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A story in today's paper put Dallas as the front runner to pry Shaq away from LA LA Land, providing that the Mavs give Dirk Nowitzki in return (this is probably what it would take). I'm not sure what to think of that trade should it go down. It'd be good for Dallas in that they get the center they've long been lacking. It'd also be bad in that they'd trade away basically the cornerstone of the franchise. If I were Cuban, I'd try like mad to get Shaq without giving up Nowitzki (maybe trade Antoine Walker, Mike Finley, and Antawn Jamison). I consider them to be the most expendable on the roster. Josh Howard could take Finley's spot, & Marquis Daniels could take over for Walker. This would be, IMO, the best and cheapest way to get O'Neal...

What do you guys think? Is Dirk Nowitzki too much to give? Would LA take Finley? Can Mark Cuban pull this off?


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This is my problem with any trade involving Shaq. The Lakers are gonna want more than anyone will want to give. Its a unique situation, a genuine great, who most teams would love, looking to leave a team most players would love to join, however I kind of doubt if a deal with anyone can get done. The Lakers are gonna want a franchise player in return, and its a big ask from the lakers to get a team to give up a franchise player for an ageing, albeit dominant, center.

maybe someone will give up enough to get Shaq, maybe the Lakers will be desperate enough to keep kobe to let shaq go for less than you would expect. But I for one would be surprised.


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Dallas just acquired the Wizards' 1st round pick (5th overall) for Antawn Jamison. They hope this will sweeten the deal for Shaq without giving up Dirk. Comments?


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Hmmm...contrary to ICS's belief, some people might actually find this interesting, myself included.

I wouldn't give up Nowitzki for Shaq. Dirk is the cornerstone of the Mavericks entire organization. He's the face of the team (at least the second face...Mark Cuban is a very high profile owner) and the player that fans regard most as their star. He's the best player on the team, and he's still young. Shaq is getting older, and although he's no doubt great, getting Shaq on a Western conference team doesn't necessarily mean you've improved your position. If they can get Shaq without giving up Nowitzki, which is more likely now that they've picked up a top five draft pick, THAT would be a good deal. I'd try not to give up Nash either...he's just so Canadian, it's cool.




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The general opinion on local (Dallas) sports radio seems to be that LA will not consider any deal that doesn't include Dirk. I guess it all depends how much leverage Shaq has in pressuring the Lakers to trade him. As for the Mavs, I don't think they will win a championship with the current nucleus. They absolutely have to change something, and an inspired and angry Shaq might very likely bring a championship or two. Still, Shaq is getting older, and I HATE to see Nowitzki leave. I really hope it doesn't come to that, but if you have a chance to get Shaq, you need to do it.

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im fuzzy on 98% on most nba players, with shaq as one of the few players i know. i would do what it took to get shaq.


General Magus Zeal

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