one time use game or something, just about anything is better than we have now.

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Really like the old helmet. That is a great logo.

As for the jersey, I agree with WarSlamEagle. I think it needs some sort of outline on the numbers or the block "T" to make it pop. I know the old jerseys didn't have outlines, but i think in this case it might be helpful.

I really like the concept overall. Excited to see the finished product.

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Get some navy in there and do something with that block T. Try a less Bronze-y shade of Gold as well.

You have a good concept here that needs some work. The helmet shows real promise. You also have the wherewithal to get PS and the template and try something different. Take people's criticisms, balance them with your vision for the final product,and see what you can do with it.

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Vicfurth is not being a jerk by giving you criticism. You need to practice quite a bit on your uniform concept skills before presenting something like this. The helmet actually looks pretty good, its clean, not sloppy. The jersey and pants you are showing are just sloppy though, I mean come on you can look at the quality of other people's work on this site and tell that your presentation just does not look good at all.

Programs are no excuse, I use MS paint and gimp for all of my concepts, but I really try to focus on the quality of it before I throw it out there. It is gonna take some time for you to learn, I was there once too, when I started on this board, my concepts were awful, I'd probably cringe at seeing what they look like now and I almost got ran off the boards when I first started posting cause I was being so immature and unwilling to listen to criticism. You have to be open to all opinions even if they aren't what you want to hear, they can help you become a better artist.

For starters, I'd say you are using the wrong template, it looks like a paint template, not photoshop or illustrator. If you are really using illustrator, you can download vector files (I think?) and that would help with the quality of your work tremendously, there are even photoshop templates on this board. I have a paint/gimp template that I've been trying to convert to gimp for full use but its my first time working on a template like that so I've been tweaking it for the past two months and still haven't released it because I wanna make sure it is very user friendly and things like that.

Point is, don't post something just for the sake of posting it, if you want it to be well received, then you should definitely improve the quality of it first. I understand you are just starting but that is not an excuse, I mean the uniform just looks awful, why is the template cut out in some parts, like under the jersey number? If you are using photshop you can layer numbers and things like that on top of the template and cut out the space around it. The numbers are too blocky, it looks like you just used the fill tool and stretched them out, and then the stripes look really bad, too thin and the quality of the pants stripe looks bad, you need to fit it to the template better.

Obviously you need some practice. I'm not trying to be a jerk by saying that, but if you want your concepts to be taken seriously then you need to practice at the quality before you post anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well bigmike i just dont think you know the line between constructive criticism and just plain criticism. i know the quality is not good but im basically teaching myself in my free time, i just wanted to get peoples opinion on the overall idea. i happen to believe that this crappy concept is a lot better than most of the outlandish uniforms people post on here, its realistic. it could use some more blue, and thats the only thing ill take away from this. but thank you for telling me that my design is basically awful, get off your high horse and remember you posted stuff that wasnt up to other peoples standards at one point as well. thanks for the encouragement.

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I am not putting myself on a high horse by any means. I am just telling you to put some more effort and time behind it.

It is like vic furth was saying, do you think a guitar player that is just learning is gonna go out trying to play Crazy Train in a concert 3 days after he bought his guitar?

It is great that you are starting to learn the program, but take some time to clean it up and and play around with it to understand it better. There are plenty of tutorials around here and things like that to help you get started. All I was basically trying to say is don't post something just for the sake of posting it, if you really want some good feedback, take some more time to learn your programs.

You also need to be using a photoshop template or illustrator, whichever one it is you are actually using, that would help you tremendously, because it honestly looks like you made it in MS paint in about 5 minutes. I'm trying to help more than anything, go back and read my response without being so defensive. I actually like the helmet, it is the cleanest part of the concept and it looks good, the uniform though needs a lot of work IMO.

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ramble_on: Words of advice from someone who taught himself virtually everything he knows about the field he now works in: learn to take criticism. You'll never get better unless you can take suggestions (harsh, passive aggressive, friendly, vague, helpful, what have you) in stride, and process those suggestions in a way that improves your process and final product.

bigmike gave you good advice. Work on how you receive it.

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