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Monkey's NHL Rebrand


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I've decided to throw my rebrand hat in the ring but instead of doing all the teams, I just did all the teams could use a rebrand in my mind, so I have nine jerseys. (Anaheim, Calgary, Columbus, Los Angeles, Minnesota, Nashville, Philadelphia, Vancouver and Washington)

Sadly the only resource I have is MS Paint so please try not to get to hung up on the Paint issues I have (name and number off center, white outline on logo, helmet logo not scaled, etc.)

I've started out with my favourite team, the Anaheim Ducks. The jersey is based on the 2003-2006 alternate jersey.


C&C welcome


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An important thing with this colour scheme is that you need to keep orange and gold as far away as possible from each other, else it looks like they're blending into a nasty pukey greeny-brown colour. Make the big centre stripe gold or orange and it will look worlds better.

With the third jersey, that would look better with the duck mask logo on its own, without the oval which I think only works for the shoulder patch.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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The updates are really nice, monkey.

hockey week and wildwing64 gave you some great advice.

I think that the original duck "skull-and-crossbones" is a classic, with historical importance (it was the logo in the movies where the Ducks were hatched).

The foot logo, IMO, is only shoulder patch worthy.

Looking forward to the rest.

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Thanks for the compliments :D

Calgary Flames:

Living in Calgary, I know the black isn't universally loved and I personally don't like the black. How many flames are black? Are they the Flames or the Charred Ashes ;)


Columbus Blue Jackets:I like the hat logo more than the star/flag logo and I think it fits the whole civil war theme more. I used their current jerseys and swapped colours. The sock design comes from the arm striping.



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I like the set for LA. It looks sharp, but they'd never adopt it now because of the black and silver's history. Try going back to the away jersey for the Wild. That's there best one.

On the bright side, everybody has brought life into this otherwise-moribund sub-forum.

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The updates are really nice, monkey.

hockey week and wildwing64 gave you some great advice.

I think that the original duck "skull-and-crossbones" is a classic, with historical importance (it was the logo in the movies where the Ducks were hatched).

The foot logo, IMO, is only shoulder patch worthy.

Looking forward to the rest.

It was not used in the original Mighty Ducks movie. This one was: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_88XBpzlFQCs/TUIp_pjDDKI/AAAAAAAAASM/pnB2YZrKuE0/s200/Mighty+Ducks.png

They used the skull-and-crossbones logo in future movies after the NHL team adopted the logo.




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The updates are really nice, monkey.

hockey week and wildwing64 gave you some great advice.

I think that the original duck "skull-and-crossbones" is a classic, with historical importance (it was the logo in the movies where the Ducks were hatched).

The foot logo, IMO, is only shoulder patch worthy.

Looking forward to the rest.

It was not used in the original Mighty Ducks movie. This one was: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_88XBpzlFQCs/TUIp_pjDDKI/AAAAAAAAASM/pnB2YZrKuE0/s200/Mighty+Ducks.png

They used the skull-and-crossbones logo in future movies after the NHL team adopted the logo.

Yes that jersey was from D-1 and after the NHL Ducks were a team and had the eggplant and jade jerseys, they used those in D-2 and D-3


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It was not used in the original Mighty Ducks movie. This one was: http://2.bp.blogspot...ighty Ducks.png

They used the skull-and-crossbones logo in future movies after the NHL team adopted the logo.

You're right, W. ...My mis-drake.

I still like the skull-and-crossbones-duck-mask logo the best.

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Vancouver: I used Johnny Canuck and the jersey from the 70's with the v's on the arms but realized that would be three v's on the jersey so continued the stripes. I like the black from the 90's but there are too many black teams for my taste so I used it as a third/retro.


Washington: I used the weagle and the original jerseys.



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