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nhl teams and new arenas


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Is there any possibility of any NHL teams getting new arenas in the next 5 years. I've heard that the Devils are moving to a complex in Newark, that the isles are considering joining the Nets, the Pens are a mess, and thats all I know about.

Anyone else know/heard anything?

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There's only 5 arenas left in the NHL that are 25 years old or older - Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Rexall Centre in Edmonton, Madison Square Garden and Uniondale Colisseum in New York and Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh. Most of the present NHL arenas are less than 15 years old, so I don't foresee (especially in these uncertain times) a whole lot of new arena construction for present NHL markets. The Devils appear to be headed to Newark if that arena deal gets finalized and I think it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that MSG will be replaced in the next 5-10 years. I don't think Pittsburgh is going to get an arena done and I've heard nothing with regard to Long Island's chances of replacing their rink. And I'm pretty sure the Wings will be at the Joe for quite a while. Since most NHL teams are playing in fairly new arena's I think the building wave of the 90's is going to serve the league fine for the next couple of decades -- assuming there's a league to be served.

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I didn't hear the Isles to Brooklyn rumor...Even though Nassau Veterans is a complete dump, it doesn't seem likely unless the team is sold, although the team's owner is embroiled in some kind of scandal at Computer Associates.

That'd be a hum-dinger...I hate the Islanders and for them to move 20 blocks away from me would just be too much for me to take.

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And I'm pretty sure the Wings will be at the Joe for quite a while.

Not necessarily. The City of Detroit wants to expand or replace Cobo Hall, Joe Louis Arena's neighbor, but there's no room left for expansion there. One of the plans has the Red Wings moving to a new arena built on land that Ilitch already owns behind the Fox Theater and the Joe being knocked down to make room for the Cobo expansion.

It would put the Wings, Lions and Tigers within a few blocks of each other down there, which means you can reuse parking structures and such and it brings more business to that area year-round (since there are no businesses by the Joe right now, it doesn't take much away from anywhere to do it).

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Not having ANY knowledge of history in Detroit Sports. How come the 'Wings can't/won't move in to The Palace. Having the Palace, why would the City of Detroit pass a Tax Issue to build ANOTHER Arena when the Palace is pretty new? The Vipers (IHL) and Neon/Safari (Indoor Soccer) played there.

Just Asking...

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Not having ANY knowledge of history in Detroit Sports. How come the 'Wings can't/won't move in to The Palace. Having the Palace, why would the City of Detroit pass a Tax Issue to build ANOTHER Arena when the Palace is pretty new? The Vipers (IHL) and Neon/Safari (Indoor Soccer) played there.

Just Asking...

Plus, the owner of the Palace also owns the Tampa Bay Lightning.

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Well, one thing the Palace isn't in Detroit. I guess the wings want to saty in the city of Detroit and have an arena that they don't have to share and get the full revenue from.

I believe that's most of it. Ilitch has full control of the Joe right now, why should his team and events become someone's tenant? Especially in an arena in the suburbs.

Also, I think the Red Wings organization wants to stay in a hockey-only arena because of the higher quality of the ice.

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Nassau Veteran's (closest arena to where I live) is indeed old, and Charles Wang's been working on a bunch of schemes to replace it since he bought the Islanders. The most talked about idea is simply to build a new arena right across the street from the current Coliseum, since there's currently nothing there but some parking. The new arena would be built, the old Coliseum would be torn down and turned into the new parking, I believe. Construction is supposed to have started a few times already, but without any results as of yet.

A new Garden is a different issue. There's a lot of controversy right now over both the Brooklyn Arena that Bruce Ratner wants to build for the nets AND the proposed West Side Stadium for the Jets. With all of that development and controversy going on, it's unlikely that the (very unpopular) Dolan family will ask for a new arena until the hype dies down. The place has some narrow as woah hallways, but it's an intimate hockey environment. I'd hate to see the Garden replaced with some megarena where the seats are three days away from the rink.

As far as the Islanders moving to Brooklyn, I don't see it happening. That would move the team VERY close to the Rangers, and both would be inside the New York City limits. That abandons a whole lot of suburban Islanders fans and makes it much more difficult to get to see the team.




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Yeah i don't see the Garden shutting just yet, and NY is a pretty expensive place for real estate and land of any kind, so I think the Rangers are there for a bit yet. I can see the Islanders moving sometime soonish though.


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Well Brooklyn is technically part of Long Island.

Technically? Yes.

Is it really? No.

Brooklyn is on Long Island, but it's inside the NYC limits and not by a little bit. Not only is Brooklyn in the city, but it's got Queens as a buffer zone. Long Island is basically Nassau and Suffolk counties. Queens and Brooklyn, while technically part of our little glacial deposit, are not Long Island for any reason but physical location.




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Hey its true its true

Brooklyn and Queens are part of the Island though not considered part of Long Island since its part of NYC.

Keep in mind Long Ilsand University is in Brooklyn..



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I'm kidding...kinda. ;) (I am not THAT ignorant of my city's geography)

That said, Brooklyn isn't the place for the Isles. Too much deep-rooted loyalty/hatred to tear up (notsomuch with the Nets - nobody hates the Nets the way some people hate the Islanders).

Although I'm a Ranger fan and I can't stand the Islanders, it would be nice if they came to Brooklyn from the angle of cutting Charles Dolan down again.

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As EZstreet has pointed out, the Kansas City Star reported that the Kansas City Sports 101 Foundation (or what ever they call themselves) has been in contact with Mario L. - the Pens lease is up in 2007 and the if the votes in Kansas City approve a tax increase & bonds, we would get the Sprint Arena in downtown KC.

The Pens could move right in - however, there are a lot of big "IFs" - so I'm not going out and buying a Penguins Jersey just yet.

We are supposed to have some type of minor league hockey in KC next season - I cant verify that though.

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