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My take on Team Canada 2014


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I've been messing around with a new style of presentation for my concepts as well starting to use Paint.net more to it's potential. The way I have it laid out is similar to a few people on here as I think it's a bit cleaner and more organized. I've done a few already but this is the first one I've posted messing around with Paint.net.

I've also done an updated Nike template with the new faux laces... The back of the jersey is only a guess as we have yet to see it.

For Team Canada, I've gone back to the 1955 Penticton Vees jersey style but without the blue. It looks very similar to what Canada currently wears but with the 3 stripes instead of 2. I've also gone with the classic arched "Canada" over top of the maple leaf, much like the 1955 jersey. For the collar area, I've added 8 maple leafs to represent the 8 golad medals that Canada has won at the Olympics and I've added on the inside of the jersey "We stand on guard for thee". I felt this part of the anthem suits the team well as they will be "guarding" the gold medal as they are the reigning gold medalists from Vancouver. I've also added the Sochi logo on the bottom of the jersey and added the COC "Team Canada" logo to the right sleeve. Any C&C on the new stuff that I've been trying (template, presentation, messing with Paint.net) would be great.


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I love the old-school maple leaf. I usually don't like arched text on crests, but in a case like this when the logo is the main focus, I don't really mind it (plus, it adds a little something to what would otherwise be a plain crest). I think the maple leaves around the collar are a nice touch, though I'm not a fan of the faux lace-up collar (even though we're likely gonna end up wearing it). I would bump the hem stripes up a bit, because there's a bit too much space between them and the logo. Also, I'd change the number font. The one you use is pretty chunky, and I think the standard one Team Canada uses would be better. The NoB font is fine, but I'd add an outline - it looks odd when the numbers have an outline but the names don't. And for the captain's patch, it gets lost on the yoke with the black outline; use a white outline instead like they did in Vancouver and it would look much better.

Fix the problems and you have a great-looking set that I would probably buy. Given how the US and Russia look, it'll probably be better than what they actually wear.



Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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  • 4 weeks later...

Biggest mistake: using a nike template. Nobody likes the "faux laces". No one on nike's design team has the capacity to design a good looking jersey for ANY sport. Also, Canadians want jerseys that are MADE IN CANADA! At least use a template that resembles a Hockey jersey, buddy. I know your intentions are good, but C'MON!

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You have to be kidding me, right, BillMan? I mean welcome to the CCSLC but also welcome to the CCSLC, know what you're saying before you post.

1. He did it on this template it's the template being used in the upcoming olympics, if he was making a 'general' team Canada concept then yeah I'd strain away from the faux laces but he's focusing on making the best of the 2014 template.

2. Don't speak for others like that, as a Canadian I don't care if the jersey is made in Canada or not. I'd like it to look good, that's what I want.

As for the concept... I really like what you have going on here. You've taken some of the great elements from the previous uniforms and successfully brought them over to this template. Though I personally don't like the faux laces, you've made the best of that and I actually like the maple leaves located near the collar, a great touch from what the new uniforms had. The logo I must say is pretty nice too, it's simple in the case where if it was just the leaf or script I wouldn't like it but the simple, unoutlined combination looks great.

Great work overall!


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Great work! A gazillion times better than what they're actually going with

One thing I may suggest is put a little more black on the sweaters, perhaps between the stripes or as a stroke around the logo

Are you planning on doing more countries? because i'd love to see more

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