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Before I enter the Design College, I need a little advice...


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So, I use this logo in my concepts, as a fantasy brand. The Letters are J and R. The R looks more obvious. I'll start Design College and I like this too much to make a new logo. Do you think I can keep and develop it to a entire visual Identity, or create a new personal brand is a more sucessful bet?

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I think it's a good start. I like the style and colors you went with. The negative space between the letters almost looks like an 5 or S to me. You might play around with the angles between the letters a bit more to create something in this void. The negative space could be a logo in itself. If you stamped a black starburst or some simple and clean design of meaning to you there in the middle, you could have yourself an easy secondary logo for other applications. I think you'd be simultaneously adding more character to it. If you accentuate the "S" more, for example, you could have "J.R. Studio" or something along those lines. Even better if your middle name happened to start with an S. :P

My NFL concept series (in progress) --ATL, CLE, NE, WAS done. AZ updated 04/21/23.

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Maybe do something with the top of the J to make it stick out more? Adding another color always complicates things, but it'd be a quick way to make the J more noticeable. On the black background, my eyes go right to that negative space in the R, which is a little unfortunate since it doesn't signify anything as it stands now.

I don't mean this in a negative way at all, but... I think it's an adequate logo. Not everything is going to be some grand design masterpiece that people will be talking about 50 years from now. It's adequate; that's good. If the work that you slap this on is good, it will make the logo great.

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All I see is an R. The J is nowhere near distinguished enough.

I disagree. I think any enhancement to the J would make it too distinguished. I think it's fine as is.

I think it depends on where your eye hits it the first time you look at it. If you saw an "R" right away, then that's all you'll probably be able to see. I happened to see the "J" right away, so the fact that the R is so distinct makes it easy for me to see both letters clearly. It's one of those "once you see something you can't unsee it" kind of things, but maybe like the opposite.

I don't understand the panic here though - you're not a pro, you have plenty of opportunities to develop your identity while in school... developing your identity. Just go with what you have and adjust as needed.

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i think that is a fine mark. the J could be a bit shorter on the bottom though. i think it would be best if the mark filled a square space, not a rectangle. and dont be afraid to use your name in there either. there would be no confusion about it if you did that




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All I see is an R. The J is nowhere near distinguished enough.

I disagree. I think any enhancement to the J would make it too distinguished. I think it's fine as is.

I think it depends on where your eye hits it the first time you look at it. If you saw an "R" right away, then that's all you'll probably be able to see. I happened to see the "J" right away, so the fact that the R is so distinct makes it easy for me to see both letters clearly. It's one of those "once you see something you can't unsee it" kind of things, but maybe like the opposite.

I don't understand the panic here though - you're not a pro, you have plenty of opportunities to develop your identity while in school... developing your identity. Just go with what you have and adjust as needed.

One of my previous tries on it were with J apart from R, but it made the R dissapear.

I fled the idea of separated letters because giving distinction to J, it would sound like "Junior", and not like "Jay-Err"


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It would take me a second to figure out that's an R and not either a busted up 7 or just an abstract shape.

It's OK, but inferior to the single shape. I really wouldn't mess with it. Maybe enclose it in a square shape like someone suggested, or get creative with an enclosue (but not too creative.) You could experiment (and I mean experiment) with bevels or effects on the letters for different applications, but really - don't screw up a good thing.

"The views expressed here are mine and do not reflect the official opinion of my employer or the organization through which the Internet was accessed."

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I'm a fan of geometric stuff, so I'm really digging this one -- it's a lot better than your previous mark, as well.

The part that's bothering me, though, is the geometry of it. In 5 'segments', you've got 5 different line weights, and no two angles are the same. It might be what you were going for, I'm not sure. But if you want it to be geometrically-sound, I think looking at the angles and weights of the lines would be a good idea:


If everything is on a 45 like this, it's a lot easier to fit it to a grid and make sure everything lines up nicely. Taking the visually-heavy upper right corner of the R makes things a little more balanced, too, IMO. Here's what the final would look like if you did that:


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I'm a fan of geometric stuff, so I'm really digging this one -- it's a lot better than your previous mark, as well.

The part that's bothering me, though, is the geometry of it. In 5 'segments', you've got 5 different line weights, and no two angles are the same. It might be what you were going for, I'm not sure. But if you want it to be geometrically-sound, I think looking at the angles and weights of the lines would be a good idea:


If everything is on a 45 like this, it's a lot easier to fit it to a grid and make sure everything lines up nicely. Taking the visually-heavy upper right corner of the R makes things a little more balanced, too, IMO. Here's what the final would look like if you did that:


This is a nice try, Doug, but I think it looks too much rounded, too much fat. I like it more edgy, actually. I want to do a study of it in the end of every course period. You'll hear me again.

Well, In fact, I still have a long road to reach the Pros. Thanks to everyone for all the advice.

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