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Super League Hockey---- Millionaires and Governors


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Okay kevsim1 I know you have been asked this before and maybe you did already answer so please excuse me if I missed it. My only issue with the Arizona Spikes is not the colors, those I actually like, but why the spikes only on one side?


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Okay kevsim1 I know you have been asked this before and maybe you did already answer so please excuse me if I missed it. My only issue with the Arizona Spikes is not the colors, those I actually like, but why the spikes only on one side?

I was asked that before? Oh, ok. I tried it on both sides, and it looked ok. I just kind of liked the one-sided, almost abstract feel. If there's a consensus that both sides would look better, I can redo it I guess.

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What if the Titanic uses the block H instead of the T? Not only is it because I think the city name should take priority over team name for using abbreviations in crests, but Toronto uses a large block T for their logo as well

Yeah, I've got that feedback before. Ill try it and you guys can decide.

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I have a few suggestions:

Montreal: The alternate logo definitely needs a thinner outline

Arizona: I've always thought that the primary logo should have spikes on both sides, but until you show us I can't be for certain. The cacti striping on the socks doesn't work. The number font is something that needs to be addressed, it makes the 1s look like 7s.

Ottawa: The alternate is very similar to a certain Senators' alternate logo, so I'm not sure how that'd fare in real life. It might work after the team histories are introduced, though.

Boston: I'd like to see how the rope around the primary would look when used as striping.

Jacksonville: The primary could do without the ladder, they clutter it up. The J fire hydrant would look even better if you gave it the texture of a fire hydrant.

Calgary: The jersey modeled after the scout uniform is good, but eliminating the 4 primaries on it would improve it even though they are supposed to be merit badges right?

I truly have enjoyed this series and you have improved greatly throughout!


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I have a few suggestions:

Montreal: The alternate logo definitely needs a thinner outline

Arizona: I've always thought that the primary logo should have spikes on both sides, but until you show us I can't be for certain. The cacti striping on the socks doesn't work. The number font is something that needs to be addressed, it makes the 1s look like 7s.

Ottawa: The alternate is very similar to a certain Senators' alternate logo, so I'm not sure how that'd fare in real life. It might work after the team histories are introduced, though.

Boston: I'd like to see how the rope around the primary would look when used as striping.

Jacksonville: The primary could do without the ladder, they clutter it up. The J fire hydrant would look even better if you gave it the texture of a fire hydrant.

Calgary: The jersey modeled after the scout uniform is good, but eliminating the 4 primaries on it would improve it even though they are supposed to be merit badges right?

I truly have enjoyed this series and you have improved greatly throughout!

Thanks JoHyphenE! I'll work with some of those. Here is the new Halifax.


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Something about the Jacksonville logo didn't seem right but I couldn't put my finger on it, but now I see what it is. With the fire hydrant in the center, only the J appears to be flat. The rest of the logo aside from the hydrant is also flat, so the three pieces of the hydrant that aren't flat seem very awkward in the logo.

As for the ladder, I have no clue. Maybe a nod to the late striping of the NHL Canes?

Yeah, I can work on that. No, nothing about the Canes... Any more guesses?

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